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Old 11-17-2006, 11:11 PM   #49
Mr. Marshmallow
Not-So-Hopeless Romantic
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The point is that people react differently because of who they are. Look at 9/11, people turned around and did their best to help out others in need. Some people are that way, and that is exactly where the problem is, being THAT way.

What Bloo did was completely careless and ignorant to Mac. They ran like their lives depended on it and even though we all know their lives didn't, Bloo still shut the door on him. You honestly think Mac would have done the same thing if sides were switched?

The panic thing can be taken into account, however it is REALLY hard to even take it into consideration when you consider the person's track record. Nearly every single thing Bloo has done has shown that this was more of him acting like HIM then a panic attack.

Just like he forgot about his friends for a video game in "Emancipation", just like he psychologically tortured Mac in "I Only have surprise" and put him on the spot in "Infernal Slumber" and yet again in "Bus the two of us". They all match up to the selfish attitude Bloo has about himself.

Now does this mean I hate Bloo? No. Does this mean he's the spawn of satan and has no good in him whatsoever? No. But, does a panic attack really make sense when his actions connect so easily to every other prank, insensitive, and selfish thing he's done in the past? I don't buy that.

What Bloo did here is not so amazingly different to what he has done in the past, which is exactly why I don't buy this panic attack theory. Sorry, but this is too familar and too similar to Bloo's past antics to seem panicky to me.

Last edited by Mr. Marshmallow; 11-17-2006 at 11:11 PM.
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