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Old 09-06-2007, 07:10 AM   #71
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1. Squeeze The Day
We all know it. This episode has an awesome script for being so simple! I love it. I especially like to see the crazy side of Mac again, well, "crazy". You can really see where Bloo's personality comes from. It also had many jokes that spoke to the older audience

2. Bus The Two of Us
First of all, I believe this episode has the most beautiful backgrounds at times, but of course I like it for it's absurdness. I have never laughed so hard during Foster's like when Bloo just kidnapped Mac in school... it's so funny seeing Bloo drive that bus, acting as nonchalant as ever

3. Partying is Such Sweet Soiree
I didn't see this in many's lists... but I think this is an awesome episode! It's the first time we really see that other side of Mac that comes out once in a while. Overall just an hilarious episode, though. And Bloo driving Madame Foster's car was boss XD

4. Bloo's The Boss
Though I did not like the beginning that much, this episode is hilarious. Although, I think if it wasn't for the scene where Bloo starts talking to his puppets to the point where he wrecks the family's house to get back Chuck it wouldn't be my fourth favorite episode

5. Mac Daddy
Sure, Cheese is funny, it's not why I like the episode, though. I love Bloo's and Mac's interactions the most. The scene where Bloo realizes that Cheese is his "brother" and that Mac has been "cheating" on him has me in stitches

6. Frankie My Dear
One of those episodes you can just watch again and again and never (well...) get tired. My favorite part is when Frankie comes down the stairs and Bloo and Mac stalks talking gibberish XD I mostly like the scene because of Bloo, because I always try to figure out what he's saying

7. I Only Have Surpise For You
Awesome episode! It should've fooled the audience as well as it did with Mac (which I hope it did). Again Mac goes a little nutty... and being my favorite character, I really REALLY enjoy those scenes

8. Berry Scary
When I see this episode all I can think of "We ALL go a little crazy sometimes...". Berry was awesome and I'm sad she wasn't in any other episode I also likes seeing Mac and Bloo being the best of friends (that's what makes me want to watch the show!)

9. Camp Keep a Good Mac Down
"It's okay. I'll probably sink before the bear gets me!" ...oh Wilt. XD Wilt is my least favorite character mostly because he's the opposite of me, but in this episode I really did feel sorry for him. Also liked the scene where Mac falls for Eduardo's paranoia (Mac reminds me so much of Todd in Wayside and Squidward in SP sometimes)

10. Cheese a Go Go
It was hard choosing a tenth... but this episode really was funny. Mostly because of Eduardo, of course. But it had lots of little things that I liked about it, and I always enjoy episodes that torture characters (in this case, Frankie)
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Old 09-07-2007, 09:01 AM   #72
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1. Bloo's the Boss
This episode was just awesome to me. It showed a different side to Bloo, who isn't really my favourite character, but this ep just made him perfect. The reasons for my liking it are pretty obvious; Chuck was brilliant and I liked the scene where Bloo had to give him up (my six-year-old cousin cried for ten whole minutes after watching that scene... no kidding). Sharkhead and Purple have to be my favourite side-"characters". Bloo's "good deed" and the scene where Bloo tries to convince Mac that he has imaginary friends at Bloo's Foster's had me laughing incredibly loud (my aforementioned cousin stared at me). I guess I like silly humor. Anyway, this is my ultimate choice of a favourite episode and I stick by it.

2. Squeeze the Day
Mac and Bloo + empty mansion + eight hours = instant comedy. It's just too funny, from "Hot in Topeka" to Pierre the putter-of-ducks in the crystal pond, from the Foster's treasure to "adult movies", from Mac and Bloo running around like idiots to them eating a "sophysticated" meal! And the most awesome thing ever was a real bellytickler too. (Bloo looks much fatter than Mac, but maybe Mac has an overweight head... hmmm.) I was laughing the whole way through, so this is a good sticker in my book.

