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Old 03-02-2007, 03:32 AM   #331
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Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 03-04-2007, 01:12 PM   #332
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It was AWFUL yesterday....

Okay, so Lacey (she's mine and Zack's friend) for two days she tries to see if Zack would ask me out to the dance, but he'd always just smile that shy smile and never give a straight answer. So yesterday in Homeroom, after passing notes around and whispering about going out to the dance, later on she walks up to me and tells me she's sorry, she JUST found out he already had a girlfriend and that he wasin't taking me out. So, I sit there for a few soconds telling myself "You're strong. Don't ever let a guy ake you cry." Well then I start sobbing . I couldin't help it! And while I was crying Shinky and one of his buddies start snickering and saying stuff like "crybaby" and "Boo hoo hoo" and all that. Not that I cared. All I was upset about was Zack. A few girls came up to me and asked if I was okay. I asked a girl to ask Zack that if he had a girlfriend then why did he always smile at me, brush past my desk, and sneek looks at me all year long.
Well, he makes this jerk kind of a face and says "I never smilesd at her!".
Later that day in Art class I get called down to the office to talk to Ms. Chatman, the school counseler. She said that just before I came in, the Homeroom teacher brought Zack in to talk about what happened with me. She said that Zack felt bad about what happened and he was sorry for misleading me into thinking he liked me like that. She said that he's just a nice boy and that he'd smile at me just the same as he'd smile at me or anybody. And THAT was what my day was like.
My friends at least made me feel better . Jason, (he's the one I might have mentioned before about us sorta holding hands in the lunchline a while back) he was going toward the water fountain and one of his buddies looks at me and says "Man, why do you have to be so ugly!" So Jason spins around and punches him in the stomach real hard, knocking him almost into the locker. I laughed! And later that day he poked me and smiled to make me smile ;.D.
But yeah, I don't think anyone on here's gonna hear anymore about Zack for a while.
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Old 03-04-2007, 08:59 PM   #333
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Now, see, I don't really wanna make anyone feel bad or anything here. But the way it sounds, Tonya, is that you didn't know him very well in the first place. Even if this guy didn't have a girlfriend, don't you think it would have been better to become close friends with him first?

Now grant it, I've never had a boyfriend or been on a real date before(and I don't plan to), but I picture that things like that would be a lot less awkward if you get to know the person better. I've said that I haven't ever had a boyfriend, but my older brothers have had girlfriends, and I can tell you from watching them that starting a relationship with a person you barely know always ends up going down the tubes anyway.

So, next time, when you feel you like someone, I suggest maybe getting to know them. Maybe try to bring up the subject of dating in casual conversation, so you can avoid embarassment just in case they DO have a girlfriend already. Sorry if I made you feel bad. This is just what I think, and I don't expect you to listen to me. After all, I've never actually dated to know these things. o__O;

Other than that, it sounds to me like he was leading you on on purpose. I mean, he DID say he liked you, as you said that in an earlier post.

Why would he say that when he KNOWS he has a girlfriend? Either that or he got a girlfriend after he said that, which still doesn't make any sense to me because for him to lose his likeness for you so fast makes him sound like a jerk(no offence). Or maybe he just felt left out because he didn't have a girlfriend, so the easiest way to solve the problem was to find any willing participant(That's what my brother did.). There's also the possibility that he wasn't being truthful when he said he liked you, which I wouldn't really consider, if he was constantly smiling and staring at you(That's abnormal behavior. You said he was sneaking glances at you, and I'm puuretty sure he wouldn't try doing that to guys.). Maybe when he said he liked you, he just meant that he wanted to be your friend. That's another possibility. Wow, now my brain hurts... I'd better stop here for fear of getting brick'd. *ducks out of sight*
And now, some of my favorite quotes!
SpongeBob: Oh, come on, Squidward. It could be worse!
Patrick: Yeah, you could be bald and have a big nose!
Eduardo: No, Senor Bloo! They es magic, not drive around in no car!
Bloo: Nope, he lost his magic; now he dresses like a lady, and the butterfly has legs and an afro.

