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Old 09-03-2009, 02:24 AM   #1
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Default Breakfast at Fosters

Breakfast at Fosters

The scene opens on the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends dining room. As always the incredibly long table is set and waiting for friends who come and go between seven am and nine am for breakfast. There are a few friends already sat there, Jackie Khones drinking some juice while the 'band' Pizza Party sit huddled to the far end of it discussing a new song over breakfast. Of course, all were careful not to talk while eating, put any elbows on the table, and to chew properly less they want to suffer the wrath of Mr. Herriman who was never too far away when rules were being broken.

It was here when the 'gang' arrived through the door that led out into the entrance hallway. Wilt bent quickly to avoid hitting his head as usual but was in mid conversation with Coco. Eduardo trailed behind them with Bloo shuffling along besides him.

"--I'm just saying, just because Eduardo dreamed that the house was smothered in marshmallows doesn't mean that it's going to happen." Wilt was saying as he pulled out his long legged chair to sit, but first grabbed four bowls with his one hand and began laying them out in front of his friends.

"Coco, cococo co co coco co..." Coco said wearily as she took her seat on the footrest that had become her chair.

"I'm sorry but since when did you begin to think Eduardo could dream of the future?" Wilt asked, curious if this was true or just another fabrication created by his friend in order to have a laugh at his other friend -- something Wilt did NOT find okay.

The bird-plant-airplane shrugged before reaching for her cereal box.

"Get that one Ed. No, that one. THAT one!" Bloo, cursed with incredibly small arms, couldn't reach his cereal box from the long line that stood down the centre of the long table -- so Eduardo was getting it for him. Just the other day Bloo had been caught out walking on the table - something Mr. Herriman had a lot to say about for a long time. So rather then face another hour-long scolding by the uppity rabbit, Eduardo had been designated as Bloo's long arm companion.

"Dis one?" Eduardo asked, lifting up a brightly coloured box.

"Yu-huh!" Bloo said, holding his hands out to take the box.

"I no can give eet to you." Eduardo replied.

"What? Why?" the short friend demanded, not especially enjoying being denied his Sugar Coated Sugar Coloured Cubes with flavoured Marshmallow stars.

"Es empty." the larger friend replied, and showed it by turning the box upside down and shaking it. Nothing, not even crumbs, fell out.

"Oh man!" Bloo whined loudly, "I hate it when people do that! They have the last of something then put it back! Then the next person who comes along to have the same thing find it's not there so they have to go and find the same thing somewhere else!"

"But Bloo- weren't you the one to finish that box yesterday?" Wilt pointed out.

Bloo, smartly, ignored the question. He leaned on the table, peered down to the far end where Frankie was at the moment setting the last set of cereal boxes on the table. "Hey! Frankie!!" he screamed.

"What?" Frankie yelled back from the far end.

"I need another box of Sugar Marshmallow Flakes stat!" Bloo yelled.

"What?" came the reply from Frankie again, who could obviously not hear Bloo since he was so far down the other end of the table she couldn't hear him.

"I SAID--" Bloo started, but stopped. Something had caught his eye on the back of the box Eduardo had just set down. He reached over and snatched it up. On the back of the box was a brightly coloured declaration of... well, let me spell it out for you.

Find the golden spoon inside our cereal boxes to win the chance of winning the FIRST ULTIMATE PRIZE!

It then listed many of the runner up prizes. Bikes, radios, a trip to Las Vegas, a swimming pool, free cereal for a year; many number of things. Bloo's tiny eyes widened, doubled, and tripled in size. First Ultimate Prize? And all the runner up prizes was great too! Of course, Bloo being Bloo, he wanted to win the FIRST ULTIMATE PRIZE. It was his right, no no, his duty to win!

So the goal was simple. Find the golden spoon. In order to find it, Bloo needed more boxes of the cereal. His eyes went to the long line of cereal boxes, scanning quickly for any others. Seeing none, he frowned and got down off his chair and marched his way past Frankie and into the kitchen. Of course his three other friends watched him go, before Wilt turned his good eye to Eduardo giving him a confused look.

