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Old 04-16-2008, 12:29 PM   #31
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i've also managed to cut myself on ridiculous objects like plastic fans and the frame of a painting.

i have a pair of scars running across my forearm from a painting frame

oh and the time i burned my hand, that was embarassing. We were shooting and i leaned one of the guns up against a log. It started to slide so i grabbed it quick by the barrel right after we had fired about 200 rounds through it. That was painful and completely embarassing, i had to work in the kitchen that night and every time i grabbed a pan or a hot dish it really really hurt. Blisters all over my hand. But it was amusing to my coworker, who i had been shooting with earlier
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 04-18-2008, 01:59 AM   #32
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Hear hear... I am the clumsiest person I know. I run into things all the time and always have bruises to show for it.

Once I was at work and I had two LARGE styrofoam cups of tea in my hands. I walked past a low cabinet that wasn't closed all the way, and I SAW that it wasn't closed, and for some reason I could not dodge it at all... I tripped over it, and in my fall, my hands (as a reflex) clenched into fists and went right through the cups of tea. I was lying face down in a huge puddle of tea after that

Riiiiiiiight in front of everyone, too.
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Old 04-19-2008, 09:55 PM   #33
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Here's one I did just a few moments ago. Maybe not so much as an embarrassing moment than just plain funny. I'm at my folk's place to housesit for a week while they go on a cruise and my sis goes on a school trip to Yellowstone Natianal Park. They all leave bright and early at 7 tomorrow, so they're still here right now. But anyway, it was snowing again earlier this evening, and being cold, I decided to make myself some hot cocoa. So I boiled some water, spooned some cocoa into my cup and stirred the water in. But at tasting it, I cringed. It was horribly bitter! I couldn't figure out what went wrong. I looked at the cocoa contaner, and it turns out it was indeed cocoa. Not HOT cocoa. Just cocoa. I had to add like five heaping teaspoons of sugar and some milk before drinking it. And then it kind of tasted like Starbucks' sadly departed Chantico Drinking Chocolate from a few years back. Very good, but very strong, and I could only take a little bit of it at a time.

The cocoa is made by a brand I'm not familiar with, and the container looked just like most hot cocoa contaniers. My parents also had it on top of the fridge where they always keep their hot cocoa. So it totally threw me off. It was still funny.
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Old 04-19-2008, 10:05 PM   #34
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Reminds me of the time when I was a kid and a family friend invited everyone over to eat a cheesecake she had baked. People tasted it and it was horrible! She realised she had gotten the salt and sugar containers mixed up.

Many years later, when I was an adult, my family was at a restaurant (mind you we moved out of the town where the family friend lived while I was still a child) and a lady suddenly walks up and places a piece of cheesecake and a salt shaker on the table. I was the only one at the table who remembered the salty cheesecake incident and realised who it was.
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Old 04-19-2008, 10:10 PM   #35
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Originally Posted by Partymember View Post
i've also managed to cut myself on ridiculous objects like plastic fans and the frame of a painting.

i have a pair of scars running across my forearm from a painting frame

That certainly beats the time I cut my finger on a piece of metal on the back of a microwave I was carrying into the house.
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Old 04-21-2008, 09:48 PM   #36
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I've cut myself on a butter knife.

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Old 04-23-2008, 12:40 AM   #37
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Ooooh, ouch, that takes the cake on embarrassing cuts, Ridureyu XD

Here's an embarrassing moment that many can relate to, summed up in three words:

Wrong messenger window.

Painfully hard to explain times, those were.
Ultra-Intergalactic-Cybot G, Marina Liteyears. Her knife kick will punish you!
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Old 04-25-2008, 04:21 PM   #38
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yeah bro i think that pretty much takes the prize for lamest cuts
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 04-26-2008, 12:43 PM   #39
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I remember two years ago (sixth grade) at school, I was walking down the stairs to class with my two best friends. We were talking about the day’s lunch. It was Chinese food, so we were talking about the fortune cookies, and adding something perverse to it at the very end. I took out my friend’s fortune that he gave me from my pocket, I read it out loud, and all of my friends laughed hysterically including me. Since we were so occupied with the funny situation, and we were walking down the stairs, I fell down the flight of stairs, and bashed my finger on one of the steps. I was bruised, and my friends took me to the nurse. Turns out that I had broken my finger AND sprained my ankle. Now in eighth grade, almost in high school, I still get teased about it. My friends and I laugh about it, but as the scar on my finger and bruise on my ankle are still visible, I’ll never forget it. And yes, it was a very painful experience. Physically and mentally. I still love my friends to death, even if they still tease me about it. Stairs are really painful….. Especially the ones at my school.
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Old 04-28-2008, 01:47 PM   #40
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This morning in my Intro to Technical Theatre class, we were practicing hanging lighting instruments. We were taking turns, one person hangs the light, focuses it, then takes it down and hands it to the next person who climbs the ladder, hangs the light, and so on and so forth.

Well, my turn comes up. The ladder is a tall one, but not THAT tall, so I climbed it and we were supposed to stand on the top rung and do it because the grid is pretty high, but I got about 3 rungs from the top and started panicking and hyperventilating and shaking so bad that my professor told me to come back down. I got back on the floor and started crying! I felt so lame I freaked out, even though one guy was holding the ladder and there was another guy right beside me on a separate ladder holding the light!

To make it worse, I had people telling me "Wow, I didn't think you were scared of anything!"

I didn't know I was THAT afraid of heights, either!
Ultra-Intergalactic-Cybot G, Marina Liteyears. Her knife kick will punish you!
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