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Old 09-22-2007, 06:05 AM   #311
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Originally Posted by ptps View Post
XD I was reading this thread last night and I was like "Dayum, I wish I had a dream about Foster's." And POOF I had a dream last night about Foster's. It sounds like a really bad self-insert fanfic though XDD

Anyway for some reason all the Friends in the house had to accompany Frankie to some other abandoned house where they had to hose down hallways and mop the floors and etc. Naturally Bloo wasn't too happy with it and he was complaining all the way about the wooden floors not being able to withstand water, and that the water from the mopping was just pooling into one gigantic puddle and making the floorboards wet and brittle. Eventually the floor fell through and Frankie was like (=__=)|||

Then halfway through Wilt started getting really nervous about something, at one point he bent over to whisper something in Frankie's ear. He was also dressed in a dark navy basketball outfit, complete with shorts, and for some reason had a makeshift prosthetic cardboard-and-cloth arm attached to his left one. Something about missing the basketball game he'd been looking forward to all week, and he was going to miss the game because they were taking longer in this house than originally planned.

Self-insert begins here. XD So Wilt was all sad and glum that he wouldn't be able to catch his game, and he slunk off to the back of the room. I tried to cheer him up by saying we could see if someone else had taped it and borrow the tape from them, etc. He smiled a bit then went off.

This part gets a bit odd. Bloo is really fed up with being cooped in the house, and he makes a dash for the only door in the rather large room. All the Friends from the house are in this room, and Bloo races past Frankie, races past everyone, and dashes out the door to freedom. At this point in my dream I was thinking, "Where's Mac?" and presto, just as Bloo dashed out the door Mac came IN and went, "Did anyone see Bloo?" ROFL

Bloo grabbed Mac and dragged him out the door with him, then slammed it shut. Me and Frankie were trying our best to get the door open again (somehow we knew it locked the moment it closed) and I was yelling for Eduardo to help us. Somehow I used the exact words Mac used from the pilot. O__o "Eduardo! Help! Be a hero!"

But after a while Ed didn't come and when I finally found him (together with Coco) they'd both shrunk. Ed was the size of a plush toy and Coco was even tinier, about the size of those collectible plastic figurines you get from capsule machines. They were both pretty distressed about it (Maybe the water shrunk them??) and again, me being the Mary Sue in my dream, cheered them up by telling Ed he still had pretty large and magnificent teeth and horns, and that Coco looked really cute when she was so tiny.

Then somehow Wilt brought up the conversation that if we were to get out, we should send half the Friends to look for Mac and Bloo and the other half to go buy supplies from the market. I disagreed and said we should send MOST of the Friends home before they got lost, and the regular gang (Frankie, Wilt, Ed, Coco, and somehow me >>; ) to look for Mac&Bloo/shop for supplies instead. Then it cut to the pilot scene where it tilts up from Wilt's shoes to his head (he's back in his normal appearance, without the clothes) and he goes (to me), "Hey, how're you doing? Name's Wilt."

And then it ended O________o;;; Talk about really bad self-insert fanfiction. Whoa.

Oh my gosh, that was great. I haven't laughed so hard for.... twenty minutes! Thank you for that.
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Old 09-26-2007, 06:36 AM   #312
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So it was like, another Foster's special/movie, and the graphics were AWESOME. It was almost like the ADs from the CN City era, life-like and everything. (No, Mac wasn't replaced by some, not Frankie either...XDDD) It was sort of event taking place, that shows off what the imaginary friends can really DO, making an easier choice for families' choosing of adoption.

Outside the gates, was some sort of girl, holding binoculars to her eyes, as if searching for something. When she did, she said, "Aha! there HE is!" with a wicked sharp toothy grin. Then we see a glimpse of what she is seeing in there, and who do we see?

