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Old 02-20-2009, 03:26 PM   #1
Little Miss Awesome Sauce
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Default Favorite cartoon facial expressions ever (and why)?

(Yes, you can add anime)

Hey guys, I was just reading up an old Toon Zone thread about their users' all time favorite facial expressions in their favorite cartoons/anime. I was wondering what NF's users' selections were in this case. Screencaps loved, but descriptions are fine too - but be aware of people that may have dial-up connections, so don't go screencap crazy. KTHNXBAI.

(And also if the scene has a major spoiler try to explain in spoilers!)

I for one love Cody Maverick's (Shia LaBeouf as a penguin the main penguin of Surf's Up) deadpan expressions. He does quite a lot of them during the movie - to Cody's defense, he's gone through a lot of crap on Pen Gu Island so he does them rightfully so.

My first favorite one - sorry for blurry screens, I was watching the movie on my iTunes:

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After finding out that Geek is Big Z, Cody decides to make him his trainer.

He tricks Cody into thinking that putting pineapple slices on his eyes will help him win the Big Z Memorial. After finding out it was a joke...?
He looks at the camera with this expression, throws the slices at the camera lenses (see the miscolored areas on the screen?) and says while the crew is laughing their collective rear ends off in the background:
"As long as we're all havin' fun, right?"

The second expression comes right after that scene. Cody is yelling at Geek
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Big Z
to wake up. After realizing it's pointless, he looks over the the screen, aaaaand...Favorite Expression 2:

The third and last one comes as soon as
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Cody, Joe and Tank make it to the finals.
Tank makes fun of them by saying this will be the easiest year ever.
Joe mistook the insult and looks over to Cody and says, "Cody, didja hear that? This'll be the easiest year ever! Huh."
Cody just stares at Joe in disbelief. Number 3 rolls in.


Well that's all I have for now, but feel free to jump in!
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Old 02-20-2009, 07:02 PM   #2
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It's amazing now days how well formed animation is that we can actually tell what a character is thinking by the look on their face. I especially love that first one.

My mind is too jumbled with cartoons to think of specific expressions without watching a bunch of them. But we do have easy access to Foster's screencaps! So I searched through them and it didn't take long to find some of my favorite moments having to do with expressions.

Mac's unamused look is such a classic. He does this a number of times, and I love it each time.

And then there's his sweet "Pretty please?" look. Makes him appear more like a little kid, when many other times he seems more mature for his years.

Blooregard gets sooooo excited and enthusiastic sometimes! I love his expression here, lol! And paired with Mr. Herriman's unamused look makes it even better.

This has got to be my favorite Wilt expression. It's best when Ed is actually hugging him, but you can still see it here. He looks so tired of the nonsense going on, and annoyed at Ed's behavior.

And Frankie's, she does this a number of times too. You can just see how she's thinking of something mischievous, and maybe an evil laugh in there somewhere too, heheheh. I love the look she gives Mr. H when Coco's trying to talk him into letting her have the room in "Room with a Feud" too.

Edit: Here's Frankie and Coco. Both their expressions here are great.

Last edited by Lynnie; 02-20-2009 at 07:12 PM.
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Old 02-20-2009, 08:48 PM   #3
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I know how you feel about animation improving, Lynnie - I hope to get a job in storyboarddng/writing for shows. My art teacher tells me I'm good with facial expressions

Here are two RJ expressions from Over the Hedge that I'm fond of, too:

Towards the end of the movie,
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RJ has a change of heart and decides to save his new "family" he grew to love over the week. Vincent the Bear is not amused. RJ uses the Wagon Fulla Junk Food to head towards the Verminator's van. As he and Verne try to make amends, Verne notices Vincent charging towards the van and keeps telling RJ he's coming. RJ mistakes "bear" for numerous rhymes until realizes...

"Oh -- BEAR!!"

I love how you can see the panic on RJ, Stella and Verne's (all in order) faces and Vincent's reflection...

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As the chase heats up, Vincent gets a large hammer from the rabbit toy on top of the van

RJ + blunt weapon =

...and continuing from the "dot dot dots" on the top, that RJ's face in both these scenes made me tear up a lung with laughing so hard. time a million. Srsly.

Mainly because RJ's pupils shrink and his irises(?) grow HUGE and bright. The way his jaws juts out in the second picture just make it better.
But what killed me was his girly screams xD Who knew Bruce Willis had such a girl scream


(Oh and the reason these are clearer than Surf's Up was because OtH isn't on iTunes yet, and I only had the fullscreen DVD)

Last edited by Nyo; 02-20-2009 at 08:53 PM. Reason: Added note - and typos suck
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Old 02-21-2009, 10:17 AM   #4
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These are from "Plane Talk," an episode of Dastardly & Muttley In Their Flying Machines. It's one thing to hear Dick Dastardly mocking Klunk's bizarre mode of talking. But it's hilarious to freeze it at these two spots:

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Old 02-21-2009, 10:03 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
Edit: Here's Frankie and Coco. Both their expressions here are great.
I'm loving both of them there! "Oh yeah, we're bad ass..! =]"
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Old 02-22-2009, 03:40 AM   #6
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Judge Claude Frollo from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame had some awesome facial expressions - unfortunately, all of my screenshots of him were saved on my old computer. I really should make some more, only I don't have my Hunchback DVD to hand right now. Until then, here's one of my favourite Disco Bear expressions:

Why is this a favourite? He's just so darned adorable, I guess.

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Old 02-22-2009, 07:57 AM   #7
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...I'm going to have to control my urges of reposting of of Herriman's pics here...But I don't mind sharing a few of Drakken's.

Love both Dr.D's and Shego's faces.

Haha, I just love this episode! Man...I'm going to have to choose something else, though...

(I'll post some Shego and other cartoon stuff later!)
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Old 02-22-2009, 08:02 AM   #8
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Mac's nervous grin.

Poor Mac...

"Mac-a-lacka, so glad you could make it."

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Old 02-22-2009, 09:02 AM   #9
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Is it me or is Mac crosseyed in that last picture? (Look at his left pupil)

My all time favorite screencaps of Antoine from Sonic SatAM/Archie!Sonic comes from the infamous Margarine scene

I love how his eyes turn to dots for this brief moment (his eyes are blue) as he says in an attempt to make himself look brave - "I cannot be disappointing to my princess!" (Princess referring to Sally Acorn) Even though he's cowardly, you can't help but feel a little sympathy for him since Sally loves Sonic and he's probably a hopeless suitor.

This is the scene right after - and you can tell he's PISSED. "NO! I will never talk!"

And this is for the lulz:


Last edited by Nyo; 02-22-2009 at 09:03 AM.
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Old 05-06-2009, 08:20 PM   #10
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I hate posting back to back, but I got an OK from a mod to do this

I honestly didn't fall in love with the Bolt movie, but one of his expressions cracked me up so hard:

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Before he finds out he isn't a super dog
, he thinks he has heat vision amongst other powers.

This is the face he makes when he does the heat wave stare. OMG, does this one crack me up. Really reminds me of the RJ posts from before.

Bolt stays dead silent in concentrartion. It doesn't sound good when you read it but you really have to watch the scene yourself to really get. I actually screencapped it (rented it on iTunes out of curiosity... 3.99 won't kill me). XDDD
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