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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 08-20-2006, 05:25 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Tonya View Post
Those were also my thoughts too. You know, I meant to post that same kind of thing in my post, but I erased it to edit it I guess, and then forgot about the whole thing. Well anyway, like I was gonna say, Mabe Wilt did something in his past that was so awful that he couldin't forgive himself, still can't, and has been slipping further and further into insanity for years ever since, and his sanity growing worse. The poor sweethearted soul, mabe he is......cracked.....Yeah, that's what he is, he's cracked. Mentally disturbed. Actually, mentally disturbed sounds better, but cracked explains him just as well. I have a thought, mabe his injuries, if self inflicted, are an obvious cry for help, but he's just to scared to tell anyone about what is troubling him. You never know, there could be more than one reason of why he doesn't talk about his past. We ALL know that his past is to painful to talk about, and we've got the theory that when Wilt hurts himself that it's out of guilt because he possibly done something horrible in his past, or at least something HE thinks is horrible, that he just can't let it go. Those are two reason's of wich we thought of, now here's the other reason why he might not like to share his past with anyone, mabe it's because he's afraid that if he tells somebody what happend, IF HE's the one who done what he thought was horrible, then everybody will hate him, and everybody will abandon him.'s another thought. We DO know he has a past, and we don't know what happend to him, sooo, mabe something happend to him and he's afraid to tell anyone because they might not believe him. Like this case, a child gets robbed of their innocents, the abuser tells the child that if THEY tell, their family and everybody they know gets hurt or murdered. It could also be the possible case with Wilt. And when I say "robbed of innocents", I really do mean something like that, or a very simular situation, like threat of a different kind.
I seriously doubt that Wilt's injuries are self-inflicted, since they were obviously incurred a long time ago, and when the series started out, Wilt seemed to be pretty stable, emotionally. In fact, he was pretty laid-back and very difficult to "ruffle". You never saw him get so spazzed-out like he did in "Bus the Two of Us", or talk of "punishing" himself. People getting angry with him or things not going right seemed more or less like water off a duck's back to Wilt; he just took 'em in stride. Now, though, he seems very paranoid about making someone mad or upset, especially Frankie, and things get to him much more easily. I think that his fear of abandonment(phobia is more like it) has something to do with it, but WHY has this fear been triggered so powerfully now? You have to wonder what the catalyst has been to push Wilt in the direction he's going, emotionally, in recent episodes. I DO know that people who have experienced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder never completely get over it; it can recur if the person is put under enough stress or exposed to certain trigger situations, and for certain Wilt HAS experienced that at some point in his past. The key is finding out what has instigated this latest manifestation of PTSD, though I still believe that until Wilt is able to openly discuss the unpleasant aspects of his past, any respite he gets from that past is going to be short-lived.

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Old 08-20-2006, 05:58 PM   #42
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Well this is the amazing kind of character development in Fosters...something that little kids probably won't pick up on...but that us older viewers will, and I bet the writers are doing that purposefully, just to make the show more interesting for the older viewers.

We saw the changes in Bloo, he's regressing and becoming more child-like, and causing chaos any chance he gets. Our diagnosis? He hates being seperated from Mac, because he's used to being with him just about every minute of every day when they were together at the apartment. Being seperated in literally a day was a bit painful emotionally...and since Bloo doesn't do emotion well (not usually anyway), he resorts to bad sorts of attention-getting, as if saying, "Screw you world, from taking me away from my creator like this." Heck, call me dramatic, but I really see it that way.

Wilt... *sighs*, something awful happened to Wilt. Really and truly awful. Like I've said before in older posts, I always wanted to believe that Wilt did something very heroic and therefore that was how he lost his arm, you know, jumped- in- front- of- a- bus to save a kid theory. But, as I see his reactions in different situations (I missed "Bus the Two of Us", dern, I really want to see what PB was talking about) I'm not so convinced of that anymore.
I'm convinced Wilt was subject to act of cruel violence. And I'm going to hang on my idea that he was trying to protect his creator (EVEN BY DOING SOMETHING BAD, WHICH PB HAS THEORIZED).....let's say for example and brainstorming only...let's say Wilt tried to protect his creator by hiding drugs for him/her. You know, his creator does something stupid (not that the creator is a bad person, just made a bad choice), tries to get money by sellling drugs. Wilt wants to protect said person, and so he hides them, flushes it, whatever.

