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View Poll Results: Which Fosters character got it the worst?
Eduardo in "Land of the Flea" 1 2.50%
Wilt in "Where there's a Wilt, there's a way" 3 7.50%
Frankie in "Imposter's home for Make'em up pals" 15 37.50%
Mac in "I Only have Surprise for you" 13 32.50%
Goo in "Make Believe it or not" 0 0%
Coco in "Cuckoo for Coco cards" 1 2.50%
Mr. Herriman in "World Wide wabbit" 1 2.50%
Blooregard in "Bloo Tube" 3 7.50%
Other, please specify 3 7.50%
Voters: 40. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 06-16-2008, 07:20 AM   #31
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Actually, I think everyone got it really bad in those episodes, so I voted other
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Old 06-20-2008, 08:17 AM   #32
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Before I say this, I want to assure you all that it is not because I have a Bloo bias, or because I watched that Oprah special about puppy mills the other day. Well, maybe a little bit.

When I really think about it, I can't say there's many things worse than Bloo's imprisonment in The Sweet Stench of Success. I'll be the first to admit Bloo can be a buttface and he did pretend to be an ill impoverished IF, but that kind of payback is approaching Well Bendy Took A Cookie in proportional ridiculousness.

Like taranchula said -- he was forced to live in a dingy cage, never saw the light of day, and was worked half to death, isolated from the rest of the world except when he was doing a publicity appearance. And on top of it all, he was the meekest Bloo we've ever seen throughout. He's like one of those characters where when they don't have a snarky one-liner for a grave situation, you know it's really really bad.

Doesn't mean the "THAT WAS WEIRD" stars don't still make me giggle, though.
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Last edited by kageri; 06-20-2008 at 08:20 AM.
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Old 06-20-2008, 10:09 AM   #33
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Wow, this poll is getting interesting. I was actually going to put Bloo and the Stench of success up there but....I forgot my bad. Either way, I am really glad to see quite a bit of activity on this poll. I'm not too surprised though at which episodes are among the highest voted bad ones.

I actually am all for episodes where characters get a little "roughed up". There was an Animaniacs episode with Rita and Runt, where Rita spent the whole episode being smashed, smushed, and crushed by a bred in captivity gorilla who thought she was her old kitty toy. I love Rita and Runt but still.....I found it funny.

I think the point of these episodes is to make suffering enjoyable and that it can be fun......but as I said with the 2 Fosters episodes that are the most voted upon, its those episodes I feel do NOTHING for the show but come off as heartless, cruel, and mean spirited kick in the Johnsons for those characters.

These are the kind of episodes you do NOT do. I seriously see nothing of positive value about spending all that time, money, and writing to make 30 minutes of torture for one character. I mean when you think about it, it sounds kind of cruel to go out of your way to make an episode that ends up repetitively screwing over one character.

Another Mac episode I felt truly bad for was "One false movie". Mac got really bashed by Bloo with selling all his childhood toys for a stupid movie Mac didn't even want and Bloo ended up guilt tripping him into making more and selling more.
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Old 06-21-2008, 07:14 PM   #34
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I voted for Frankie in "Imposter's" but I always felt that Mac got it pretty bad in "Foster's goes to Europe". Getting blamed for something that wasn't his fault by his friends was pretty rough, if you ask me.
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Old 06-24-2008, 03:49 AM   #35
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I voted for Mac in "I Only Have Surprise for You". It hurt me even more than Wilt in "Where There's a Wilt,m There's a Way".

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Old 07-09-2009, 11:14 AM   #36
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I would choose frankie because at first nobody believed her and at last it turns out that goofball is an imaginary friend "how embarrasing"
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Old 07-24-2009, 09:39 AM   #37
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I voted frankie in imposters home for make em up pals.

Also, frankie also had the worst in:

Nightmare on Wilson way.

The Bloo Superdude and The Creator of Everything's Fun ceremony that hes not invited to. Frankensense.

Something old, something bloo. Performing in the retirement centre.

I have posted this already in the discussion thread for frankie but im just telling you what I voted for and some more frankie worst scenes.
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Old 07-31-2009, 08:32 AM   #38
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I voted for Frankie in "Imposters".

Also, and I'm not sure if I'm alone in this, but I thought Mr Herriman had a worse time in "Who let the dogs in" than he did in "World Wide Wabbit". At least at the end of "World Wide Wabbit", he was okay with it; in "Who let the dogs in", he was terrified for his life to such an extent he became a nervous wreck, and this was for most of the episode.

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Old 08-09-2009, 09:59 AM   #39
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Except Mr. Herriman has a phobia of dogs and being scared isn't as bad as being totally humiliated. Much like Frankie in "Imposters" which I STILL feel was the most painful of low blows to any character, though possible not as low as what Bloo barbarically did to Mac in "Surprise". Making a child terrified of his own birthday is pretty scummy.

But anyways, Herriman was totally embarrassed by that video because it not only disgraced him, but he also felt violated because it was a private moment between him and his creator. Plus Herriman is a very dignified person and unlike other inhabitants of Fosters, humiliation comes down much harder on him because of his pride upstanding nature. Least that's what I think anyway.
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Old 09-09-2009, 01:12 PM   #40
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You make a good point; at least no one was laughing at him in "Who let the dogs in". But to be honest, I think it depends on what you mean by "had it worst". If we're going by how humiliated they were, then "World Wide Wabbit" would be worse. I guess watching Herriman in "Who let the dogs in" reminded me a lot of the way I am around dogs; and that isn't a nice experience, trust me. I think they're both bad experiences, just indifferent ways.

Still, neither is really as bad as what Frankie and Mac went through in the episodes you mentioned.

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