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Old 07-15-2007, 01:12 AM   #1
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Default Who the H*LL is loren...

and why does she keep high jacking my BFAHP account?!?!?!?

I haven't been playing everyday like I usually do. Instead it's been every 3-4 days. And this is what happens ---

I log in with my correct user-name & password and it loads just fine but when the house comes up instead of my buddy, BlinkyMR, there's someone else. Usually it's one of the one-part bodies, most often the fish. I going into the edit part & edit my buddy to back to it's normal three-part body, hit the "next" button where I have to edit the name from "loren" back to "BlinkyMR".

Not only does that happen but it also totally screws over my citizenship, popularity & favors bars. And worse than that, used my FREAKING TICKETS!!! I at one point had 25 tickets & then when I logged on after about 5 days of not playing I was down to 5 & had the exploring costume & the pogo stick. Neither of which I'd planned on buying. Then today I was down to 0 & had the ghost costume (also something I didn't want to buy).

Several months ago I had the body swapping thing happen but it went away after a few day so I wrote it up to a glitch and went on. But now that it's happening AGAIN & the missing ticket thing, I'm getting really, really annoyed!

Am I the only one this is happening to or are other people happen having this problem. And what can I do to make it stop? Should I try & contact CN about it or what. Thanks for letting me rant.

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Old 07-15-2007, 01:20 AM   #2
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You could try contacting the support people; however, don't guarantee that they'll do a whole lot about it. As someone that had an original account screwed up, I was forced to restart from the beginning under a new name.

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Old 07-15-2007, 02:30 AM   #3
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Doesn't sound like a glitch to me, more likely your account has either been hacked or someone knows the password to your account, and decided to screw with it. (On a side note, "loren" kinda sounds like "lauren" as in Craig's wife, but I highly doubt the CN staff would do things like that, so yeah.) Most likely it's just some jerk screwing around with your account. If possible, report it to the CN staff or something, hopefully they'll let you change your password. If all else fails, just create a new account and play on that, since the accounts don't really count for anything serious other than entertainment, anyway.
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Old 07-15-2007, 09:43 AM   #4
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I agree, it's most likely a hacker/jerk who discovered your password. The best thing to do would be to eaither change your password or contact CN. You know, I find it odd that if it is a hacker, he/she hasn't changed your password yet. He/she probably will soon if you don't beat him/her to it, they like to screw around with their victims befor really bringing in the big guns.

Wouldn't it be funny if "the hacker" thought that the account actually was his/hers, and he/she was as freaked out about the acount always changing as well?
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Old 07-15-2007, 10:37 AM   #5
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You can't change your password for BFAHP, can you? It's like, fixed and stuff?
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Old 07-15-2007, 11:50 AM   #6
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Sorry to hear this is happening to you. It does sound like someone has figured out your password. It really does not sound like it's a glitch.

Forget about contacting CN. I've tried to do it numerous times (feedback link and other ways) and they have yet to respond to anything.

As far as I know, the change password part is still not fixed, so you aren't going to be able to do that, either. The good thing is that there is no way to trade or transfer items from one account to another, or sell them. Each user is completely isolated from any other user, so that's good.

What you can do to secure your tickets and such is to spend them as soon as you are able, unless you don't care if they do it for you. Once your bars are full don't wait to do the Adventure. Also, unlock the game/toy you want immediately. That way they can't unlock something you didn't want unlocked. The game resets at midnight Eastern time, so you can log in right after that and get your chores out of the way.

The weird thing is how they figured out your user name and password. Unless your user name is the same as your IF's name or a user name you use on message boards and such. I don't know how they'd figure that out otherwise. For the password, they would just need a password cracker. Theives used those on Orbit all the time. I would not trust any game on CN that requires a password. They've proven to NOT be completely safe.
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Old 07-15-2007, 03:06 PM   #7
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Thanks so much for everyone's advice & sympathy. I'll give changing my password a shot.

While it's only a game, what can I say I've kinda gotten attached to my little buddy. I guess if I can't change my password I'll just have to make sure that I play every day in the middle of the night so the hacker (if there is one) can't high jack BlinkyMR from me.

I guess what I don't understand is why someone would want to do something like this for just a game. What if I was a kid? I think I would be devastated to find my account had been used by someone else. Luckily I'm not so this is just an annoyance.

The only good thing to come out of it is the hacker almost completed the first level of Balloon Attacks for me. And yep you guessed it, I hadn't unlocked that particular game yet. I discovered that today when I decided to look around to see what all had changed. But I still wish they'd leave my account alone.

Anyway, thanks again everyone.

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Old 07-17-2007, 06:38 PM   #8
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Here's an update ---

I found out that I AM being hacked and by someone on this forum most likely. Someone who's claiming to be Sparky no less! Yep, you read that right. Because I didn't think it sounded like her, I PMed her first thing. She told me this wasn't the first time someone claiming to be her had hacked somebody's BFAH account.

So not only is this hacker a truly sad & pathetic little twit, they're trying to blame it on someone else. A sleazy trick that could have gotten ugly if I was the type to fly off the handle. Unfortunately unless this little pissant decides to come forward (*snort* yeah right!) there's nothing that can be done about it.

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Old 07-17-2007, 06:42 PM   #9
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I still don't know why this person must be a member of the forum (they may well be someone who was banned though and are therefore trying to get back at me that way). But anyways yes, a long time ago someone else told me that someone was hacking their account, and turning their IF into a replica of Blinky, and naming him "Sparky". Some people just need a constructive hobby, I guess.
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Old 07-18-2007, 01:35 PM   #10
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The reason I think it might be either someone on the forum or someone who talks to a forum member because of the very coincidental timing of the name switch from "loren" (what they used before) to " i hacked u im sparky" the day after I made my post on here about possibly being hacked.

Then again I could just be paranoid.

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