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Old 06-21-2009, 01:20 PM   #2041
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City asks applicants for Internet passwords

I cannot even begin to describe how much this fracks me off. This is completely and totally unacceptable in every conceivable way. Whoever dreamed up this insane idea should be shot.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 06-21-2009, 01:50 PM   #2042
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People who moan and wail about an abusive user (not here), and don't do a thing about it. It is annoying and retarded, and I hate it. (If that isn't a good enough explanation, nothing is.)


Last edited by fosters home fan; 06-21-2009 at 01:52 PM. Reason: made it a tad longer for the staff
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Old 06-22-2009, 09:03 PM   #2043
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
City asks applicants for Internet passwords

I cannot even begin to describe how much this fracks me off. This is completely and totally unacceptable in every conceivable way. Whoever dreamed up this insane idea should be shot.
That's not cool...

? Long Live Jeremiah ?
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Old 06-22-2009, 09:07 PM   #2044
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It certainly isn't. It's none of the govermnent's damn business what people are doing on FaceBook or any other social network.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 06-24-2009, 04:36 PM   #2045
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Yesterday was a weird day at work.

It started out learning that the girl who was suppose to come in earlier and do the job I usually do was a no show, and the out-of-touch managers didn't realize she hadn't showed up until three hours later when the store was suppose to open. Well, if they had scheduled me to come in and do it like they should have, there would have been no worries. So a manager had to cashier for an hour until I came in. Haha, serves them right!

We were also getting ready for a visit from someone from corporate, and when we do that, there's a lot of cleaning and auditing and tweaking going on. And everyone's up tight because they're nervous about how the visit will go.

But the grand finale was a fight between a few customers! A woman and her teenage son had a Great Pyrenees (which is a BIG dog), and the son was holding the leash. The dog was an alpha, and decided it needed to put all other dogs in their place. It barked at every single freakin' other dog it saw. Soon the whole store was full of dogs barking, and it was giving everyone a headache, employees and customers alike. And the boy didn't even try to control the dog. He held tight to the leash, but let the dog lunge and bark up a storm, and didn't even try to get it under control. While up at the register, another lady at the next register had enough, and she started yelling at the boy about how he needs to learn how to control the dog, and the mother jumped in with "How dare you talk to my son that way!!" and a full on yelling and cursing match broke out. The boy, in trying to control the dog, hit the poor thing, and the other lady yelled at him even more. He finally threw the leash at his mom and stormed out, while the two women continued screaming at eachother. Our dog obedience trainer finally stepped in, took the dog, got it to be quiet, and finally the other lady finished checking out and left. But wow, I haven't witnessed anything like that in some time. It was veeeerrryy uncomfortable for five or so minutes.

Today was weird too. A dog collapsed just inside the door and started convulsing, and his owner started yelling at me to help her dog and get a vet even though I was the only one running a register at the moment and I had a line. I tried my best to stay calm in order to keep the other customers calm, and paged a manager up right away. But our manager was way in the back and it took him forever to get up there. By the time he did, one of our dog groomers had run into the vet clinic on the other side of the store to get the vet. The vet and the groomer carried the dog, still convulsing, into the clinic. I never heard if it was ok or not, I sure hope it was. But that was another very uncomfortable few minutes.
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Old 06-24-2009, 08:17 PM   #2046
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Based on your day L - I am glad I have the job I have! I would have been like that dog convulsing if I was in your shoes!
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Old 06-24-2009, 08:34 PM   #2047
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I'm glad you have the job you have, too. I certainly don't have a glamorous one. Eh, but it pays the bills.
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Old 06-26-2009, 09:17 AM   #2048
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
The sims to me now just look "too" realistic, when in real life, not EVERYBODY has super smooth skin, (Even wrinkles for elders make them still younger than they could be) or having a "chunky" feeling (not that they're fat, it's just something I can see for some reason).

The fun with Sims 2 was that even though they were supposed to look like humans, they weren't, and it showed nicely. With Sims 2 you could enjoy yourself making lovable faces and appearances, built up with creative personalities and aspirations and preset goals (of course could be changed XD), whereas thus far, I've yet to see a decent Sims 3 sim. I think the makers focused more on reality and less on creating itself.

On the basis of the game speed, I think it was a good idea to make the hours in the game longer lasting (more time to do things, for example), and would make it more efficient and you wouldn't need to pause the game when you have "OMG ONLY FIVE SECONDS LEFT BEFORE YOU'RE LATE FOR WORK/SCHOOL/ETC ONOES" (Heck, that was my deal, at least). This would also eliminate the "limited time" thing where it seems to take forever before you get something done when in real life, it time wouldn't pass that quickly; or so the sims won't age too quickly (I played my family's lot a lot and now I'm almost an adult, it's too soon ). A minute's a second, but sims move like a second's a second. But apparently EA went and overdid it.

WHAT? You can only play ONE family at a time? That's bull. Seriously. And you can't make your own neighborhoods either??

Now, I do not have the game nor do I intend on buying it (the fear of SecuROM or whatever they put in there, the peoples' reviews on the game, also I just don't want to buy it), but this is what I think about the game. I think Sims 2 is just funner, freer, so to speak. Even if the game speed's a tad too fast for me.

And I highly doubt that the sims are any smarter.
My father bought me The Sims 3 and I'm sorry to say I agree with you completely ("sorry" because it was quite expensive). I just don't find it as fun as Sims 2.

There are actually a lot of things that tick me off, but the only one I can think of right now is how badly Disney has sold out with Cars. No offense to any fans of the movie, but I didn't really like it much and I certainly don't see why they have to milk three years worth of merchandise out of it. It's particularly annoying when I'm searching for merchandise for movies or shows I like and can't find any, or struggle to, while this stuff is EVERYWHERE. And no, I'm not happy about the sequel. This business nearly put me off Pixar altogether; which is a shame because their other movies are brilliant.

Last edited by Major Abbey; 06-26-2009 at 09:18 AM.
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Old 06-26-2009, 01:34 PM   #2049
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Originally Posted by Major Abbey View Post

There are actually a lot of things that tick me off, but the only one I can think of right now is how badly Disney has sold out with Cars. No offense to any fans of the movie, but I didn't really like it much and I certainly don't see why they have to milk three years worth of merchandise out of it. It's particularly annoying when I'm searching for merchandise for movies or shows I like and can't find any, or struggle to, while this stuff is EVERYWHERE. And no, I'm not happy about the sequel. This business nearly put me off Pixar altogether; which is a shame because their other movies are brilliant.
They're still pumping out merchandise for "Cars"? Geez... Oh, well. It is Disney, afterall. They're pretty much willing to pump out every last bit of profit with any succesful film/TV show these days... No matter how old the film/TV show is.
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Old 06-26-2009, 03:55 PM   #2050
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Don't know what it is with people who make arrangements and promises and then think it's great to break them without warning.
"There's no promise of safety on these second-hand wings, but I'm willing to find out what impossible means" ~ "The Melting Point of Wax" - Thrice
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