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Old 02-08-2009, 11:30 AM   #1791
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Four words.


I mean that literally, stop reading this post and go out and see this film right now. (Unless of course you've already seen it, or unable to for reasons beyond your control.)

This is easily an early contender for animated film of the year, simply breathtaking from start to finish with great writing and fantastic cast, And not to mention the impressive amount of detail that went into the stop motion work was just astounding.

Truly a triumph on a technical and emotional level.
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Old 02-08-2009, 04:28 PM   #1792
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I'd summarize it, but taranchula said all that needs to be said.

One of the best movie's I've seen. That's all i really have that I can say right now.
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Old 02-09-2009, 06:07 PM   #1793
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I just came back from the cinema and it was very interesting. I very rarely see a drama film, because I'm more into comedy films like Airplane and Robin Hood: Men in Tights, but this was a surprise for me.

Frank and Michael really portrayed their roles really well and to see the interviews themselves was interesting to watch. I do hope that it wins the Best Picture Oscar.

In the spirit of, I'd give Frost/Nixon a Full Price. I really enjoyed it.
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Old 02-09-2009, 09:35 PM   #1794
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Lately, my friends and I will occasionally watch really bad, low-budget horror films after our game night sometimes, which include such classic films as Prehistoric Bimbos from Armageddon City and Goblin. They're hysterical, though whether or not they're meant to be is up for debate.
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Old 02-09-2009, 09:40 PM   #1795
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Originally Posted by Nathander View Post
Lately, my friends and I will occasionally watch really bad, low-budget horror films after our game night sometimes, which include such classic films as Prehistoric Bimbos from Armageddon City and Goblin. They're hysterical, though whether or not they're meant to be is up for debate.
I would watch that based solely on the name; it sounds like a scream.

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Old 02-09-2009, 09:46 PM   #1796
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Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
I would watch that based solely on the name; it sounds like a scream.
It is fantastically hysterical, and they make it fairly well known that they honestly aren't taking themselves very seriously. Highlights include a villain who sounds like Krusty the Clown, several ambigously-oriented characters, another villain who doesn't understand the concept of a come-back, a male protagonist named Pringle, and the single greatest chase scene ever filmed.

I got it with one of those cheap rinky-dink "50 films for $20" collections. It has several movies by the guy who made Prehistoric Bimbos, who's named Todd Sheets, and all his films are riot.

The others in the collection, however......
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Old 02-13-2009, 03:04 AM   #1797
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Leaving Las Vegas

A very well-acted drama concerning two social outsiders (played by Nicolas Cage and Elisabeth Shue, in an Oscar winning and Oscar nominated role, respectively) who find mutual sympathy in the titular location. It works well, not only due to the strength of the two leading performances (though obviously that is a major contributing factor), but also the strikingly unassuming nature of its narrative - at its heart, it has no particular moral agenda or any especially profound or inspiring observations which it wishes to register about life. Rather, it's a remarkably pure - and all the more touching for it - story about a lost and self-destructive man simply not wanting to be alone in the final, darkest hours of his being.

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Last edited by jekylljuice; 02-13-2009 at 03:30 AM.
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Old 02-13-2009, 07:03 PM   #1798
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Friday the 13th

If you're not a fan of this film series, then you'll hate this movie because it is by no means a brilliant, sophisticated relaunching like Batman or Bond. This movie is made for fans of Friday and fans alone. Having said that, being an avid fan of Friday I really enjoyed this movie. Everything that made the series fun, entertaining, and popular is all here in spades and they spare no expense (or people for that matter).

The humor from the characters was pretty damn good, unusually comedic for a Friday movie and brought some great new kill methods along. I actually like seeing Jason walking faster and using more creative methods to kill his victims, its a departure from his classic routines and I have to say it works for him. This movie actually is more of a remake of "Friday the 13th part 2" then the first one.

I've always favored Jason over Freddy and this was definitely a fun, enjoyable return to the hockey masked killer's butchering ways. Anyone looking for a good time, good laughs and good gore should see this movie right away. Its a good tribute to the old series and contains every trick and cliche from the old movies as well, making this a must see for Friday fans.
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Old 02-19-2009, 08:35 AM   #1799
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Hmm, well, there's no mistaking this one for a Pixar movie, that's for darn certain, but it was nonetheless quite a nice little animated outing; cute, genial and enjoyable. Considering that no less than three short years ago, this very studio was offering up such computer-generated disasters as Chicken Little (I'm going to be totally honest and confess that I never actually saw that one, but it struck me as one of those flicks which I didn't really have to in order to get the picture...the trailer was just one big succession of godawful joke after godawful joke - I shudder to think what the rest of the movie was like), Bolt definitely seems like quite a gratifying step in the right direction, if not exactly a mammoth leap.

In all honesty, Bolt doesn't really have very many original ideas to call its own - just about everything seems to have been borrowed from somewhere or other. Bolt's voyage of personal discovery isn't terribly different from the one which Buzz Lightyear was making more than fourteen years ago (in fact, it's very much the same), while the initial set-up of the show's producers struggling to conceal the fictionality of Bolt's world from him put me very much in mind of a certain Jim Carrey movie which we've all seen (I did have to snigger when I realised that the head producer was essentially a Jerry Katzenberg look-a-like without the glasses, but then didn't Disney already do that joke with Hades in Hercules?). Squit, Bobby and Pesto from Animaniacs put in a cameo appearence (of sorts), and there are also elements of Lassie Come Home,The Incredible Journey, the Here Comes Garfield TV special, Rita and Runt, and just about every other dog or cat orientated film or cartoon you care to mention. This distinct lack of innovation doesn't appear to concern Bolt too much - you never really get the sense that they were going for anything particularly grand or ground-breaking here, just a simple and unassuming story for the family audiences which moves along at its own pace. Actually, it is kind of refreshing to see a 3D-animated feature which isn't losing too much visible sweat over attempting to mimic the respective Pixar or Dreamworks formulas - I'm relieved to report that there's none of the glaring pop culture references or vulgar flatulence gags that we've come to associate with the latter's offerings, and that while John Travolta is fully recognisable as the voice of Bolt, he suits the character rather than detracting from it.

What we have here is a perfectly pleasant story with likeable enough characters, good animation and some genuine warmth at the centre. It never really comes close to replicating the same degree of wit or charm of the Pixar catalogue, nor does it try to - problem is that it equally never comes close to finding its own character or feeling, and this is one area which could perhaps have done with a bit more effort. It settles for being strictly a movie of the moment, lightweight and forgettable, borrowing just a little too much from other sources without really giving back enough of its own, and for that reason I rather suspect that, following the Disney Store's next big stock rotation, it will cease to have any major kind of household name recognition. Bolt does demonstrate that Disney still have a fair way to go before they start rivalling their buddies in the Pixar Studio, but at the same time, it's also a reason to feel positive that the fallen animation giants are in the process of picking themselves up and will be moving onto bigger and better things soon.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 02-19-2009 at 12:16 PM.
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Old 02-24-2009, 08:35 AM   #1800
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Groundhog Day

Yes, well, talk of whistling belly buttons aside (I'm not even going to ponder how that works), it's pretty hard to top this one in the delight department. It takes what has to be one of the simplest plot gimmicks imaginable and generates so much wit, warmth and endearment from it, while Bill Murray, needless to say, is absolutely perfect as the sardonic protagonist. A great one for repeat viewings.

(Yeah, I suppose I could've worked a lot harder on getting a joke out of that final statement, but I'm feeling much too lazy right now. Anyway, it's the truth.)

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 02-24-2009 at 08:48 AM.
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