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Old 12-06-2006, 07:17 PM   #71
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The next day, after a good rest, the citizens of the Emerald City waved off the group, wishing them a quick journey and a speedy return; especially for their new ruler the Scarecrow for you cannot be without a ruler for long. He promised he'd be back, and off they went. The group talked as they went, seeing how the other feels now that they have their heart, brain, and courage. The Scarecrow admitted he was still getting used to his brain, sometimes he felt a slight twinge. Mac explained, that's a headache. That's how you know you have a brain, or something like that.

After half a day the group came upon a large, thick forest. It was similar to the one the Lion had been found in, but even bigger then that. The Lion sniffed the air, almost checking in his own beastly way if there were any animals inside. "Hmm.." he hummed lowly. "There is others in here." he said.

"Should we go around it?" the Scarecrow asked, "Um, if we could?" he looked at just how far the forest stretched.

"No, we can make it through. Is quicker, and senor Mac is wanting to get home quick." he replied, and on they went through the forest. And even if the others didn't have a strong sense of smell, or that way animals know of certain things happening at certain times, they felt there was something very wrong happening in the woods. No animals stirred, no birds sang, nothing at all. The air was tense, and you could almost smell the fear that other animals were giving off. But what were they afraid of, them? They couldn't, surely. But they continued on, but when they came through into a clearing they saw a large gathering of animals.

There were giraffes, monkeys, apes, tigers, bears, beavers, otters, birds of all shapes and sizes, rhinos, hippos, it looked like they had walked right into a zoo. Or to Mac, at least the opening scene of the Lion King. All animals stopped, and it felt like a million eyes turned and landed on the group. In particular, the Lion. Hushed whispers were heard, and a beaver and a white tiger walked up to the group.

"Que es happening?" the Lion asked, a little uneasy at how many stares he was receiving.

"A-are you The Lion?" the beaver asked, "The Lion who helped destroy the Wicked Witch?"

"Si." the Lion replied, before looking to the Tiger. "Tell me, por favor, why is you all in one place? And afraid?"

"There's a monster in the woods." the Tiger replied quietly, as if afraid of mentioning the creature alone would cause it to appear. "It took up residence a while ago, and has been eating all the animals one by one. We're here, trying to work out just what can be done for every one who has tried to kill it, has end up it's meal."

"Great, more monsters." Bloo muttered, glancing around. The trees surrounding the open area were luckily still, and no sign of any monster could be seen or heard. Or of those with sensitive noses, smelt.

"Oh man I'm sorry but that is not okay," the Scarecrow said, "I understand that you living creatures have to eat, but eating and terrorizing is not okay."

"That is true. While I myself have been known to eat a deer or two, I only eat when I am hungry. Never would I feed like the monster, it keeps consuming and soon there will be none of us left." the Tiger explained, before sighing. "If it isn't destroyed we, instead, will be destroyed."

The Lion had kept quiet since he heard the explanation of why the animals were so afraid. It felt strange, a good week ago he would have been cowering in terror at only hearing of this monster. But now, given the 'Wizard' had given him courage he didn't feel afraid. He felt angry instead. It wasn't right for animals as proud and amazing as those in the land of Oz to be afraid of something that seemingly took pleasure of scaring them so. He stood up. "It is decided then," the Lion said loudly. "I will go and destroy the monster."

All fell silent, with either shock or awe. Maybe both.

"...okay, your funeral." Bloo said.

The Lion ignored him, looking to the Tiger. "What is the monster looking like?" he asked.

"It's very tall," the Tiger replied, "As tall as the trees, and has eight horrible legs that are as thick as the trees it's as tall as. Its head is small, but powerful jaws to crush large animals. That is why we are without any lions here, it ate them first."

You could literally see the Lion shrink only a bit at that mention. Gulping roughly he turned around and sniffed the air again. He had to prove himself now; he may have helped slain a few guards in the Witch's castle, but they were only doing their work. As were the monkeys. This was a real monster, and being a King of the beasts he felt it was his duty as a lion to help and protect his kind. He looked to his friends for a moment. "I may not come out alive, you see. But Senor Mac, Azul, Scarecrow and Tin Bird. I am happy to have known you." with that, not wanting to stretch out the moment any longer then he should, the Lion bounded off into the woods and was gone from sight.