Now the creator is in trouble because he/she does not have the drugs, and no money. The person who gave the drugs threatens creator.
Then the person who threatened decides the worst punishment would be to take it out on Wilt...and hurt him. Or.....they try to attack the creator but Wilt jumps in, getting hurt instead. Something to that effect.
The possibilities are endless, and truth be told, I don't like thinking about it much...I doubt Craig would go into any graphic details, but I do hope he'll at least give some clues as to why Wilt is the way he is.

Psychologically, we know and realize that Wilt is a bit unstable. I just hope he never breaks completely, poor guy.
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Old 08-20-2006, 06:02 PM   #43
Sims Katie
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
I seriously doubt that Wilt's injuries are self-inflicted, since they were obviously incurred a long time ago, and when the series started out, Wilt seemed to be pretty stable, emotionally. In fact, he was pretty laid-back and very difficult to "ruffle". You never saw him get so spazzed-out like he did in "Bus the Two of Us", or talk of "punishing" himself. People getting angry with him or things not going right seemed more or less like water off a duck's back to Wilt; he just took 'em in stride. Now, though, he seems very paranoid about making someone mad or upset, especially Frankie, and things get to him much more easily.
He lost his bed when Bloo moved in, right? I haven't been able to see the first episode, sadly, so I'm only assuming, but he talks about not having a bed anymore in "Room with a Feud", and when he does get one finally at the end of the episode Bloo knocks him out of it again.
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Old 08-20-2006, 06:44 PM   #44
Chaos Wielder
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
I seriously doubt that Wilt's injuries are self-inflicted, since they were obviously incurred a long time ago, and when the series started out, Wilt seemed to be pretty stable, emotionally. In fact, he was pretty laid-back and very difficult to "ruffle". You never saw him get so spazzed-out like he did in "Bus the Two of Us", or talk of "punishing" himself. People getting angry with him or things not going right seemed more or less like water off a duck's back to Wilt; he just took 'em in stride. Now, though, he seems very paranoid about making someone mad or upset, especially Frankie, and things get to him much more easily. I think that his fear of abandonment(phobia is more like it) has something to do with it, but WHY has this fear been triggered so powerfully now? You have to wonder what the catalyst has been to push Wilt in the direction he's going, emotionally, in recent episodes. I DO know that people who have experienced Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder never completely get over it; it can recur if the person is put under enough stress or exposed to certain trigger situations, and for certain Wilt HAS experienced that at some point in his past. The key is finding out what has instigated this latest manifestation of PTSD, though I still believe that until Wilt is able to openly discuss the unpleasant aspects of his past, any respite he gets from that past is going to be short-lived.

You and Tonya both have very interesting ideas and views about what happened to Wilt. He really didn't seem (well, he didn't at first, anyway) to take it too hard when people got angry or frustrated with him and he pretty much just let it roll right off (Like when Madame Foster gets angry with him in "The Big Lablooski"). But he definitely DOES seem more paranoid about making anyone mad or upset now. It's obvious that he came the closest to cracking in "Bus the Two of Us". It seems like this kind of stress is REALLY beginning to take a toll on him a LOT. Wilt is beginning to seem like he can't handle a great amount of stress or any kind of pressure very well anymore due to the events of that episode and his behavior in it. I mean, he almost lost it several times! Because of this I'd agree that he has experienced PTSD at one point. *sighs* I just wish we all knew what it was that made him like this, though.

As for him doing something so bad at one point that he is afraid to tell anyone about it (example: like the hiding drugs thing that LaBlooGirl was talking about earlier) somehow I don't really believe that that's the case, but I still wouldn't totally put it out of the picture, either. I'd say that it's a possibility due to his recent behavior. It could be driving him to insanity and eating at him so much that it caused him to react to certain things like he is now; thus becoming mentally disturbed. So I'm not saying it's not possible because it is, actually. Now I still don't think that he has injured himself, but the memories of whatever he COULD have done that was 'bad' could be eating him up inside.

