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Old 08-05-2009, 11:55 AM   #1901
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I remember Mrs. Doubtfire - I haven't seen it ages myself, so I probably should try and watch it again some time soon. For the longest time I would look back on that film and wonder whatever became of Mara Wilson. She seemed to be in pretty much everything when I was a kid (well, only three other films that I can actually think of, but at the time that was enough to make her seem pretty darn ubiquitous in my eyes), and I recall her being quite a talented young actress. Then she just completely fizzled. According to wikipedia she currently attends drama school, so maybe she hasn't dropped out of acting altogether, though I don't know if we'll ever see her on the big screen again.

For me it was...

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

A classic comedy - good-natured, hilarious and with a healthy layer of heart and poignency beneath the two leading characters' interactions. Actually, just seeing John Candy in anything is enough to leave it with a bittersweet tinge - I still miss him after all these years.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 08-05-2009 at 12:02 PM.
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Old 08-05-2009, 12:11 PM   #1902
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I LOVE that movie! It's a Thanksgiving tradition in my family. We must watch it every November at some point. It never, ever gets old. I'm a fan of both John's and Steve's, and like most everything I've seen that they've each done. I remember John passing, too. It was very sad, and shocking.

As for the last movie I saw, last night it was The Day after Tomorrow. I've always really liked that movie as it has to do with weather and scary situations that, although unlikely, could probably happen someday, in some way or other. I love their drive to survive the storm, and they did! A sweet budding "young love" story also added some cuteness, if you will, to the story line.

Hehe, a number of years ago over at, I was having connection issues and accidentally submitted my rating and review for the movie like six times. And I couldn't get rid of the multiples, so on my profile over there it appears it's my favorite movie of all time.

Last edited by Lynnie; 08-05-2009 at 12:12 PM. Reason: which "do" am I talking about here? Hmmm...
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Old 08-05-2009, 02:45 PM   #1903
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I think the last movie I saw was G-Force... XD
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Old 08-09-2009, 10:02 AM   #1904
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GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra

Talk about a wham bam action film but it was really hard to hear.....over its utter awesomeness ^^. True the movie royally screwed over the only characters I actually KNOW in Gi Joe (Cobra Commander and Destro) but as a whole the movie was an absolute blast and definitely what I would call a fun movie.

Its a summer blockbuster movie meant only to be fun and you really have to look at it that way otherwise you'll hate it. Its just for kicks and giggles, having fun and just not worrying about deep poetic dialog or crap like that which is all well in good, but sometimes you just wanna sit back and watch stuff blow up and "GI Joe" is definitely that kind of movie.
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Old 08-09-2009, 09:30 PM   #1905
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Titan AE, and it was epic. Fantastic film, especially in that I'm not a huge scifi fan but I found this quite enjoyable. There are some rough parts I admit where you wish Fox had spent a couple extra grand on the 3D CGI backgrounds but overall a great great movie.
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Old 08-13-2009, 02:11 PM   #1906
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Meet the Robinsons

A really fun movie that I really enjoyed. Especially Danny Elfman's score. The characters were really fun and I especially loved the meatball showdown at the dinner table (Franny's SO awesome! ). Not to mention a really lovely ending with a great song thrown into it. I really enjoyed this film.
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Old 08-16-2009, 04:03 AM   #1907
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Mamma Mia!

For the second time. This may well be the silliest, cheesiest musical-to-movie adaptation ever, but ADMIT IT - you liked it! I know I did. In fact, I think I'm going to have to look out for the dvd some time within the near future.


Home Alone

I watched this last week with my family in honour of the late John Hughes. I remember reading a review of this film many years ago which really stuck with me, suggesting that it might very well have been the "first family movie - certainly the first Xmas movie - about child abuse", and that the sheer brutality which Kevin inflicts upon poor unsuspecting Harry and Marv at the film's climax is, essentially, an outlet for his repressed anger at the negligent adults in his life. Truthfully, I do think that Harry and Marv are considerably less repulsive characters than a lot of the McCallisters themselves - and, of them, Catherine O'Hara's character seems to be the only one who properly atones in the end. As much as this movie has always tickled me, I've gotta admit that that whole element does kind of bother me.

In the film's favour, I do really like the stuff with Roberts Blossom (to see him in a slightly less innocent role, check out the 80s Twilight Zone episode "The Burning Man", which has been on my mind a lot lately since I recently read the original short story) - and the ever-wonderful John Candy. And of course Joe Pesci and Daniel Stern always had terrific chemistry as the "Wet Bandits".

Also to its credit, it does have a very powerful moral - namely, that bad parenting breeds sadistic children. This was even more evident in the sequel.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 08-16-2009 at 07:15 AM.
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Old 08-16-2009, 09:15 AM   #1908
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It's Elvis weekend on TMC, so right now is Jailhouse Rock.

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Old 08-20-2009, 07:11 PM   #1909
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Race to Witch Mountain

Starring AnnaSophia Robb, whom I've watched grow up from a little girl to the lovely young lady she is today. And playing a side roll was Mac's voice's older brother, Chris Marquette. The Marquette boys will always be adorable in my eyes, no matter how old they get.

It was much more sci fi and actiony than the other Witch Mountain movies. I like the magic involved and watching how they use their powers more than all the action, especially if it leads to something humorous. So I didn't like it as much as the others. But it was ok. I still think it was worth it for AnnaSophia and Chris.
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Old 08-21-2009, 07:01 PM   #1910
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Muppets in Space...

Hadn't seen it before, and while it's not as good as say "Muppet Treasure Island" it's still a good one.

Jim Henson's company always puts out good stuff.
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