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Old 12-06-2006, 07:17 PM   #72
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They stood in silence for a while, before looking at each other slowly. "He'll be okay, won't he?" Mac asked, hoping to hear a positive answer.

"I dunno Mac, he means well 'n all but you and I know he's a big scaredy cat." Bloo replied.

"Don't forget, he has gotten a lot braver since the Ra-sorry I mean 'Wizard' gave him some courage." the Scarecrow pointed out. "I think normally he would have turned tail and run away crying at the very description of that monster!"

All had to agree. Suddenly the very ground shook with the bellowed noise, "INSECTO!!!" by that of the Lion, but then everything went quiet again. The silence was very still, and thick, it almost hurt to breathe. Mac cupped his hands together and looked at Bloo, who looked just a wee bit concerned. They didn't like the idea of the Lion being eaten by a huge spider, and even if they were going to say goodbye to him eventually they at least would have known he as sill alive and uneaten.

What felt like forever the group slowly began to realise, maybe he wasn't victorious at all. Sadly the Scarecrow began to pull the hat from his head (a difficult task since his eyestalks poked through small holes on the hat) when something began making its way back towards the field. Most of the animals took a cautious step back, for if the Lion had failed in killing the monster it most definitely would be awake and hungry once more. A large shape began to emerge in the bushes, causing the group to take a good ten cautious steps back. Then the trees almost physically moved out of the way, for who should come stalking out from the forest but…

"LION!" Mac shouted in relief.

Indeed, it was the Lion. His fur was a bit trussed, but it was Lion non-the less. Mac rushed up to his large friend and threw his arms around his leg. The other animals, shaken by the return of the Lion slowly began to move forward. "Is it gone?" the beaver asked from behind the large Tiger.

The Lion grinned broadly, and held his head up in that royal way you normally saw lions doing on the plains of Africa. "You es not to be afraid anymore mi amigos," he said proudly. "The insecto is gone, and he is no to be scaring you anymore ever again."

The cheer that erupted from the animals sounded like a zoo exploding. There were roars, bellows, hisses, bird calls, and those bizarre sounds zebras make. I'm unsure what to call it. Bloo honestly wanted to ask for the gritty details, but he felt maybe some things were better left unsaid and unknown.

"I'm sorry but that is so great!" the Scarecrow declared, patting his friend on the head. "You see Lion? You really did get courage just like I got my brains!"

"Si, es true!" the Lion grinned.

But things had gone especially quiet all of a sudden. The sudden silence surprised the friends they turned to look at what had caused it. The animals were still there, but all were bowing as one great being at the Lion. Now Mac really did feel like he had walked in onto the opening scenes of the Lion King. The Lion looked slightly confused, but the Tiger spoke, eyes still to the ground. "Oh great Lion, with your great courage and power you have freed us from the terror that awful monster brought us. Will you please be our King, oh most noble of Lions?"

To say the Lion was shocked would be an understatement. He knew he was King of the Beasts by breed of birth, but to actually be named one? To be known as Sir Lion, or King Lion? Your Majesty? Your Highness? Never in all his life did he think something like this would ever happen. He grinned down at Mac, then to his friends. The Tin Bird was nodding in a 'yes yes!' way and the Scarecrow, already a leader himself, gave him a thumbs up. Bloo just looked jealous; how come HE couldn't become a King? Maybe since he had little to no chance of putting an end to a monster as tall as trees.

The Lion looked back to the Tiger and grinned boardly. "It will be my pleasure to be your King." he replied, "But first I must be helping senor Mac and Azul see the Good Witch of the North. Then I will come back and be your King."

The animals saw the Lion and his friends to the end of their forest, and waved him off, wishing him a quick return. Their journey was almost over, finally, for as soon as they got to the top of a small hill they saw the sparkling castle that belonged to the Good Witch of the North. It shon like a beacon in the evening skies, the light bouncing off it's curves; it looked like it came straight out of a story book.

"Ooohh. She has muy good tastes in design." the Lion said.

"Uhhh.. yeeeaaahhh..." Bloo said, uneasily. The group began down the hill, both happy yet sad knowing soon they might have to say goodbye to Mac and Bloo for good now. The Good Witch would most certainly be able to find a way to let them get back to Fosters. But one could not say they still weren't grateful for Mac and Bloo. Both had changed their lives ever so drastically they were quite different from when they set off on their journey.