"I no know." Eduardo said with a shake of his head, before grabbing his own cereal box but was shocked to stillness when Bloo's voice travelled down the table.


This caused everyone, including Frankie, to stop what they were doing and turn their attention to the blue imaginary friend as he came storming back out of the kitchen from whence he had gone. Bloo had quickly scouted the cereal supply closet and had grabbed every single box of cereal of which he needed, and was now carrying them back to his seat. He dumped the pile of six unceremoniously in front of his seat and sat down before ripping one of the boxes open, opening the bag of cereal within and began feeling around in the sugary breakfast goods.

Now he was getting even more confused looks, at least until he was opening his third and Frankie finally hurried over.

"Bloo!! Stop that!" she grabbed the box of cereal from Bloo, holding it away from him. "What do you think you're doing?!"

"Can't talk trying to find golden spoon." Bloo said as he grabbed another box; at least until Wilt grabbed it and pulled it out of his hands too. "Hey!"

"I'm sorry!" Wilt replied quickly, "But you can't do that! Whenever a box of cereal is open it has to remain open until finished and only THEN can we open another box of the same cereal. It's a rule." he explained just as quickly.

"What!? I've never heard of that rule!" Bloo shot back.

Wilt thus pointed to the wall, where a crocheted frame hung on the wall detailing just that. 'No two cereal boxes of the same shall be open at the same time'. It seemed Mr. Herriman couldn't think up a clever rhyme for it, so it was straightforward.

"...that wasn't there yesterday..." Bloo said.

Frankie sighed. "Look, Bloo, if you're really keen on finding this 'golden spoon' of yours," she eyed the back of the box with a weary look on her face, "I suggest EATING the cereal you open then open another one. That way there's no waste. All right?"

Bloo glowered dangerously but took the opened box from her, and set it down in front of him. As she walked away he looked at his three friends who were still watching him, and a wide grin crossed his face. Wilt subconsciously rubbed his shoulder, while Eduardo backed away slightly.

"C'mon guys! Help me out here, if you do, I'll... I'll... give you something awesome!" Bloo said finally, "Please please pleeeaaaassse help me out?" he clasped his hands together and batted his eyes up at them.

Wilt eyed the boxes of cereal. They were very different to his all bran natural cereal. Even Coco was reading the ingredients and her eyes looked a little unsure. Eduardo poked at an open box.


"C'mon Wilt, please?? Pretty, pretty, pretty please with sugar and gun drops on top?" Bloo asked, knowing all too well that Wilt wasn't the type of friend to ever say no to somebody in need. And if Wilt said yes, chances were Eduardo would agree too and then Coco -- not wanting to be the odd one out -- would join too.

The tall imaginary sighed heavily, but nodded. "Okay Bloo. Since you asked so nicely we'll help you out. Won't we guys?" he asked before looking to Eduardo and Coco who both, after glancing at each other nervously, nodded in agreement.

"YES!" Bloo cheered before pouring the cereal he had opened into his friends’ bowls until they were piled high with the high sugar content cereal.

Eduardo picked up a marshmallow star and squeezed it, before putting it back into the pile that now sat before him. Wilt was already dousing his in milk, hopefully to drown out the sugar that would be infecting his body. The tall friend liked keeping healthy, and eating right, so eating this kind of breakfast meal was against absolutely everything he stood for. But it was for Bloo's sake, and who was he to refuse his friend? It was impossible to do so.

Coco was already pecking away at the cereal, dry, and swallowing it quickly.

Bloo was shovelling the food into his mouth, milk or not, and even adding MORE sugar to it than before. Just how Bloo remained so active during the day was probably being explained right about now.

Finally Eduardo got the left over milk from Wilt, and poured it onto the cereal. It turned the milk a colourful blend due to the marshmallow stars leaking their colours. He stirred it a few times, clockwise, anti-clockwise, clockwise, anti-clockwise before lifting up the spoon and took a big bite. He made a face, stuck his tongue out and shook his head at first. Eduardo had never eaten so much sugar before!

