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View Poll Results: Was GWH worth all the hype? Grade the movie.
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Old 11-24-2006, 09:40 AM   #101
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Originally Posted by TraverseTown View Post
I think that the "group" that was looking for Wilt was far to large in order for everyone to get their fair share of lines and such. It was very well written, but Bloo ruined the feeling that they were trying to convey. I was really looking foward to it and I don't hate it, but it fell a little short of what I though it would be like.
For the record they were the right size to me. And Bloo was being Bloo. I certainly didn't go in thinking he'd be any less because of Wilt's dissapearance. This was Wilt's story through and through.
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Old 11-24-2006, 11:11 AM   #102
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YAYI'MBACKNOW!!!!! Man, I'ma have sooooooo much to catch up on...

But OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMG!!!!!!!!!!! Good Wilt Hunting was the BEST. THING. IN THE. UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!! *dies* And the squeal, aww and gasp factors were H00J. For me and my friend, anyways. x3 I was in shock for an hour and a half after it was over. My friend got mad at me 'cause I had that jaw-open-slightly-staring-off-into-the-distance-delayed-mumbled-answers thing going on. Seriously. It didn't go away until we watched again.

Me and my friend rated it at least PG13 for strong basketball violence, slight cleavage, extreme unfairness towards Wilt and the word 'nudist'. xD

Okay, intro to review over. Herewego!!

I LOVELOVELOVED seeing all the creators of the friends! DID YOU GUYS SEE KHAKI!?!? xD And "What else is on?" =3

Call me stupid, but I so didn't see Nina being Ed's creator coming! AND IT WAS SO CUTE!!! "Banditos es de muertos!! Muertos!!"

As SOON as I saw Wilt, there was an immediate Awww! *sniff* And, as it turns out, Mac was right and Bloo was wrong. As usual. xD

Adam and Douglas: OMGYAY. xD I luff dems.

When Wilt was on the phone, I thought it might be his creator he was talking to! Of course, I SOMEHOW managed not to spoil anything by watching previews, though my friend kept trying to tell me stuff. Dx

Then at the train station...THE LOST AND FOUND SCENE BROKE MY HEART!! I was on the verge of tears through most parts of the movie. Also, I can NOT go 5 minutes without saying "Cwithmith!" now. =3 My friend and I rewound the tape over and over watching that part! IT WAS TOO CUTE!!!

As for people saying crap about Frankie being the first to "give up" and saying they should probably just go home: Dudes, she was doing the sensible thing. She was in charge of everybody, and they had already spent a quite a bit of money and with no trail to follow, the only thing to do was go home and hope he would come home himself. Besides, it's not like she was HAPPY about going home.

And Mac being gone that long? We should ask Craig to give us an episode explaining just how he does that every time. Until then, GET OVER IT, IT'S TV. The magic of TV sometimes cannot be explained.

MORE WILT. The flashbacks were better than I had hoped for! I squeaked every time one happened. Plus, the very first one made me gasp because I knew the ball would roll...OVER TO HIS OTHER ARM!!! He looked so...WEIRD with two non-wonky eyes!

And hey, what review would be complete without mentioning the stuff that Bloo came up with. "HE MUST HAVE ROBBED THEM! HE'S GETTING DEPERATE!!" "He led a life of debauchery and crime!"(that was the best! xD) "AL CAPONE! No, ATTILLA THE HUN!" "WILT'S CREATOR IS GODZILLA!!!" "Don't worry, he doesn't know of your life of crime!" x3 Plus, Bloo going Goo at the end was awesome.

And then...There was Larry. *shudder* I still don't like that guy. He smacked Wilt around left and right! IT WAS NOT FAIR I TELL YOU! It was sooooo crazy to see Wilt looking so...Small. o.o I mean, he's small compared to the New Guy, and the Extremeosaur, but this...This was different.

Now for the sad, sad flashback. I cringed and gasped, even though I saw it coming too. As for the unrealisticness of the wonky-eye-deal, I'm guessing that's not EXACTLY how it happened...They just had to do it that way for the younger audiences.

And JORDAN MICHEALS!!! That was TOO. COOL. The whole Jordan coming back thing was INCREDIBLY aww-provoking.


"Why'd I make you so tall?" No comment nesscisary.

And I'm pretty sure Wilt was the coach in the credits! I mean, they were all on folding chairs on the court, not in the stands! Or was that just so you could see them better? In any case...That was the best credits sequence EVAR. :bloogrin

Now, for overall stuff:
1. I can't be the only one who saw the Jordan poster and magazine. Seriously.
2. The way that the story of his past slowly became revealed was GREAT. If they had just dumped it all on in the end, it wouldn't've been as awesome. The way they did it, it lasted the whole hour! MORE ENJOYMENT, SEZ I!
3. I crown the Foster's crew as totalmegagihugiclybrilliant and eversoawesomelygenius!

One last thing: Why did only a few of you type nice, long posts?! Come on, PBL, I expected at LEAST one full long post from you! Sheesh, get with it, people!!