3. Say it Isn't Sew
Some people don't like this ep because there's not much going on in it. Others dub it "Bloo torture" but I think it's more like "Bloo being bored". I find it laugh-out-loud funny. I really love Bloo's "Groundhog Day" experience, along with his over-the-top efforts to get to the fair. And I can honestly say that it?s my fave episode of Season 5 so far, but it might be topped by one of the eppies airing next week. (What a time to write a list of my favourite episodes.)

4. Setting a President
A really enjoyable episode, I love the humor as well as the slightly emotional moments. I love how Frankie wins the election, despite Herriman and Bloo?s ridiculous attempts to knock her down. (?Frankie, Frankie, Frankie? is catchy, though.) It?s a great episode from the alphabetizing of the trash to Mr. Herriman deserving the pay he gets! (For those who haven?t seen it, that means from start to finish.)

5. Crime After Crime
It?s just so well written, with all it?s subplots and twists! Great comedy, and a lot of carrots!

6. World Wide Wabbit
Such a funny episode! It got me to keep on watching Foster?s after I was dissapointed with ?Trouble With Scribbles?, where I expected something like the pilot for some reason. (The pilot was the first ep I saw, in its true movie form, not some sliced up three-part version, and I absolutely loved it.) And I just kept on laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing and laughing

7. Bloo Done It
There?s just something about Bloo trying so hard to make Uncle Pockets look like a villain that I like.

8. Good Wilt Hunting
Great TV-movie, and we finally got to see all these creators that seemed to be a forbidden subject until then.

9. Bloooo
This doesn?t count as a torture episode, since everyone?s being tortured. I just love the horror movie theme and it actually did scare me at points (the thing with Frankie and the hooked imaginary friend).

10. Mac Daddy
The only Cheese episode I really like that much (Infernal Slumber doesn?t count, that?s number 11.) And you gotta love that absurd music. The first thing I thought when hearing it was ?What the??

That sums it up. I hope you?ve had a bit of amusement wasting your time reading this.
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Old 09-07-2007, 07:30 PM   #73
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I have yet to see all the episodes (curse you, Teletoon!) but I'll try and make a list as best I can.

1: Berry Scary/ I just love this episode! Berry is such a great character, and Delisle really brings the little psycho to life. I'd love to see her show up again.

2: Store Wars/ This is the first episode I ever watched when I started giving the show a chance. Frankie's expression when Mac is telling her about Bloo always puts me in a laughing fit.

3: Frankie My Dear/ This was just a wonderful episode. Orlando Bloom butting in at the dinner table is pure gold.

4: Crime After Crime/ The second episode I ever watched, it successfully reeled me in after Store Wars made me so enthusiastically bite. The writing is just fantastic.

5: Mac Daddy/ A classic if there ever was one.

6: The Big Cheese/ I love this one. The idea of focusing on Frankie trying to keep everything under control and desperately trying to be patient with Cheese was brilliant. Throw in Goo and you have something for everyone.

7: World Wide Wabbit/ This episode really appealed to me. Frankie was priceless in this one and it is nice to see Mr.Harramin get a happy ending. Plus the scene of him doing his dance for Madame Foster was very heart warming.

8: Bloooo/ This is another well written episode. The horror movie theme parody was pulled off wonderfully.

9: Bloo's The Boss/ A wonderful episode that showed the good side of Bloo that we don't see enough of. And Chuck is just so cute!

10: Bus The Two Of Us/ Wilt was easily the funniest part of this one. I just crack up seeing him try so hard to lie in order to help. And Bloo barking at a dog in another car at the beginning always gets me!

Honorable Mentions: Good Wilt Hunting, Foster's Goes To Europe, Neighbor Pains, Cheese-A-Go-Go.
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Old 04-21-2008, 06:38 PM   #74
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1. World Wide Wabbit - Lauren Faust
I liked just about everything about this episode--the plot development, the rhymes, the satirizing of the Internet, and to finish it off, Rappin' H-Dawg. I can't even remember how many times I've replayed it.

2. Bus the Two of Us - L. Faust, Meghan McCarthy
So many hilarious gags, and everything fit well in the end. I especially enjoyed how Goo turned out to be, actually useful, and funny at the same time.

