Favorite Voice Actor (s)
It doesn't matter if they are for videogames, cartoons, animes, etc. Just express who you think out there does a good job in voice acting.
Johnny Yong Bosch-If there's anything I like about him, I like the fact that he does a good job for Ichigo for Bleach, and in some animes like Naruto.
Janice Kawaye-When she speaks, she has a voice that can be range from child-like to mature, and I think she does a good job in balancing them, as well as being fluent in Japanese. Though, I always wonder why she hasn't try out anime yet...
Tony Jay-The late Tony Jay has that tone that is very suited for serious villains, including Shere Khan from Tailspin and Megabyte from Reboot, and yet, I which I could have hear more from him.
James Earl Jones-Perhaps well-known for the voice of Darth Vader in the Star Wars films, his voice can have a sinister tone in them, yet, he can also range to benevolence as well, which was also use when he did Mufasa in the Lion King. In general, he deserves more credit than he should have.
See ya!