Thread: Cheese A Go-Go
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Old 07-08-2007, 07:22 AM   #218
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I got this episode off iTunes before even watching it... bad idea. I thought this would be another great episode (such as Mac Daddy), but I realized this episode isn't really about Cheese. Just a little. Ignoring Cheese, this episode isn't really that bad. Sure, it's probably a C+, but it's still really funny. The whole Invaded series was really bad. Except for Billy and Mandy. I agree with the whole "stitched-together episode", but they could have made it a better stitched episode. Possibly a rebellion to the whole Invaded idea? They could really use some writers from Invader ZIM. That show was like, hilarious. And if they did, this show would have a cult following, although it already does... but a bigger one
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