3. Mac Daddy - L. Faust
In my opinion, the best out of all the Cheese episodes (he does annoy me a bit). As inane as they were, the play on words on "cheese" were quite funny to me. The best part were the Bloo's scribbly imaginations of what might have happened to Cheese.

4. Squeeze the Day - Tim McKeon
Instant classic, practically a dream for any 8-year-old and his best friend. Could have spared Wilt from the verbal abuse he took at the end, but then again, it might have been amusing to see what exactly he did to those jellyfish. Sadly, neither happened.

5. Frankie My Dear - L. Faust
Great plot and gags, but I'll admit I "cheated" myself by reading all about it here, and had built up way too much anticipation before actually seeing it. So, I was a bit disappointed after it was over. After having watched it over a few times, I thought some of its gags were repeated one time too many, like Princey's horrible pick-up lines and Bloo's "we're no match for blah blah" monologue. Some interaction with the other star characters (Ed, Wilt, Coco) instead would've been more interesting.

6. Let Your Hare Down - Rob Renzetti
I guess I like seeing Mr. Herriman act silly and whatnot. The one-line gags were great ("Whoa, where's the fire?" -- ""), and Herry's outfit, positively outrageous.

7. Squeakerboxxx - Craig Lewis
Despite the slightly annoying squeaking portions of this episode, Bloo's obsession and total disregard for others was portrayed quite well. The Game Hive scenes were great.

8. The Trouble with Scribbles - Craig Lewis
Very creative use for what seem like useless, boring imaginary friends. Sadly, in the end Bloo gets his wish at the expense of Frankie, but this doesn't even come close to that Lewis' other episode...

9. Setting a President - Adam Pava
Great theme for an episode, which shows who's boss around Foster's. However, watching Mr. Herriman's fate near the end wasn't all that funny. Bloo's mudslinging was so terribly bad, it was awesome.

10. Cuckoo for Coco Cards - Cindy Morrow, L. Faust
Another episode with a Bloo obsession, and with the surprising apology at the end. The whole plot around Bloo's card was brilliant.

Honorable Mention. The Buck Swaps Here - Charlie Bean, Craig McCracken
This is the episode I first saw while channel-surfing. I probably wouldn't have gotten into Foster's for maybe another few more months if I hadn't stopped to finish watching this episode, so I figured I'd mention it. It kept my attention long enough, but after watching all the other episodes, this one doesn't stand out too much. The best part was the Benny-Hill-like chase near the end.
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Old 04-28-2008, 07:30 AM   #75
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1.House of Bloos
2.Crime after crime
3.Fosters goes to Europe
4.Nightmare on Wilson way
5.Partying is such sweet soiree
6.Cheese-a-go go
7.A room with a feud
8.Mac daddy
9.Frankie my dear
10.Jackie Khones and the case of the overdue library Crook
"Mac-a-lacka, so glad you could make it."

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Old 04-20-2009, 09:20 AM   #76
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1 - Squeeze the Day
2 - Bloo's The Boss
3 - House of Bloo's
4 - Bloo's Brothers
5 - Foster's Goes To Europe
6 - A Lost Claus
7 - Challenge of the Superfriends
8 - Bus the Two of Us
9 - Bad Dare Day
10 - Who Let The Dogs In?

Not in any specific order; I'm still not sure which one is my ultimate favourite x).
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Old 07-27-2009, 01:41 PM   #77
Major Abbey
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As of this writing:

1. Setting a President
2. My So called Wife
3. Busted
4. Let Your Hare Down
5. World Wide Wabbit
6. Crime After Crime
7. Who let the dogs in?
8. Frankie My Dear
9. The Buck Swaps here
10. Nightmare on Wilson Way

Last edited by Major Abbey; 07-31-2009 at 08:15 AM. Reason: Updated the list
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Old 07-27-2009, 06:07 PM   #78
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I think mine are
  1. Go Goo Go
  2. Berry Scary
  3. Make-Believe it or Not
  4. Little Peas
  5. Something Old Something Bloo
  6. Destination Imagination
  7. The Trouble with Scribbles
  8. Emancipation Complication
  9. The Big Picture
  10. House of Bloo's
Why is it that good ideas are forgotten
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Old 07-28-2009, 10:46 AM   #79
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1. Hiccy Burp.

