Originally Posted by Vampyre
Although Wilt has never been properlay eduacted seeing as he's an imaginary friend, I'm also curious as to how intelligent he is academically (sp?). The only thing I know about his English skills is that he has VERY neat handwriting, and then only thing I know about his French skills is that he can tell when Bloo has absolutely no idea how to teach it XD.
LOL, Wilt was very much aware that whatever that was that Bloo was speaking in "Foster's Goes to Europe", it sure wasn't French; he was just too polite to come straight out and tell him that, knowing that Bloo would only argue with him, anyway. Wilt knows that arguing with Bloo is about as useful as trying to teach a hog to sing opera!
I do have to wonder, though, that if Wilt ever DID have an opportunity to get a college education, just how bright he'd prove to be. I have no doubt that he could ace the GED that people take here in the US, when they have not completed high school, and could almost certainly do quite well on the college entry exams, too. On the other hand, Wilt already knows more about "real life" than any college can ever teach you.