Is anyone else familiar with
Animusic? They're perfect for anyone who likes both computer animation and catchy music. As I understand it, the company was started when animation students had to create "animated music" for a class, and the results became a hit. So now there are dozens of videos and three DVDs of these mesmerizing and insomnia easing videos. I swear, they're the perfect thing to watch late at night when you can't sleep.

I love these things, and am becoming a huge fan. They air some of the videos on PBS as a filler between shows.
I wish there was more than one video availible to see on their websight, they apparently want you to just buy the DVDs. But here's some more that I could find so you can check them out-
There are 16 full Animusic videos listed to the right. The "Pipe Dreams" and the "Fiber Bundles" are my two favorite.

The "Pogo Sticks" one is kind of funny.