2. Frankie my dear.

3. Destination Imagination.

4. Foster's goes to Europe. Never seen it but I live in europe so yeah...

5. Adoptcalapyse Now. !!!

6. Make it Belive it or not!

7. The Big Picture.

8. The BSD and the Great Creator of Everything's Awesome Ceremony of Fun that he's not invited to.

9. The BSD and the Magic Poatato Power!

10. Nightmare on Wilson Way.

Last edited by PeterFoster111; 07-28-2009 at 10:47 AM.
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Old 11-11-2009, 03:54 PM   #80
Another Castle
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I've promised to write my top 10, and after some tough thought, I am ready (I'll write more specific reviews on each of the suitable threads). Many great episodes missed out:

10)Room With A Feud
A delightfully silly episode, with all competing for a "super-awesome" room. With the games getting increasingly ridiculous, with even Frankie getting in on it so she doesn't have to do any chores, we see a more selfish and greedy side to the four. Then Peanut Butter comes along. One of the best examples of the Fosters Five group dynamic, the ending is sweet.
9)Ticket To Rod
This one had mixed reviews, but I really like it. I love how Bloo has to listen to so many show tunes that it goes to his head! Mac is so naive yet utterly adorable, as he tries so hard to impress Frankie-all he wants is affection.
8)Bus The Two of Us
Squeeze the Day is a big favorite, and as great as that is, I think I prefer this one. A fairly similar premise, this time the the strongly-moralized little boy and the hyper IF are stuck with a big bus in the middle of nowhere, whilst Wilt, Coco and Goo do their best to make sure Frankie doesn't find out.
7)Bloo Tube
Not a lot of plot, but a silly 22 minutes of pure fun, something of which Bloo tries to put a stop to. Mac's adorable happy face brilliantly contrasts with Bloo's misery (which is why that image is my profile picture). The gang's videos are so lovably-goofy.
6)Race For Your Life Mac and Bloo
One of the best examples of and 's friendship, a childish competitiveness drives this episode, as we follow our hero's attempts to get back to Fosters. In Bloo's crazy mind, Christmas light will help you go faster. Mac's good behavior slows him down and his paranoia and anxieties kick in, and he eventually resorts to sugar!
5)Store Wars
A simple trip to the mall goes all wrong, involving massage chairs, security guards, pagers, jobsworth staff and cactus toys, with hilarious consequences! A neat running gag that Coco has no money is central to the story. Just what tone is Blooregard?
4)Cookie Dough
A rags to riches tale of greed and selfishness as the power goes to Bloo's head. Not even Frankie or Mr Herriman can help. Even though this is written for children, I really enjoy this simple story somehow. I liked the rise and fall of Fosters Famous Cookies, and Bloo's attempts at understanding the market.
3)Let Your Hare Down
Probably the funniest episode ever, not a single minute goes to waste. A basic premise but carried of extremely well, packed with witty lines, hugely varied forms of humor, and a brilliant happy/bored scene similar to Bloo Tube, but much crazier. Superb!
2)The Sweet Stench of Success
The rise of fame and the fall of Mac's faith are handled excellently, as is Bloo's pressure to cope with fame. I really felt sorry for him, as he has been so naughty and confident before, but here they both fall apart without each other. The window scene is so sad, yet it even packs a little humor!
1)House Of Bloos
90 minutes of pure excellence, this masterpiece made me a fan. Certainly not a typical episode, it is loaded with humor, sadness (Bloo's first night away), excitement, suspense, a strong villain, and a perfectly fitting story. I cannot pick fault with this. Outstanding dialogue too.

In all, I've seen about 35 episodes now, I have not yet seen Good Wilt Hunting, A Lost Claus or Destination Imagination. I have pretty big expectations for those!
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