Now, about losing the bed, I'm not sure if this is true or not, but I thought that Wilt gave up HIS spot so that Bloo could have it (didn't this happen in the pilot episode?). Meh, I can't remember for sure. XP

Last edited by Chaos Wielder; 08-20-2006 at 09:17 PM.
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Old 08-20-2006, 08:30 PM   #45
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I didin't mention anything about drugs, it was LaBlooGirl who gave that theory. Yeah, the PTSD is a pretty good one though. I wonder if Craig's reading any of these, and getting ideas on what to put in the future ep "GWH". But one thing I've been thinking about speaking of that ep, I hope "GWH" isin't something incredibly stupid. I dunno why but I have this gnawing fear in the pit of my stomache that it might be a BIG disapointment. I mean, LOOK AT ALL THE THEORIES WE GAVE, AND THE DISCUSSIONS WE'VE HAD ON WILT'S PAST, and when I think about "GWH", if it's gonna let us down, (you never know), I get really sad. I mean seriously, how long has the topic of "What happend to Wilt?" been going on? I bet "GWH"'s gonna be a flop. I'm not bashing or nothing, atleast, I don't think so? But, remember when we first saw advertised "Foster's Goes to Europe"?, we all probably thought, "Yay! There getting a vacation!", and look how it turned out. It was mostly about trying to get to the air port in time! It's just a fear of mine. "GWH" I know will be VERY interesting, but, I'm just afraid it's not gonna be everything we hoped it would be. Sorry if I'm getting slightly off topic, but it was on my mind right now.
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Old 08-20-2006, 09:13 PM   #46
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Oops! I'm sorry-for some reason I thought you were the one that mentioned the drugs thing instead of LaBlooGirl. My bad!

Anyway, I don't think you're bashing. You're right, actually-there's always the possibility that we could be let down when we see GWH and that's mainly because so many people have such high hopes for it. When people have such high hopes, then there's a higher chance that it'll be a let-down because everyone seems to expect REALLY great things out of it. Personally, my hopes for GWH are really REALLY high...higher than they've ever been for any other Foster's episode. If it's even a BIT of a let-down, then I think I'm gonna be utterly disappointed, in all honesty. I'm pretty sure that it'll be enjoyable, but there's one thing that I worry about (and I mentioned it before on another forum somewhere) and that is that it'll not focus enough on Wilt's past and will focus too much on Bloo and the gang actually LOOKING for him (just pay attention to the title of the ep really good and you'll see what I mean). Some other people have said that they're sure that it'll focus on Wilt a lot as well, but I just hope that that's true.

You've got a point about FGTE. A lot of people had high hopes for it, it seems and now it seems like it's one of the weaker episodes. It's a shame that it ended up the way it did (I don't think it was THAT terrible, but I will admit that it was a bit of a let-down).

Last edited by Chaos Wielder; 08-20-2006 at 09:18 PM.
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Old 08-20-2006, 09:31 PM   #47
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The best thing to do is to NOT think about Good Wilt Hunting so much. I'm not saying that you shouldn't be excited about it or anything. It's just I've learned to not hype up or set a exceedingly high level of expectations, because more often than not, you will likely pick at the things you disliked, and some of those things will really take away the enjoyment of the episode.

As for pbl's words, well said.

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Old 08-20-2006, 10:19 PM   #48
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I know! Wouldin't it be awful if "GWH" is a whole movie about the gang trying to find Wilt, and at the end they find Wilt and ask him were he's been, and he says "Oh, sorry! I was just out taking a walk, I didin't know it was Reunion Day!", and then everybody's all happy, laughing, and then the cheerful, whimsical music plays as the show goes off. THE END.
Speaking of all this, when's "GWH" gonna come on anyway? In November? I know it's one of the later months of this year.
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Old 08-20-2006, 10:34 PM   #49
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Originally Posted by Tonya View Post
I know! Wouldin't it be awful if "GWH" is a whole movie about the gang trying to find Wilt, and at the end they find Wilt and ask him were he's been, and he says "Oh, sorry! I was just out taking a walk, I didin't know it was Reunion Day!", and then everybody's all happy, laughing, and then the cheerful, whimsical music plays as the show goes off. THE END.
Speaking of all this, when's "GWH" gonna come on anyway? In November? I know it's one of the later months of this year.
That would be one freaked-up ending.
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Old 08-21-2006, 02:05 AM   #50
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Originally Posted by Tonya View Post
I know! Wouldin't it be awful if "GWH" is a whole movie about the gang trying to find Wilt, and at the end they find Wilt and ask him were he's been, and he says "Oh, sorry! I was just out taking a walk, I didin't know it was Reunion Day!", and then everybody's all happy, laughing, and then the cheerful, whimsical music plays as the show goes off.
I'd be really annoyed.

Speaking of all this, when's "GWH" gonna come on anyway? In November? I know it's one of the later months of this year.
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