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Old 05-14-2009, 06:40 AM   #651
Imaginary Light
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Geez, that sounds like loads of fun. Glad to hear it's up and running again though, and I'll be looking forward to more crazy Foster's Valley adventures.
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Old 05-14-2009, 07:45 AM   #652
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
Foster's Valley is back again.
Wonderful news. And don't forget, you promised my Sim a new stereo.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.
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Old 05-14-2009, 08:56 PM   #653
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Glad to hear your computer issues have been resolved, at least temporarily. Man, a lot of computer problems have been going around lately, huh? Almost feels like it's a computer "cold" going around the forum here.

I look forward to seeing the FV characters back in action.
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Old 08-08-2009, 11:51 PM   #654
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Frankie slept fitfully that night, wound up from the events of the past few days. When she woke up she was still a little tired but eager to get on with the day, excited at the prospect of finally having Miri back in her life and determined to teach Dylan a lesson he'd never forget. First things first though, and after a quick shower it was time to check out:

"It's been an interesting vacation, Marty," she said to the bellhop. "Can you call me a cab?"
"Already done, Miss Foster," Marty said. "I heard about what's been going on, with you spending your time trying to chase down your Imaginary Friend. I'm sorry you didn't have the relaxing week you'd planned on."
Frankie waived it off. "Things happen," she said. "Maybe I'll come back here someday, after things calm down. This really is a great hotel, and a beautiful island with a lot to see and do. Nice people here, too."
"Oh, I've no doubt you'll be back someday," Marty smiled. "We'll look forward to seeing you again." He started to say something else but was interrupted by the sound of a helicopter landing outside. "Ah, your ride is here," he said.
Frankie looked at him in surprise. "You called a helicopter to take me to the airport?"
Marty smiled again. "Complements of the Twikki Island Hilton," he said. "Faster than a cab, and after all, we are a full service hotel."
Frankie smiled, thanked him again, and was out the door, heading for her aeriel ride:

And with that, she was on her way to the airport. It was an uneventful flight, albeit a noisey one. She had to shout to make herself heard over the sounds of the rotors as she pulled out her cell phone and made a call.
"Hello, Duchess? I need a favor..."


Dylan approached the door to a back room in his basement, carrying a plate bearing a bologna sandwich. Miri had been locked in there for a couple of days; in that time, he'd forgotten to feed her. When he'd found her at the airport she'd been finishing a Big Mac so he didn't think she'd be too hungry. Besides, didn't Imaginary Friends eat less than real people? He didn't know; he'd never had one of his own. He'd never known Frankie had one either, until she approached him, Big Mac in hand, and asked, "Hey, dude, how do I get to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends?"
"Creator threw you out?" he asked, not all that interested.
"No, she works there."
"What? Waitaminute, you... you're Frankie's Imaginary Friend??"
"Yeah, you know her? Frankie Foster?"
Dylan pulled out his wallet and showed Miri a picture of Frankie. "She's my girlfriend," he lied. The plan formed in his head on the spot. "Foster's was closed for renovations yesterday," he continued smoothly. "Won't take long, maybe three or four days. Frankie's staying at my place until it's done." Things fell into place from there. Miri wasn't too sure at first but a few more believable lies, playing on her intense desire to be with Frankie again, did the trick. During the drive back to his house she'd babbled constantly about all the things she'd gone through in the past 17 years as she tried to get to Foster's; he barely heard any of it. He was thinking only of finishing his interrupted date with Frankie. When they got home, he'd led her down to the basement, where "Frankie's room" was, and while he felt a pang of guilt when she looked surprised to see that Frankie wasn't there, and another when he said, "You'll be staying here until Frankie and I finish our date" and locked her in, he brushed it off. He had other things on his mind.

