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View Poll Results: How do you rate the movie?
A 35 92.11%
B 3 7.89%
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Old 11-29-2008, 08:35 PM   #111
Equus Reptilicus
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I finally managed to watch it.

Very good movie indeed.
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Old 11-30-2008, 08:28 PM   #112
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Well, that was certainly fun! Oh, I didn't know how much I missed Fosters until I watched this. I admit, it seemed like a bad fanfic from the general description and the opening shot, but the Fosters team did what they normally do, and made a bad/tired premise remarkably wonderful! And I don't ususally use the term "remarkably wonderful".

So much that could be said, but I'll just say that my favourite part was seeing Mr Herriman smile.
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Old 11-30-2008, 10:28 PM   #113
Mr. Marshmallow
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Though I am probably one of the last people to finally get around to see this movie, I still plan on making a very long and very DETAILED review of this so for those of you who don't like long posts, might want to ignore this. That was without a doubt the most AWESOME, INCREDIBLE, PHENOMENAL, OUTSTANDING, FANTASTIC, STUPENDOUS Fosters episode I have EVER seen!!!

Too long has Fosters been devoid of in the CN line up and much like the Teen Titans series, it felt lost and gone until the movie showed up and breathed new life back into people's interest in it. This movie is incredible and a thousand times superior (in my opinion) to "Good Wilt Hunting" because it basically answered the prayers of countless of Fosters fans on this board in 1 word: Frankie.

Perhaps its naive of me to think this but this whole episode felt like Craig and the creators were catering to my every whim, and by "my" I mean me as in fans, as in things fans always wanted to see and this movie just screamed it. Frankie as the center, she was appreciated and thanked for her job, she got break time, attention and love and it was everything I had been waiting to see.

On top of that, this movie was incredibly (if you pardon the obvious pun) imaginative. The level of creativity and imagination here was astounding. From the awesome Super Mario Bros. level, to the unique visuals and weird creatures, to the absolutely ingenious concept of a villain like the Face chest kid. Plus, it was funny and Bloo finally acted less like an ass and more like he should have been acting.

It was seriously compelling, seriously! I haven't been gripping my chair and biting my fingernails for a show or movie in a while, I was really anxious and worried to see what would happen next. I was heartbroken when Frankie felt Mac and the others only wanted her back simply for chores, and the fact they didn't patch that up clearly on screen would be my only minor complaint.

However, seeing Herriman thank Frankie and her adoring affections towards Mac and the others and finally seeing her get the chance to be the center of attention and get physically/emotionally appreciated. Honestly though, I can't believe NO ONE ever thought of having the other IFs do the work before, Frankie fan boyness set aside, I'm surprised it never came up before.

All in all, I can't freaking say enough about this episode to express in insanely giddiness and supreme happiness that the sweetest, hardest working animated red headed beauty finally got her moment in the sun and that it was fun and brilliantly written to boot. Fosters ended with a spectacular bang (if this is its final act) and it was the best way they could go out on.

Many thanks and many hats off to you Craig, this movie was a dream come true that needed to be said for a long time now.

Frankie Foster, you just got the best Christmas present of all and so did we! YOU!
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Old 11-30-2008, 10:42 PM   #114
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Well said all-around; I think we're pretty much in total agreement on this one. I've been smiling spontaneously ever since the movie aired, just from thinking about it. I'll say it again: Best Foster's Story EVER. Fitting that it was for and about the best character ever.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 12-01-2008, 07:02 AM   #115
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Well, if someone wants to make one last stab at making a Foster's Video Game tie in. I think we found the episode from which it would be based upon.

Because honestly this episode seemed like an epic 16-bit side scroller from the days of yore, (Even before and after the Mario Bros scene) jumping from one action packed situation to another action packed situation with bits of story sprinkled in between every set piece to allow the viewers to catch their breath. And while it's nice to see something that deviates from the norm, I like this show better when it's played as straight up comedy rather then epic adventure with comedy mixed in.

That is to say this special didn't have any comedy, DI brought the funny for sure, I think I laughed more in the sixty six minuet run time then I did during the last two previous seasons of the Simpsons put together. And of course it did tug on the old heartstrings just a little so it's got that going for it as well.

So all in all it was a first rate effort to be sure, but honestly I would place other episodes and even the last special ahead of this one in the grand scheme of things.

I guess if I have to give this some kind of arbitrary letter grade I'll go with a big old: A.

Random Notes:

Coco with a flamethrower! NOW this is the reason why this got a TVPG rating.

The Frankie replacement gag reminded me of something out of Futurama. (Which is a good thing)

I think I might be the only one who squealed with glee when Bloo referenced the comic strip Sally Forth.

HA, TAKE THAT! You iconic British literary character.

Hey, you can't jump on spiny shelled characters without taking damage. I hope someone was fired for that gaffe. (Kidding, kidding...)

Wow things got all freaky deeky towards the end, okay maybe this is why this special got a TVPG rating.

BTW according to the credits "The World" (AKA Face guy) was played by Max Burkholder, who has done voice work on American Dad, Family Guy, Spectacular Spiderman and some of the newer Winnie the Pooh series'
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Last edited by taranchula; 12-01-2008 at 12:48 PM.
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Old 12-01-2008, 12:21 PM   #116
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Coco With a flame thrower reminded me of Call of duty 5 and then i lol'ed.

Now frankie with a flame thrower?


I just hope it comes out on blu-ray.
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Old 12-01-2008, 03:44 PM   #117
Take a bow, Bloo. You deserve it.
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Hey, taranchula, I remember mentioning both "World" and Max Burkholder's name about two or three pages ago.
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Thank you Craig for the ride. We all will miss you.

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Old 12-01-2008, 04:33 PM   #118
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Yeah, but a tidbit that good bears repeating.
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Old 12-01-2008, 08:31 PM   #119
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Though I am probably one of the last people to finally get around to see this movie,
Actually, I may be the last person to see this movie.

I just finished watching it on YouTube, and well, I pretty much agree with what Mr. Marshmallow and Cass said about it. Giving Frankie the spotlight in this movie was probably the best idea they've ever had. And I LOVED Frankie in that princess dress! She almost looked like Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

But I gotta say... I would've punched Mr. Herriman if I ever caught him saying about her being naive to IFs to Frankie again! I'd outta give him a piece of my mind!

Originally Posted by taranchula
Coco with a flamethrower! NOW this is the reason why this got a TVPG rating.
I actually think Bloo saying 'You pissed him off! That's what's happening!' was what got the TV-PG rating.
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Old 12-01-2008, 08:53 PM   #120
Chaos Wielder
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First of all, MAN it feels good to be back! XD

Second, this is going to seem rather short, but everyone else in this thread already stated what I was feeling! (heh, I used to leave long 'episode reviews' in case anyone didn't know)

Anyway, I will also give this one an A+, 10/10, whatever (or ten THOUSAND out of ten. XP Since that's really what I think it deserves). It was definitely the best Foster's episode/tv movie I've seen and after watching it I suddenly realized how much I really do treasure this cartoon. Now I'm getting all sad that it's going to end soon. But hey, who knows what else could come our way in the future? I'm not going to cry about it because all good things must come to an end and I'm sure this show will end with a bang. Long live Fosters! XD

And yes, I agree with PBL that this is definitely deserving of an Emmy. If this doesn't get it, I don't know what else should.

Last edited by Chaos Wielder; 12-01-2008 at 08:54 PM.
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