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Old 10-30-2007, 06:44 PM   #22
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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Originally Posted by fosters home fan View Post
Almost Every thing mentioned here. Plus Anything that airs on the Dizney Channel.
I have no problem with your first part, but I however strongly disagree on the second part. 90% of Disney channel is total ass garbage however Kim Possible is no such thing. Kim Possible was the single greatest modern Disney toon Disney channel ever created and that show truly was a diamond in the rough.

Every other Disney channel can choke on its own crappyness but Kim Possible is the best thing (in my opinion) to ever come out of that channel.

=antgirl1]MISTY is always the one who's replaced by some ditz character, (She was once even replaced by TWO characters at once)Team Rocket always loses (Man, can't they get away with ANYTHING, for at least ONE time, and THEN lose in the next episode?) and etc etc etc. I miss Misty and her fear of bugs. D=
I truly gave up when Misty left. At first, she pissed me off to high Hell, she was constantly ripping on Ash and she was snotty, crabby brat in the beginning. However she evolved into my very first toon crush (one of them anyway) and I found her character to be the most emotionally developed.

None of the characters evolved (pardon the Poke-pun) as deeply as she did and even with all the stupid, repeated plot gags, I had some comfort knowing she and Ash were keeping the show fresh. I also don't care what ANYONE says, those 2 SO LOVE EACH OTHER! Its written all over the internet.

Of all the rumors, hints, and winking I've seen in a TV show, I have NEVER seen a larger supported romance then Ash and Misty. Pokemon's earlier days were amazing. The Magnemite and the Muk, the Pokemon tournaments, seeing Ash battle Sabrina the psycho psychic with the ghost Pokemon and etc.

Even when they came out with the music CDs and the movies, all of their original content was incredible. Pokemon 2000 totally kicks ass in my book . But sadly Pokemon Pearl has become the outhouse of Pokemon's glory days, recycling the same old crap with little difference other then new Pokemon and some lame new characters.

I tried REALLY hard to stay with this show to the end, but I just couldn't take the crap spiral any longer.
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