Dylan opened the door. Miri was sitting on the lone chair in the room, legs and arms pulled up in a fetal position. When she saw him she pulled her sweater over her face, seeming to try to retreat into herself. Dylan really didn't feel too good about this. He spoke as soothingly as he could.
"Hey. You okay?" No response. "Look, I'm sorry, really, but I had to do this." Again, no response. "Are you hungry? I made you a sandwich." One of Miri's big eyes peaked over her sweater; Dylan thought he saw fear in it. "I'm not going to hurt you. C'mon, you've got to eat, right?" He moved the plate closer. Miri's hand tentatively reached toward the plate; Dylan extended it closer to her. Miri reached for it, and with surprising speed and strength, grabbed his arm, pulled it close, and sank her teeth into his wrist. It wasn't fear he'd seen in her eye; it was pure, calculating malice.
"YEEEOOWW!!!" he yelled as he jerked his arm back. The plate landed on the floor and broke; Miri scooped up the sandwich and began eating it. "Sheesh, kid, what's wrong with you?!"
"What's wrong with me?" Miri growled as she ate. "You lied to me about my creator, locked me in your basement, didn't bother to feed me for two days, and you're asking what's wrong with me?? What are you, a retard?" She finished the sandwich and advanced on Dylan, yelling all the while:

"Listen, you putz, I have been trying to get back to my creator for 17 years. I've been towed out to sea on a garbage barge, had to cut my way out of a fish, gotten lost in every lawn between here and who knows where, fought with mice, rats, crabs, ants, and everything else, and when I'm almost at Foster's, bam! Frankie's grandma packs up the entire friggin' house and moves all the way to the Valley, and I have to start the entire trip over again, except now it's like ten times longer than before! So what happens next? I get to the Valley, I start growing from grape size to child size, then there's a huge blank spot in my memory and I'm on that island, hiding from the social worker, shacking up with a ghost, and trying to get enough cash to get to the mainland so I can finally be with Frankie again, and I'm almost there, and then you trick me and lock me in your :censored: basement to try to force my creator into a relationship she doesn't want!"
"Wow," said Dylan. Miri had obviously been through a lot. "Look, she does want to be with me, ya know-"
"Yeah, right, Dylan. Oh, did I tell you I figured out who you are? While trying to get to Foster's I saw the cartoon. Took me awhile but I put 2 and 2 together while starving down here. Sheesh, you're a jackass. Trust me she doesn't want anything to do with you. Me, on the other hand," she scooped up one of the sharp pieces of the broken plate, "I'd just love to spend a little time with you." She advanced on him again.
"Good grief... what kind of Imaginary Friend are you?!?!" Dylan said, axiety rising in his voice as he backed away.
"I'm the part of Frankie that she wasn't allowed to express," Miri growled, her voice tinged with anger. "I'm her mischief and her playfulness, the part that doesn't want to grow up. I'm the part that doesn't want to be nice and sweet and a proper young lady, the part that wants to strike back at what hurts her. What kind of Imaginary Friend am I? I'm your worst nightmare, Dylan Lee. I'M FRANKIE FOSTER'S DARK SIDE!!!" She lunged at him with the shard of broken plate. Dylan bravely shrieked, ran out the door, and slammed it shut as fast as he could. On the other side, Miri howled in rage:

While Dylan, badly shaken, did his best not to wet himself:

It began to dawn on him that this whole plan migh be a very, very bad idea.

To be concluded in the next post.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 08-09-2009 at 06:57 PM. Reason: Removed typo.
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Old 08-09-2009, 12:24 AM   #655
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
There she is! Aw, she's cute! Dylan'd better not hurt her!
Heh heh hehehe, looks like she's taking well enough care of herself to worry about Dylan hurting her.

I'm loving the whole story, keep it up Cass! It's great seeing a post in this thread again.
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Old 08-09-2009, 06:48 AM   #656
Imaginary Light
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OMG, that last picture of Dylan practically wetting himself still has me laughing.
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Old 08-09-2009, 11:26 AM   #657
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That is just great! Dylan deserves all that is coming to him! It must be nice to get picked up and flown back on an HH-65 Dauphin helo!
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Old 08-09-2009, 02:27 PM   #658
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Oh man....Dylan's in for it now.
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Old 08-10-2009, 07:33 PM   #659
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Dylan is BUSTED!! I wonder how Frankie's going to respond to this!
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Old 08-12-2009, 09:51 AM   #660
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That was awesome XD.
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