Wilt, who was giving his creator, Jordan Michaels, a noogie. They both are laughing happily, even as Jordan was trying his hardest to get himself out of Wilt's mighty grip. (D'aww, ain't that cute? )

"Anyone who adopts MY Wilt will DIE." the girl muttered gravely. "He is MINE, and if I can't have him, NO ONE CAN!" she then laughed a wicked, evil laugh, until two people in white coats say "There she is!" and grab her and get her into a strait jacket. Afterwards, the girl is thrown into the asylum truck, and to the girl's surprise, sees Berry in there too. Berry turned her head to look at her and said, "What're you in for?"

"I threatened to kill anyone who adopts MY Wilt; you?"

"Man, you have it easy, I tried to kill Mac to get Bloo all to myself, this time with a bazooka."

The girl then sat down on a seat across from Berry and said, "Interesting. We're both Fangirls. Maybe we should team up to get what we want. I want Wilt, and you want Bloo."

I will continue this later.
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Old 09-28-2007, 11:25 AM   #313
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I had a very weird fosters dream last night. It first started out with me in the foyer doing something which i had no idea what. Mr herriman told me to wait for frankie and then i got all excited cuz she was my fav character.

So anyway i got bored waiting for her, so i went to go look around the place, it was freaking huge so i kinda got lost, i eventually found my way to the foyer, then i heard frankie coming down the steps and i was like OMG!!!!! but right when she was about to say hello, THE ALARM RANG AND I WOKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 10-18-2007, 11:47 PM   #314
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I did have one once, although I can't recall the details that much, but I do know that Berry was in it and it was a little odd in a way, but she was there the most from what I remember.
Though, I can't remember what she was doing.
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Old 10-28-2007, 05:33 PM   #315
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To my considerable surprise, I had a Foster's dream last night. As a disclaimer before you read this, remember that this is a dream and there are a lot of things in here that are not only not my opinions, but not even factually correct.

In the dream, I was 10 years old, and Sparky was 8. Wilt was her imaginary friend. Our parents tried to pretend they couldn't see or hear Wilt, to make Sparky get rid of him. Because she refused to do this, and because I was on her side, our parents treated us like we were 6 and 4 years old.

One day, an aunt and uncle died under mysterious circumstances, and their 8-year old son Mickey came to live with us. Unlike us, Mickey acted considerably younger than his age. Mickey was haunted by bad dreams about a twisting ball of evil multicolored rattlesnakes with fangs longer than their heads. He started seeing these snakes during the day and going into screaming fits. Nobody else could see them. Our parents took Mickey to all kinds of psychiatrists, but none of them could help him, so they recommended this sanitarium in the Arizona desert that specialized in childhood hallucinations and imaginary friends. Our father was eager to go there because he was a real estate agent in the dream and he thought he could make money selling homes to the parents of the long-term patients. Sparky and I were scared of this place because we'd heard it was the only place in the world that could make imaginary friends "go away," so we reluctantly made Wilt promise to stay home for the trip.

We arrived in Arizona--the sanitarium was set in the side of a cliff; to make it hard for the patients to escape, we concluded. Mickey started going in for treatments. As soon as we moved into our apartment, we discovered Wilt in our closet--he had had a bad feeling that something awful was going to happen to us. Meanwhile, our dad met up with one of the male nurses and most of my dream consists of his long boring monologue about Arizona real estate, with the nurse unable to get a word in edgewise. The nurse was a bitter man, a Vietnam veteran who identified strongly with his Anasazi heritage, and once he was finally to butt into the monologue, it was to tell our father about the ancient history of the region. Our father soon got bored of his tales of the conquest of the Anasazi and left, but Sparky and Wilt and I had been listening in (and this being a dream, we knew that he won't give Wilt away), and asked for the rest of the story.

According to the nurse, the Anasazi ruled a great empire in the Southwest through the use of mental powers, which the experts of today dismissed as magic. Their enemies the Navaho discovered the Anasazi's weakness, which is that they could not completely turn off their telepathy, and gathered an army of the insane to attack the Anasazi's cliff houses. The mystics were all overwhelmed and killed, but not before they placed a curse on the cliffs that turned the hallucinations of the mad into the most terrifying reality. The invading Navaho were then driven catatonic by the same nightmares that destroyed the Anasazi.