To be concluded (yes, concluded)

Last edited by CG; 12-06-2006 at 07:19 PM.
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Old 12-06-2006, 07:43 PM   #73
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YAY!! *waits in suspense for the final installment*
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Old 12-06-2006, 07:58 PM   #74
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I look forward to the ending to this whole thing. Nicely done, Ceeg.

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Old 12-06-2006, 08:41 PM   #75
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Well here it is guys.

Chapter 13: The Journey Home

Unlike trying to get into the Emerald City, gaining entrance to the Good Witch's castle wasn't as much of a hassle. The short pink maid observed them for a few moments, recognising the Scarecrow from the news that had reached them the day previous, as well as the red shoes upon Mac's feet. She seemed irked either way, but opened the door for them. "Please come in," she said sweetly, "We're berry pleased to have your company grand ruler of Oz." she curtsied to the Scarecrow, "And especially to Mac, killer of witches." she did the same to Mac. "You wait right here whilst I go let the Good Witch know you've arrived."

When she left, the group observed the foyer. It had white marble columns keeping the roof up, and a staircase leading up to a hallway beyond them. Also, the room lead through to a back room beneath the stairs, and two bigger rooms to the right and left. Mac swore that this castle was just like Fosters, only the colouring was way off. And that there were no Imaginaries taking up residence within. That made him miss the house even more. The small maid returned. "She'll be berry pleased to see you now." she announced, and lead them up the stairs and down a hallway. She pulled a door open, which lead into the Good Witch's, I guess you could call, throne room.

There she was, just as Mac and Bloo remembered her. The pink gown was still on, the ruffles folding out, the bow upon her head but right now her crown was resting on a cushion besides her throne. She was combing her red fiery hair, humming a bit. Stood to the side of her, was a butler. He looked like any regular teenager to Mac, but upon his nose was a red clown's nose. A jester, perhaps? He didn't want to ask. Hearing them enter the Good Witch glanced up, grinning.

"Heeeyy, it is you!" she grinned, before waving her hand at the butler. "Get outta here." he hurried off through a side door. She got to her feet, "Man, isn't it great how things worked out in the end?" she asked, her hair now down against her back, she pulled her crown back on. "That stupid Rabbit's gone, the Witch is dead, we got a brand NEW ruler, man! It's so great!"

"Wait a minute, you KNEW he was a rabbit?" Bloo asked. The Good Witch snorted as she picked up her wand.

"Pssh. Yeah. I met him years ago, made me swear not to tell anyone yadda yadda yadda." she waved a hand dismissively. Ignoring Bloo she walked up to the group. "So, what can I do you guys for?"

"Um, please Miss Good Witch. I really want to get home and... well since the Wiz-I mean Rabbit's gone, there's not really any other way to go..." Mac said lamely.

"Aw," she cooed, kneeling and patting his shoulder. "Don't worry your head Mac, you've always had the power to get back home again."

"He what?" said all gathered,

"U-huh." the Good Witch stood, pointing to his shoes. "Those shoes have had the magic in them all along to magic you back home."

"Then why didn't you tell him that in the first place?!" Bloo asked, sounding and looking annoyed. "Because of you we're sent on this crazy goose chase for a wizard who isn't really a wizard at all, to go kill an ugly 2D painting, I was almost drowned, Mac killed, Scarecrow set on fire, Tin Bird bent and Lion left to starve and for what?!"

The Good Witch glared at him, her wand releasing sparks of anger; but she kept calm. "Because." she said, "Without you, the Rabbit would still be in charge. You wouldn't know it, but he caused as much harm as he did good. He fooled all those good people for so long, and that isn't right. Plus, the Witch of the West was a plague upon the land as powerful as her sister was. Both hated the other, wanting to war and kill who knows how many in the process." she walked over to a window, glancing out at the Quadling country. "Because of you Mac, you set the stone rolling. The Witches are now gone, the Rabbit is gone. Now, we have a good er.. man, yes, man, to run our fair land." she grinned at the Scarecrow. "He's got a good head on his shoulders, and he came from humble beginnings. That's what makes a good ruler. You've all changed, and helped change Oz as well. And all for the better. So tell me blob boy," she looked to Bloo, agitated. "Would you have allowed all of this not to happen just so you could get home quick as a wink?"

All were silent in thought.

", I guess not." Bloo muttered.

"There you are then." she nodded proudly. "And not only have you changed our land, but you have changed your friends as well."

