When we first see Terrence, he is walking to Foster's with Bloo and Mac, who have asked him to beat up The New Guy for Bloo. He agrees to do it in return for "five atomic wedgies, ten supernoogies, three sonic lugies..." Bloo: "And one additional atomic supersonic variety, of your choosing, all tattle-free, of course." This, naturally, in reference to Mac, who can say nothing in his defense. When Terrence prompts Mac with an "And..?" Mac stonily replies, "And I will forever address you as Supreme King Awesome Thunderpants, Better-Than-Mac." Terrence: "Keep going." Mac: "For I am a lowly pile of booger-brains. Please, let me bow down before you, Oh Great Ruler of Terrencania." Bloo: "And a wise, just ruler he is."
Although this placates Terrence, Bloo doesn't quite know when to stop. The imaginary friend suggests a couple extra noogies, and that Mac wear a pink t-shirt that reads "Mac Like-a the Potty" as well. When Mac protests Terrence says he might have to reconsider, and Bloo begs Mac to do it. Mac has to agree, and Bloo gives him the bonnet and pacifier that go with the shirt.
Inside the house, Terrence does pushups with Bloo on his back, and Mac (in his outfit) comes in and announces that The New Guy is out back. Terrence jumps up and goes out there; but is back in only a moment, convulsing and screaming and proclaiming that it was horrible.
This site maintained by C. "Sparky" Read. Don't steal my work. Screengrabs may be taken and distributed without permission, but please use some common decency and give credit/a link especially if displaying all or most of my grabs on your own Foster's site. To do otherwise would be very tacky. Thank you. :^)