Wilt was also looking less then pleased as he continued to eat the 'food' or, as he felt it should really be called, sugar on sugar. He could almost feel the sugar eating away at his teeth! But, something else was happening. His heart was beginning to beat a little faster, he felt hotter, and he could swear he could feel the blood rushing through his body as well. He however kept eating, because Bloo needed his help, and as a helper friend it was his duty to help. Even if his hand was beginning to shake like a rattlesnake. His mangled eyestalk was rattling so much it was attracting attention.

Coco was actually moving slower, a little more rationally. She pecked slower and slower, her eyes were beginning to become aligned and actually point in the same direction. She finished her bowl and pushed it away, shaking her head. After that she got up off her chair and walked away, wobbling a little from the sugar rush.

Wilt however literally flew from his chair once he was done. He grabbed his empty bowl and Coco's, as well as every other empty bowl on the table well within and out of his reach thanks to his arm stretching far longer than it normally would. He ran down the table, far faster then anybody had ever seen him and vanishes into the kitchen. Frankie, startled by such fast movement went into the kitchen to catch Wilt doing the dishes. It was like watching a red string of cotton being shaken as fast as it could, since he was literally moving that fast.

"Wilt? Are... are you all right?" Frankie asked nervously.

"Frankie hi yes I'm feeling great thanks for asking are you doing okay I mean you look okay especially for this early in the morning you know I always wondered just how you get up and do what you do each and every day and not go insane I mean you're really talented and I don't know what Fosters would be like without you but I know we're all doing our bit but I wanted to do even more today because I'm feeling so full of energy right now I think sitting still and doing nothing is pretty much a waste of time and the present hey did you know the saying that the past is history the future is a mystery but today is a gift that's why they call it the present I always liked that saying it's really poetic and symbolic about the subject of time and movement and memories and mysteries pertaining to the future and oh look I'm done with the dishes I think I'll go do the back yard work now okay see you later!"

Frankie stood in the kitchen that was suddenly empty, and clean. Not only were the dishes clean and put away but also the floor was mopped, the cupboards dusted and even the windows. "Um..." Frankie started, before hearing a startled yelp from the dining hall. Concerned, and a little annoyed now, Frankie rushed back into the room to see Eduardo sitting where she had left him. Only he looked very... wrong.

Electricity was sparking off of his fur, hooves, teeth and horns. His eyes were wide and unstaring as he continued eating the cereal Bloo was giving him. It looked like he hadn't stopped eating at all, Bloo re-filling his bowl every time one vanished. Frankie paled and moved over, mindful not to walk too close.

"Um... Bloo?" Frankie asked, "I think... I think Eduardo's had enough..." she spoke nervously, fighting the urge to back up like the other friends in the area had done.

"Relax he's fine, you’re fine aren't you Ed?" Bloo asked, looking up at Eduardo as if nothing were wrong what so ever.

"Si." Eduardo replied quietly, before going back to his cereal.

Frankie backed out of the room carefully, watching as the other friends gathered began to move and inch away from the large imaginary that was beginning to glow an odd purple colour.

She only hoped Bloo found that stupid gold spoon before something insane happened. Something insane, and messy, which she would have to clean up after.

to be continued
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Old 09-03-2009, 12:01 PM   #2
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This feels more like an actual episode than anything I've read in some time. I can definitely see Bloo getting obsessed with a cereal prize and stopping at nothing to get it. Looking forward to the next chapter!

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 09-03-2009 at 12:56 PM.
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Old 09-04-2009, 04:13 PM   #3
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Man, Wilt's reaction towards the sugar cereal was hilarious, like a gran of sugar's gonna kill him or something. Then due to such deficiency of said sugar, he goes on a sugar rush.