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Old 03-14-2007, 01:44 PM   #334
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Sorry I haven't wrote in a while. And yes, SkittleMonkey, you were right about eveything you said. I wasin't offended at all. I didin't know him very well. I was waaaayyy too shy to talk to him that much anyways. But I'm honestly very much over it now. I guess one of the big reasons why I cried was because the whole thing was such all of the suddon a ....unexpected thing. But oh well. I certainly don't hate him. I do have a forgiving heart you know .
Yeah, Jason is a pretty nice guy to be one of Shinky's buddies. Uhh...did I tell you guys he was one of Shinky's "bruthas"..... And ONLY because he's one of Shinky's buddies I'm not going to abmit that I maaay have a small, microscopic crush on him..... ! But atleast we started out as friends. At the beginning of the year when we shared desks in Science class, we were eachothers science buds. He's really goofy, easy to crack-up and kid with, and when I tease him sometimes he acts like he's mad but he's not because, once again, that's how he is.
My babies -- (well he is number 1, dang it!).
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Old 03-17-2007, 10:28 AM   #335
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You guys wanna know what its like at my school eh? -rubs hands together- Guess I should tell everyone the *hit I have to go through for five days a week... Okay so for 1st, 2nd, 7th, and 9th period I have the same teacher and the same seat -sigh- with the same people... sounds boring right? wrong every single minute in there something is happening. One time while we were taking a test one kid thought it would be funny to randomly say "IMA PANCAKE!" :[ I sit in front of him and his friend sits to the right side of me. Which is really stupid since The kid that sits to the right (Mike if anyones wondering) bangs his head into his locker and the kid that sits in back (Steven) of me makes stupid random comments. So basicly they both make them selfs look like complete idiots and both of them together... auhg you'd think they'd get along they don't... well they do but its confusing one minute they are friends and the next there fighting.
anyways there are also two other girls named Amanda and Nina. Nina is okay she doesn't bother me so yah. Amanda is sooooooo annoying she is always trying to 'hook me up' with with someone... wtf? I don't want to be hooked up with someone I don't even want to start worrying about dating until I get older were only in middle school! who would start worrying about that at such young ages? -sigh- there is also Frankie he sits Next to Mike which was another really bad idea (gawsh my teacher is dumb). they don't get along AT ALL... they are always fighting about something...but yah then there is Nick and Joe I don't really have anything to say about them...
But thats 1st, 2nd, 7th, and 9th period we still got 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th to talk about xD my wrist is starting to hurt OwO Third period is Home ec. this class is okay I don't really talk to anyone in this class besides Helen (she sits at my table at luch we'll get to that later) we are currently learning how to sew its fun! ^____^ then I think we are going into careers then cooking yup! Well after Home ec. is lunch the best class of the day! x3 now we are all expecting me to sit at the popular peoples table RIGHT??????? WRONG AGIAN!
I sit at a random table with random girls (no boys Sean goes to a different school now and Jake got kicked out because of something... that I'm not gonna tell ). There are six girls at the table yes only six sometimes seven and sometimes 5 :B It goes Ashly, Alex, Helen, Erica on the other side its Lauren (everyone calls her a fag which is so mean!) Me, Katie. Well some of the lunches here are okay I like the Pizza (its not the square Pizza they give you in elementry school) and the bagles. they don't give fries everyday like last year we only get fries On Monday and Thursday. They saying we're fat! -cries- Oh sometimes Erica doesn't come to lunch and sometimes this girl named Heather sits with use. I'm gonna BRB... IM BACK -shoves cheese munchies in mouth- mmmmmm cheese munchies! well thats 4th period 5th period is gym/music which are my least fav classes mostly gym though Jamal is in both my music and gym class so is Tommy omg they are so wierd and no offence to anyone but they are kinda big and Jamal stepped on my foot one time... it hurt really badly really really badly... thats 5th period so now here is 6th! English is my fav class!! ^w^ we just got finsihed with this book 'The Witch of BlackBird Pond' It rocked!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 nothing exciting really happens in this class though... its sure is fun though!
Last but not least 8th period computers the other day I turned on my computer and it started making beeping noises xD people were like 'NAOMI WHAT DID YOU DO TO IT??????" and I was like "I didn't do anything I just turned it on!" but yah we have to do most some in microsoft word
Woah I'm, pooped...

