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View Poll Results: How do you rate the series finale of Foster's?
A - Foster's went out with a bang! 40 75.47%
B 7 13.21%
C 4 7.55%
D 1 1.89%
F - A bust. 1 1.89%
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Old 05-10-2009, 07:17 AM   #71
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Oh. My. God.
This was the best episode *ever*.

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The beginning was.. I honestly did believe Bloo was gonna get adopted ^^;. Bloo trying to be nice to Mac was a nice touch. I already knew Mac was moving *accidently read a spoiler*, so that was no surprise, but.. It hadn't really hit me that Foster's had ended until I saw this episode :/. And halfway through it just kind of.. hit me, and when I saw the end, with the house fading away, I cried for a good few minutes D:. That was the best ending, bar NONE. And the ending credit was beautiful. Thank you, Craig and Lauren, thank you.

As for the episode.. I loved how they got loads of characters and references to past episodes in before it ended. I was hoping that Mabel Licorice would, at the very least, make one final background appearance, and she did. The jump the shark reference was awesome, and the goodbye card.. I paused it and looked at all of the signatures - even there they got as many characters in as they could. Including Eurotrish and Bowling Paul! (I'm not a huge fan of Bowling Paul, but, you know, yeah.) It *was* a little disappointing that a few names were repeated on the card, but other than that, it was okay. And I don't know if anyone else noticed it, but Craig McCracken signed the card, too! It's just below that blank space that Bloo is about to sign on before that painter friend writes in it.

Also, the part where Wilt and Mac are playing basketball... aww =) Must have been nostalgic for Wilt.

Foster's certainly ended with a bang. This is probably the first show I've ever seen - that I'm a real *fan* of, not that I just watch because there's nothing else on - that has actually been still running. And the downloading, and lurking here, and checking the TV guide this past week for Foster's..

..You will be missed, Foster's. We will never forget you.
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Old 05-10-2009, 04:13 PM   #72
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(Again, spoiler tags aren't necessary after an ep has aired all over the US.)

My favorite signature in the card was...Red's!

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Old 05-10-2009, 04:22 PM   #73
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Huh, I guess that means he's still in the House somewhere and not yet adopted, then?

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Old 05-10-2009, 04:34 PM   #74
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Well Bowling Paul signed the card too and he shouldn't even be AT the house. Because if he is, that would be sad, because it would mean something happened to his creator I guess. :/ I mean, I guess the artists just had as many characters as they could remember sign the card whether they ought to be there or not, so you don't have to "accept it" as canon or whatever. That's just what I think. Especially considering Craig McCracken signed the card, as well as the fact that the first names of some of the show crewmembers appear randomly here and there.
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Old 05-10-2009, 04:36 PM   #75
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True. There's a lot of possible ways to interpret all that.

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Old 05-11-2009, 02:40 AM   #76
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I notice that Wally signed the card too.

Ah, but which Wally? Wasn't the brick wall IF who tried to obstruct Duchess's re-entrance into Foster's at the climax of Duchess of Wails also called Wally? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

(Nice to see Red acknowledged again in one way or another. Though jeez, I really do hope that Bowling Paul isn't presently residing at Foster's. I always thought it was kind of sweet how his creator had evidently stood by him long into adulthood, in spite of his being such a lousy bowler. Paul may seem like all too easy an IF to sneer at, but that alone suggested to me that he must have had other, more important qualities.)

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My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 05-11-2009 at 04:07 AM.
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Old 05-11-2009, 12:04 PM   #77
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Originally Posted by jekylljuice View Post
(Nice to see Red acknowledged again in one way or another. Though jeez, I really do hope that Bowling Paul isn't presently residing at Foster's. I always thought it was kind of sweet how his creator had evidently stood by him long into adulthood, in spite of his being such a lousy bowler. Paul may seem like all too easy an IF to sneer at, but that alone suggested to me that he must have had other, more important qualities.)
It could be that Paul and Bowling Paul drop by Foster's from time to time at Madame Foster's request to show people that they don't have to give up their Imaginary Friends. A family comes to the House to drop off an IF, one of the staff senses that they're wavering or otherwise reluctant, they call in Paul and Bowling Paul to help convince the family that giving up their IF isn't the only option. Kind of a nice idea, now that I think about it.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 05-11-2009, 04:15 PM   #78
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
It could be that Paul and Bowling Paul drop by Foster's from time to time at Madame Foster's request to show people that they don't have to give up their Imaginary Friends. A family comes to the House to drop off an IF, one of the staff senses that they're wavering or otherwise reluctant, they call in Paul and Bowling Paul to help convince the family that giving up their IF isn't the only option. Kind of a nice idea, now that I think about it.
That is such a great idea! I like that. Of course Madame F and Mr. H could also do it.

And added to the VHS that I managed to record the episode on, I now have a DVD, with all five. I'm glad I have them on a device that will last a whole lot longer.
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Old 05-11-2009, 06:28 PM   #79
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I looked through the signatures (Looking for Eduardo's, Coco's, Frankie's and Wilt's) and I saw one of them in pacticular that got me clueless:

...Who's Wojo? Is that the fake Mojo Jojo from the Powerpuff Girls?
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Old 05-12-2009, 09:33 AM   #80
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Caught the finale over the weekend (I kind of wish I'd been able to see the previous 4 first, but it wasn't to be). Everything that made Foster's such a brilliant series was jampacked into this episode, I mean, the amount of references to past episodes and gags that they crammed in was quite something. Bloo acting nice was hilarious to watch, and I also think they got the sentimality of the occasion spot on, while keeping it wonderfully restrained. I was totally NOT expecting that ending though. Cheese had to get in there one way or another, after all.
That last animation of the house being "erased" was when it got me, though. Without sounding dramatic, I've still got a bitter, sad taste in my throat from that one part. It's just hard to believe that's it's done and dusted after 5 brilliant years.
Really sweet at the end credits too. Thanks so much for the memories, Craig and Lauren.
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