...Bloo REALLY wants that prize. I loved cereal prizes myself, so I can relate to that.
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Old 09-07-2009, 06:48 PM   #4
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I can totally picture your story and keep impersonating the characters. Keep going with your story CG!
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Old 09-27-2009, 02:58 AM   #5
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Default Short Chapter is Short

"Master Blooregard I must disincline to aprehend to your request. Breakfast cereal is, as its name claims, for breakfast and not for lunch consumption!"

Mister Herriman had been arguing this point to Bloo since lunch began at midday when the small friend had brought out the cereal boxes to continue his quest for the golden spoon. Of course Bloo had argued right back about how important it was that he find this golden spoon, that he enter the competition and win the ultimate first prize. The rabbit didn't seem to share his plight, so their arguement had been carrying on for ten minutes straight.

Coco and Eduardo were in their usual seats, both still looking frazzled from their breakfasts. The bird-plant-airplane friend still seemed eerily calm as she was eating her tomato soup and it was distressing those around her. Ringo Rango had even gotten out his raincoat since the bird normally made such a splash when having soup it would go everywhere. Now he looked like he was dressed up with no where to go.

Eduardo wasn't faring too well either. His fur was still looking like he had stuck his hoof into an electrical socket, and he was still glowing a faint purple hue. But he, unlike Coco, wasn't eating. He was content to sit there, staring vacantly ahead, with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Um... E-Ed?" Bloppy Pants was sat to Eduardo's left and was looking very concerned. "A-a-a-a-are you ok?" he stammered nervously.

"Si." came Eduardo's calm reply.

"B-but Ed you're... y-you're kinda glowing..." Bloppy Pants pointed out.

"Yeah man you're givin' us all tans." Jackie Khones added in an annoyed way as he was applying sunscreen.

Eduardo looked long and hard at Jackie for a moment before pointing to him. "You will be hurt, senor Khones." he said suddenly, not a threat, just a normal statement.

"What?" Jackie asked, "What do you mean by that?"

But Eduardo said no more.

Wilt finally burst into the room, while his speed had decreased he still had a severe case of the shakes. The tall friend made his shakey way to his seat and sat, looking like he was sitting on a paint thinning machine.

"Hey there Wilt, you doing okay?" Frankie asked since she was coming around with a tray of drinks to set out on the table.

"N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no w-w-w-w-w-w-wor-wor-wor-wor-wories F-f-f-f-f-fran-fran-fran-kieeeeee." Wilt replied shakily, his stammer even worse than Bloppy Pants.

Across from them Ringo Rango had removed his rain coat and set it over the back of his seat and was just about to tuck into his own soup when Wilt picked up his own spoon. Wilt was still shaking and as soon as he dipped his spoon into his soup it began to splatter everywhere. It splashed into Ringo Rango's face and stained his jumper; the Corkney friend sat there in silent shock for a moment before throwing his hands to the heavens and silently screamed in annoyance. He thus threw his chair back, grabbed his rain coat and stormed off to go clean himself up.

Despite Wilt's soup going everywhere but his mouth Eduardo still sat there, calm and serene as before. He wasn't even getting any soup on him, which was weird since he was sat right to Wilt's right.

"Yo Frankie," Jackie called out from across the table, where his size was helping in his avoiding of being splattered by soup, "You got my sandwich?"

"Oh gee Jackie I'm sorry," she said as she navigated around the shaking Wilt to put the drinks down. "We ran out of bread at breakfast and I haven't had a chance to get down to the store yet. I'll go right after lunch okay?"

Jackie Khones stared at Frankie, his one little eye wide as it ever had been before. All the sound in the house seemed to still as this fact bounced around in his brain.

"NO bread?" he asked.

"Nope." Frankie replied.

"No white bread?"


"Brown bread?"


"Wholemeal? Wheat germ? Whole grain? Roti? Granary? Rye? Unleavened? Pan? Fruitloaf?" Jackie was almost about to list all 300 types of bread in the world before he stopped, and looked at Eduardo who was looking at him. He pointed to Eduardo, "You knew. How did you know? Tell me, how'd you know Frankie was out of bread and I'd end up hurt because of it?"

