Then Terrence gets it: if he had some help keeping Bloo occupied, he would be free to harass Mac as much he he wants without interruption. So he sits there and strains to create an imaginary friend of his own, nearly rupturing something in the process aparently; but in the end he is successful. A red, cube-shaped friend about one-and-a-half Bloo's height appears behind him, complete with Terrence's own facial features (though minus the ears and plus a bushy black unibrow). Triumphant, Terrence at first names his creation Green, then changes his mind and amends it to Red.
Terrence then procedes to explain to Red that he is to "smash Bloo," and Red goes off obediently to do the boy's bidding. The cube comes back holding a flower and sniffing it, proclaiming that "Bloo smash pretty!" First, Terrence demonstrates the proper definition of "smash" by stomping the flower into the dirt; then he leads Red to a window of the house and points Bloo out. Now understanding his mission, Red enters the house.
While Bloo gives Red a "tour" of the grounds, Terrence gets back to his hobby of bullying Mac, giving him an atomic wedgie, pinning him down and spitting in his face, and practising wrestling moves on him. He is interrupted by the sound of Red bawling, though he misinterprets it as triumphant laughter instead. But when he gets over there, he sees Red playing with flowers again, and hugging Bloo. He snatches the flowers away, stomps them to reillustrate his lesson from before, and demands that Red do what he's told and smash Bloo. But Red's had enough; he informs Terrence that he's not the mean jerk the boy is, and, lifting him high in the air, throws him into the big fish tank in the yard.
Terrence is swallowed and spit out by Cyrus the seamonster; he lands on the back of a unicorn, whom he thanks for breaking his fall. Unfortunately he also calls the unicorn a "sissy horse" and it kicks him into the hive of the bee-friends, from which he breaks out, covered in honey and being stung repeatedly. He flees from Foster's, chased by the bees.
This site maintained by C. "Sparky" Read. Don't steal my work. Screengrabs may be taken and distributed without permission, but please use some common decency and give credit/a link especially if displaying all or most of my grabs on your own Foster's site. To do otherwise would be very tacky. Thank you. :^)