The nurse warned that we must keep our cousin calm at all times when he wasn't with the doctors, or his nightmare would come to life and destroy the sanity of almost any adult that saw his snakes; children were immune. The staff were deliberately selected to be the least imaginative people in America, so they were also immune (the nurse was able to fake a lack of imagination to get his job). The staff had found a way to use the curse to bring hallucinations into our plane of reality to kill them, and to shove imaginary friends out of our plane, causing them to be stranded in Limbo. We asked the nurse if there was anybody who could lift the curse, and he told us the mystics were all killed in the invasion centuries ago. We'd need a time machine if we wanted to find anyone capable of helping us.

The nurse left, and our parents returned with Mickey. The doctors had been unable to trigger an attack, so they were unable to cure him. Our parents saw Wilt and started screaming at us, which set Mickey off. The next scene of the dream doesn't really make any sense--I think it was supposed to be in the style of a Pueblo carving come to life. There were the rattlesnakes, and Sparky and I hiding behind a couch, and our parents huddled up on the couch, and then Wilt somehow transformed into a thick red vine with little Wilt heads instead of fruit, wrapped around our parents. And then it was over and everything was back to normal. Mickey and our parents were unconscious, but somehow Wilt had kept them from losing their minds. Wilt and I stared at Sparky. "What!" she exclaimed, "Just because I made Wilt doesn't mean I can make a time machine!" "Best try the direct approach, then," I replied as I pick up the phone. "Operator, could you tell me if you have anyone listed under 'temporal mechanic'?"

And then I woke up. I had the feeling that we were going to find a time machine, and that we were going to find out that the nurse had ulterior motives in getting his hands on that time machine.

Let me repeat that this was a dream which I had no control over. It doesn't mean that I hate snakes, or the Navaho for that matter, or that I know a thing about the Anasazi.
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Old 10-28-2007, 08:29 PM   #316
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Man! That's crazy! But relatively coherent for a dream.
Unconscious like a fox!
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Old 10-30-2007, 06:53 AM   #317
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I had two unrelated dreams last night

The first one I dreamt Herriman was a human (I have GOT do draw my vision, I liked how he looked) and actually married to Madame Foster. He was still grumpy and made Bloo scrub the floor for something he had spilt on it It was yellow in color, but... NAAAH...

The second was a little creepy. Mac would come to Foster's in the middle of the night and try to make Bloo come back home with him, in a obsessive manner D: I don't remember the details, but it was Berry-like behaviour. Mac wore a red beanie. Bloo wore a PINK scarf. And I remember a specific dialogue

Bloo: "Mac... if you keep this up, I'm gonna get thrown out."
Bloo: "...riiight."

And yes, I DO dream in English sometimes, despite the fact that my native tongue is Swedish. I'm way too used to Foster's in English and I've dreamt of other cartoons in English as well (Jimmy Neutron, MLaaTR, KP...)
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Old 10-30-2007, 03:03 PM   #318
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Originally Posted by Zeitgheist View Post
Bloo: "Mac... if you keep this up, I'm gonna get thrown out."
Bloo: "...riiight."
Oh man, that's really messed up. XDD
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Old 10-30-2007, 03:32 PM   #319
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I dreamt frankie kissed me on the cheek, i really did no joke!! I don't remember why but i think it was something about helping her out with soemthing.

But all i can remember is that in my mid-wake state, i tried to go back to sleep to try to dream it again because i sometimes have the ability to do it, but not this time,

Greatest fosters dream evAR!!!!!!
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Old 10-30-2007, 06:32 PM   #320
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Originally Posted by Xroc88 View Post
I dreamt frankie kissed me on the cheek, i really did no joke!! I don't remember why but i think it was something about helping her out with soemthing.
Uh oh....
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