Eduardo just blinked slowly while Frankie was giving Jackie the kind of look you gave somebody who was mentally unbalanced. She turned to Eduardo, "Ed, you know what he's talking about?"

The horned friend looked at her, but even Frankie could see there was something off in his eyes. Before she could ask anything else of him, like if he was well, Bloo arrived.

"All right fine we don't need your lunch meals anyway! Ed, c'mon!" he grabbed Eduardo's hoof and attempted to drag him off. This was unsuccessful of course, but Eduardo got to his feet and allowed Bloo to drag him off while Coco had began spoon feeding Wilt who was still shaking crazily.

"C'mon guys, c'mooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn~" Bloo whined from the door, watching Coco and Wilt remain in their seats.

Wilt gave a jittery nod and pulled away from the spoon Coco was holding in her beak and wobbled over after Bloo and Eduardu, leaving Coco at the table.

Frankie frowned. "Man. I should never have gotten that cereal." she muttered to herself.

"I agree." said a voice she had never heard before. Frankie turned her head in surprise, looking for the source of the voice. But there wasn't anybody she didn't notice, only the regulars.

"...huh..." Frankie said quietly, wondering if maybe she was working a little too hard lately.

Coco got up from her seat and walked out after her three friends, leaving the dining rom behind. Meanwhile Jackie Khones was sobbing into his soup, Fluffer Nutter patting his back trying to console him and his lack of sandwich.

Upstairs Bloo was waving Wilt, Eduardo and Coco into their room. He spied up and down the hall, making sure nobody was watching, then shut the door behind them. He found the three looking down at him, Eduardo still oddly glowing, Wilt shaking, and Coco just watching quietly.

"All right since that rabbit refuses to see reason we're going to do it the other way!" Bloo said as he walked past them towards the bunks he shared with Eduardo and, technically, Wilt.

"W-w-w-w-what a-a-a-a-re y-y-y-y-you do-do-do-do-doing?" Wilt asked.


Bloo lifted a floorboard and set it aside, before pulling out four bowls, and four boxes of the cereal and set them down on the floor. He had spoons too, but sadly no milk. So they were going to be taking this stuff straight, which, was probably a bad idea for all of them.

Coco eyed Bloo with a 'you have GOT to be kidding' look.

"B-b-b-b-bloo I-I-I-I've b-b-b-been th-th-th-think-think-thinking." Wilt said as he got down and sat on the floor, taking his box. "W-w-w-w-hy d-d-d-d-don't y-y-y-y-y-you a-a-a-a-a-ask ev-ev-every-every-o-o-everyone t-t-t-t-t-t-to h-h-h-h-h-help?"

"What are you nuts?" Bloo asked as he opened his box and emptied all but half of it into his bowl, "Then ANYONE could find the golden spoon and it's got to be me! And you guys, being my best friends, will of course give me the spoon if you find it. I'm not doing all this just for me I'm doing it for US."

His three friends exchanged looks, the kind that told you they were having great difficulty believing the person who just finished talking. But still, the three were Bloo's friends and they always came through for him just like how he came through for them (though in his own special way). Wilt shuddered (or maybe vibrated a little harder then normal) before reaching for his spoon.

to be continued
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Old 09-27-2009, 09:44 AM   #6
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Part of me wants to tear through a box of Captain Crunch or Frosted Flakes, part of me wants to avoid the stuff like the plague, but mostly I wanna know the identity of the voice Frankie heard.

Looking forward to more!

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 09-27-2009, 02:23 PM   #7
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Aw no, and I thought they arlready had enough of the cereal. Guess I was wrong. Or was I...? XD

Can't wait for more, this is looking really great.
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Old 12-27-2016, 12:53 PM   #8
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Pancakes for breakfast would be Bloo's choice.
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bloo, coco, eduardo, frankie, wilt

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