End post.
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Old 11-24-2006, 11:19 AM   #103
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Old 11-24-2006, 11:23 AM   #104
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
Well, yah, I saw your nice long post. CG's too! xD
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Old 11-24-2006, 11:39 AM   #105
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Here'smy long post IF:
The poster was supposed to be a parody of "Space Jam"(which starred Michael Jordan) with that squirel guy from that new CN original movie. The magazine was also a parody of how many times Michael Jordan was on "Sports Illustrated". I'd like to see a return of the main IFs creators (& in Coco's case founders) in future episodes. It seems like Nina comes atleast twice a year, Douglas & Adam come often to study the friends & Jordan will come everychance he gets now. I still wanted to see Goo, for once.
Now that Wilt has FINALLY have his starring role, I'd expect we'll see episodes based on him atleast every season like Eduardo (Eddie Monster, Land of the Flea) or Coco (CFCCC & MSCW).... Atleast I (& everyone who's a Wilt fan) hope. I think Bloo had a REALLY small role, only there to put outcrazy theories. Of course him mad at Mac was genius & Godzilla being Wilt's creator will always be funny. I have high hopes that Season 5 will be even better than S4. This was the best possible way to begin a season ever! Even better than Zim's "Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars". I'm hoping season 5 will have a couple references to the creator's & of course atleast 1 more Wilt episode, 2 Frankie epsiodes, 1 Eduardo episode, 3 Bloo based episodes, 2 Mac episodes, 1 Goo episodes & the rest of the episodes are based on the Foster's 8 (The 5 + Goo & Frankie & Cheese). I can understand why Floofy was put in the Lost & found she looked like a stuffed teddy bear, but didn't she have to eat? Floofy was cute anyway (I like cute stuff, sounds a little gay for a guy but I like cute stuff). Her family was funny, " I love guests". Poor Wilt missing his train.
PBL's theory of Wilt in a gang was half right, I mean the "hood" is full of "gangstas" isn't it? I still don't like Larry, he crushed Wilt's arm & basically destroyed Wilt's eye! Unless he somehow makes up to Wilt, he'sone character I never want to see again (*cough*Goofball*cough*). "Cwissmith?
Imean, Chirstmas?..." will always crack me up. The jailers were funny " I broke into a ladies house to steal her get a soda pop""Oooooh", or something like that. Those jailers were wimpy. I was mad that Wiki thing about Mac's mom thing but you can never trust Wiki. I wonder if CN will release this on DVD by itself or when the Season 5 DVD set comes out. I'd prefer it on it'sown, but since the pilot will be on the season 1 DVD I guess we're going to have to wait.

There's my...*count fingers* cents!
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Old 11-24-2006, 12:16 PM   #106
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I've still been trying to compose something that was not a repeat of what everyone else has said, or didn't sound too stupid and over-the-top. I literally could not sleep last night after watching this movie-it left me THAT wired!

There's not a whole lot I can add, really, other than to say "I LOVED THIS MOVIEEEE! I felt that the flashback scene of how Wilt's arm was initially injured, along with his eye, was handled well for the younger members of the audience. It must have been quite challenging to show what happened without it being all bloody and gory. The older fans will figure out that Wilt had to have gotten medical help later, after leaving the scene, and that this was when his badly-fractured arm would have been amputated, something that the little ones really didn't need to be exposed to. They did show that Wilt DID come from what looked like a pretty rough neighborhood, and did reinforce my long-held belief that he was created as much to be a father figure for his creator as he was to play basketball. His referring to Jordan as "my boy" and "my kid", in the exact same manner that a proud father would refer to his son, is still quite touching, even now that his "boy" is a multi-millionaire with his own Lear jet. In the heart of his surrogate father/best friend, he will always and forever more be a little boy.

I was not disappointed by anyone else's roles, either. Ed's creator, Nina, was pivotal in helping find Wilt, due to her experitise in locating criminals on the lam and missing persons. The two nerds who found Coco added comic relief, along with Bloo's absurd theories(were they THAT absurd? I myself have speculated that Wilt might not have always been such a nice guy)as to who Wilt's creator was, but they also provided the necessary technology that eventually helped Mac and Nina correctly "profile" who Wilt's creator was. I thought it was a funny and ironic twist that Frankie had to play the part of an exasperated father on a family trip, with that joke about her not stopping for directions and threatening to turn the bus around if the others didn't stop bugging her, LOL! I can see her dilemma, though-she knows she has someone else's kid with her, probably unknown to his mom, she has a TON of chores and responsibilities waiting back home, but she is still clearly depressed about Wilt being gone and concerned with his safety. For those who wanted to see more Mac/Bloo interaction, I just have to say this: this was not THEIR movie. There have been plenty of opportunities to see Mac and Bloo interact; it's the main driving force behind many episodes, including the pilot, but Wilt really needed to have his day in the spotlight for once, and this was it.

I DO have to wonder, though, if this pilgrimage of his, his reconnecting with his creator(whom he HAD to have known about all these years, with Jordan being a celebrity), and coming to terms with his unpleasant past will change Wilt any, if he will stop saying "I'm sorry" all the time, as Jordan suggested.


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Old 11-24-2006, 12:27 PM   #107
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I really don't think Wilt will stop saying "I'm sorry" it's his catchphrase like Cheese's "I like *insert some food or thing here*".
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Old 11-24-2006, 12:53 PM   #108
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GASP! I forgot to mention the jail scene! A POX UPON MYSELF!!!

The whole puppy story is one of the funniest part in the whole movie! Along with "Chwithmith?", of course, almost anything Bloo said, the "Lawn Ranger" and "BANDITOS ES DE MUERTOS! MUERTOS!!" ^^ Wait, allow me to brick myself, because I know I'm leaving stuff out.
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Old 11-24-2006, 12:58 PM   #109
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I don't AT ALL think that Frankie had "lost the heart" to find Wilt. I think she threatened to turn around and go home only out of extreme anger at the obnoxious singing that further aggravated the massive amount of responsabilities on her plate. After that scene, we get to see many moments showing Frankie's genuine concern and worry about Wilt missing, which made me happy.

And I think the episode had just the right amount of Mac and Bloo, since this was supposed to be Wilt's time to shine. I nearly died laughing when Bloo said that Wilt was created by Al Capone and Godzilla.
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Old 11-24-2006, 01:04 PM   #110
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OMGYES. xD The best line has to be "HE LED A LIFE OF DEBAUCHERY AND CRIME!", simply because I love the word 'debauchery'. xD
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