"Yeah, she's right." the Scarecrow said. "If it weren't for you two, I'd still be stuck on that pole in the cornfields and being pooped on by crows. But now, I'm the ruler of Oz! I'm sorry but, I never even thought, even before I had my brains, that would ever happen."

"Si, and me." the Lion spoke up, grinning to Mac. "You is first person to be nice to me, and you take me and let me face so many scary things but I am learning my courage from all of that. Plus now I am to be King of the animals in the forest, something I would no ever even dream of being."
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Old 12-06-2006, 08:41 PM   #76
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"Co! Co co coco co, coco co co coco co co co co coco coco cocococo." the Tin Bird piped up, explaining how she too would have been left rusted to that tree, or on the ground, long forgotten by everyone and everything. But now she had a heart, she had kindness once again and she too knew what her destiny was. The Winkies did need someone, someone kind to watch over them since the evil of the Witch. She had agreed that she would go to the West, and help those poor Winkies out.

"You see?" the Good Witch asked again. "It all worked out for the better. Now." she pointed her wand at the shoes, "All you have to do is click your heels together three times and say 'there's no place like home'. And that's it."

Mac stared down at the shoes, as he had been for a while. So that was it, that was how easily it was done. The Witch had made many good points, though. If he had indeed gone right back home again when he first arrived here, none of the good that has happened would have happened. He really HAD changed the course of this strange land. Who knew a kid could do that? "So that's all I have to do.." he echoed.

"Yes." the Witch nodded.

The small boy looked from Bloo to his three friends. " really is hard saying goodbye, though.." he said, before walking over to the Tin Bird. "Bye Tin Bird.. oh, man. Don't cry, no." he fumbled in his backpack as the poor Tin Bird had once again began to weep tears of sadness. He pulled her oilcan out, "Here, this is yours." her leg lifted and her foot wrapped its toes around her oil can before she lowered herself, and Mac hugged her neck. "You'll look after the Winkies really great, I know you will."

"Coco co... coco co coco co, coco coco." she mumbled sadly, for indeed it did feel like her brand new heart was breaking now she was loosing Mac and Bloo. With Mac's back now turned so he could face the Lion, Bloo too gave the Tin Bird a hug but said nothing. He was kind of scared if he did, he'd end up crying and Bloo was NOT wanting to cry like a girl.

Mac went over to the Lion, who was obviously putting on a brave face and trying not to cry as powerfully as he could. The Lion lowered his head and nuzzled Mac's hair as the child hugged his face. It was such a strange sight, really. A powerfully huge lion and a child hugging those huge canine teeth. But as we know, the Lion would never hurt Mac at all. "Ya know... I'm actually gonna miss how you used to cry for help." he muttered into the Lion's fur.

"Si but.. but I never find mi courage if it not been for you." he mumbled back, trying his best to keep his voice level and not shake as much as it wanted to. Mac patted his forehead, causing the Lion to let out a tiny purr of appreciation before looking up at the Scarecrow for a moment. Just as he did with the Tin Bird, Bloo gave the Lion a quick hug, to which the Lion patted his head with his large paw.

The Scarecrow lowered himself into a proper kneel, having worked out how to do it a little while ago and just grinned at Mac like he normally did, with that painted on smile, but you could see it was sad. The two regarded the other for a moment before Mac hugged the small torso that was the Scarecrow, and the Scarecrow's only hand wrapped itself over Mac's back. "I'm gonna miss you most of all." he said into the Scarecrow's neck. The Scarecrow, wisely said nothing. Everything had already been said, he could never thank Mac enough even if he was given all the time in the world.

Mac stood back and rubbed his eyes, hating himself for tearing up even just a little bit. As he did this, Bloo also quickly hugged the Scarecrow muttering a, "You owe us a holiday house." before moving besides Mac.

"Ready now?" the Good Witch asked, obviously moved by the affection she'd just witnessed.

"Yeah." Mac said, and he took Bloo's hand into his and gave his friends one last wave, as did Bloo. "Bye guys."

His friends waved back, and Mac clicked the heels of the red shoes together three times, counting as he did just to make sure he didn't do one too many or one too less. Having achieved that he shut his eyes tightly, like a kid making a birthday wish on a candle. "There's no place like home." he said.