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Old 03-17-2007, 01:20 PM   #336
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Would I really be consideed a "poser"?
Okay, so latley i've been kinda going through this thing now whee I'm into dressing goth/punk. I've pretty much always been into the goth/punk thing but latley I've actually started dressing it. Well, the other day I decided to wear a skirt with the rest of my black clothes and some girl asks if I'm goth. I say yeah I guess and a little punk too. Then she called me poser and said punks don't wear long skirts. And then yesterday, I decided to wear an orange/red sweat because it was chilly. She asks me if I'm goth and I say yes and she says "goth" doesn't work for e and I'm a poser because sometimes I don't wear all black. But like lots of people, my whole closet is not all black clothes. I mostly have other colers. So what? Am I some poser now because I don't wear black every single day?, if I could I would. Because I'm usually more cheerful and optiistic than the steriotyped "goth/punk" attitude? Because I don't walk around all the time with an attitude? My lord, what do they want from me.
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Old 03-17-2007, 02:31 PM   #337
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Originally Posted by Tonya View Post
Would I really be consideed a "poser"?
Okay, so latley i've been kinda going through this thing now whee I'm into dressing goth/punk. I've pretty much always been into the goth/punk thing but latley I've actually started dressing it. Well, the other day I decided to wear a skirt with the rest of my black clothes and some girl asks if I'm goth. I say yeah I guess and a little punk too. Then she called me poser and said punks don't wear long skirts. And then yesterday, I decided to wear an orange/red sweat because it was chilly. She asks me if I'm goth and I say yes and she says "goth" doesn't work for e and I'm a poser because sometimes I don't wear all black. But like lots of people, my whole closet is not all black clothes. I mostly have other colers. So what? Am I some poser now because I don't wear black every single day?, if I could I would. Because I'm usually more cheerful and optiistic than the steriotyped "goth/punk" attitude? Because I don't walk around all the time with an attitude? My lord, what do they want from me.
Poser? No.

Poser is a term that insecure people use to keep outsiders from their "comfort zone" of likeminded friends. They don't want you in their social group, so they call you a poser, trying to get you to stop wearing what they deem the symbol of their particular social group. You know why they don't want you in their group? Because you aren't an insecure wierdass like they are. Ten minutes with you and they'd realize that they suck. You're too cool for those twinks Tonya!

I wear tees and jeans, because i find them comfortable. I buy the $20 jeans from Wally World and Old Navy because they're cheap and durable
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 03-17-2007, 05:57 PM   #338
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Aw thanks! I feel much better already. *sings "This is Why I'm Hot" to their faces* Don't they think that if I were being a poser I'd be trying to dress like everybody else simply because they were wearing it. I dress the way I dress because of the fact that I don't want to be like them-I wanna be my own unique self. Unique is cool. Normal is bland. Boring. Now, see me loading my face with make-up, dressed in Barbie doll clothes and talking going all " LIKE, OMG I JUST SO BROKE A NAIL!" and you got a full blown poser. The next time someone calls me poser I'm gonna say no I'm not. I Am What I Am.
My babies -- (well he is number 1, dang it!).
He's cool, I mean c'moooooooooooooooon?
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Old 03-18-2007, 08:34 AM   #339
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"I yam what i yam"


I don't belong to a specific group of people, and you know what? Everybody likes me. 'tis true.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 03-18-2007, 09:46 PM   #340
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Hah that's me... I am one of those people that is kinda friends with everyone, but rare the folks who don't like me REALLY don't like me. It's kinda funny though because they think I don't know, they think they're being all coy about it, but in reality I just really don't care. I know they don't like me, and it's up to them to be all grade-school about it, and up to me to ignore them not get sucked into all their negative immature energy.

Whenever people ask me if I'm goth, I act confused and say "Um... I'm Kristi!"
Ultra-Intergalactic-Cybot G, Marina Liteyears. Her knife kick will punish you!

Last edited by scary_dream; 03-18-2007 at 09:47 PM.
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