Thread: Wilt
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Old 05-30-2007, 08:01 AM   #1027
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Originally Posted by Vampyre View Post
Well... I don't know about him bing as pure as he was the day he was created... I mean, thirty years of guilt, plus the guilt that he gets for doing somthing wrong or making someone upset, can't of done him any good.

Yeah, seriously! It's pretty clear that Wilt has some major emotional baggage, and that a LOT, if not all, of his "doormat" tendencies stem from that. The fact that he's been able to carry around all that baggage for 30 years, without cracking or even talking to anyone about it, speaks volumns for his strength. Wilt is actually a lot more mature-acting than most adult men I know(including a few I've dated); one of my best friends was telling me recently that her son-in-law(father of two, I might add) will pitch a hissy-fit if his wife brings home a box of cereal that doesn't have a toy or special send-off offer inside, even though his KIDS have outgrown that, and no, he isn't joking around, either. Wilt's altruism goes well beyond what I've ever seen in any child, and probably in 99% of the adults I've known over my life. I think that Wilt's spirit HAS been badly damaged, though perhaps "crushed" is too strong a word. His opinion of himself has been torn down considerably, that much is clear. Wilt showed his courage and maturity in GWH, undertaking something that he KNEW would probably result in him losing his life, but he believed it was necessary. How many children would do that? It was also interesting to hear him open up to total strangers, far more than to familiar people, probably because he knew these strangers really didn't give a rip about him and wouldn't be bothered by any of what he said after he was gone, but his whole speech/mannerisms was that of an adult. The way he spoke of Jordan as "my boy" sounded so much like the way a father would speak of his son, that Wilt even realizes this himself and feels compelled to explain that he's actually referring to the kid who created him. Most people probably never even figured that Wilt WAS so articulate, since he seldom says that much in any given episodes, and it seems that he's really "clammed up" in this season.

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