He dare not open his eyes, even when he heard his friends shouting farewell to him, wishing him all the best, and sometimes just shouting his and Bloo's names over and over again. Mac felt the very ground beneath him vanish from beneath his feet, but still he dare not open his eyes. It felt as if his whole world was spinning all over again, just like when he was in that room and it felt like the world was ending around him and the poor Fosters mansion. Everything came to a drastic end and he quite literally fell off something and landed with a BANG on the ground.

"Ow.." Mac muttered, but then he heard it.

Last edited by CG; 12-07-2006 at 01:17 PM.
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Old 12-06-2006, 08:42 PM   #77
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"Mac? Mac? Where are you Mac?" it was a very familiar voice. "Bloo? Mac? Bloo? Where the heck are you guys?"

Mac sat up, rubbing the back of his head and opened his eyes. He was still in the room that he and Bloo had hid in, and he could hear the voices of his friends wafting from the hallway. He glanced over his shoulder to see Bloo, fast asleep. Suddenly the door was pulled open, and there in the doorway stood Eduardo, easily shadowing Bloo and Mac. "SENOR MAC! AZUL!" he screamed in happiness, pausing to call down the hall way. "I FOUND THEM, I FOUND THEM!" the large imaginary rushed in, pullling both boys into his arms. "Oh Senor Mac, Azul! You worry us oh so much!"

"Mac? Bloo? MAC! BLOO!" Wilt was the next on the scene, forgetting to duck and knocked his head against the top of the doorframe. Releasing an ow he bent down and came in, looking positively worried sick yet happy at the same time. "Oh man you guys! That is not okay what you did! You had us all worried I swear I lost my head so many times trying to find you! This house is so so big I didn't know which room to look in first!"

"Sorry I-" Mac stared, but then Coco appeared on the scene, closely followed by Frankie.

"Coco!" the third friend declared, hopping around the four of them happily.

"Geeze Mac, Bloo, don't do that!" Frankie said as she folded her arms angrily but you could see she was putting on a front. "We totally panicked when we couldn't find you before the storm hit, we thought you were out in it! Are you okay?" she felt Mac's forehead, since he looked a rather bit disoriented.

"I... uh... yeah.. I think I hit my head." Mac muttered, realising suddenly just who those people in Oz had looked like, and who they had reminded him of. How couldn't he see it? The Scarecrow had been without an arm and eye, the Lion had been large and cowardly with a Hispanic accent and the Tin Bird had said nothing but 'Coco' all throughout their time together.

Hearing Mac might have hurt himself, the group quickly left the dirty room behind them and saw to his head. Luckily it was nothing more then just a small bump on the head, much to the relief all gathered. Knowing Mac was now safe, Frankie had to head off and let Mr. Herriman know that Mac and Bloo were found safe and sound, and call off the search party. The other three had jobs to do as well, all of them with their different gifts needed to help clean the house. Mac and Bloo were left in the infirmary, in silence for a few moments.

"...Bloo, you do realise it was those guys all along, right?" Mac asked.

"Huh?" Bloo asked, "What're ya talking about?"

"Them, our friends! Wilt was the Scarecrow, Eduardo was the Lion, Coco was the Tin Bird... heck even Frankie, Madame Foster, Mr. Herriman and Duchess were in Oz too!" Mac explained, holding an ice pack to his head, just out of precaution.

Bloo eyed Mac for a few moments. "Yeeeaahhhh Mac. I think I better go tell Frankie you're hallucinating or something."

"Wait-" Mac started, but Bloo was already gone. Left alone, Mac began to wonder. Was it all just a dream he'd had whilst he had been knocked out? Nothing happened, and Oz was only a figment of his imagination? It could be true, for all he knew. Sighing, he pulled his backpack off his back and looked through it for something, but forgot his quest when he saw something sparkle from the bottom of his bag. Reaching into the darkness, he grabbed hold of something and pulled it out. What he found made him sit and stare, wide eyed for a good long while.

They were sunglasses, green, with 'OZ' written on each lens.

The End


Woo boy! This was some fun to write, it really REALLY was. I'm so greatful to you all who have left reviews, comments, it all means the world to me to know I've gotten some of you reading this fanfic. Thank you and goodnight!
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Old 12-06-2006, 08:48 PM   #78
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Thank you for a very, very good time.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 12-06-2006, 09:54 PM   #79
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That was one wonderful piece of work there. We really appreciate it.

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Old 12-07-2006, 08:09 AM   #80
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*tosses streamers* YAY!!! Definately one of the best fanfics I have ever read!
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