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Humans Discuss the main human characters: Mac, Frankie, Madame Foster, Goo, Terrence, and Mom.

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Old 10-03-2006, 08:09 PM   #61
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I disgaree and consider Cheese a much better flavour of humor to swallow then Goo. Goo to me was a one trick poney, her episode and her personality worked out her problem all in one 30 minute show and it could have easily just stayed there and just left it at that.

Cheese to me is like the Imaginary friend version of "Family Guy", a stupid, weird ass character that spouts random things with nothing but insanity, strange sense of a humor and high pressured sugar foods fueling his warped little mind. Much like Peter Griffin .

But Goo to me is becoming more annoying then apart of the "Foster's crew". She doesn't really bring anything to the table other then fast talking, and a what seems to be a common theme in all the episodes she's involved in: a very BOSSY nature.

She's bullied Herriman, Frankie, Mac, Eduardo, and just about anyone else she's talked to with her wacko attitude. Even in "Big Cheese" when Frankie asks for her help to get the code, you can get a sense of arrogance from her tone.

I think she could be a much more likeable and very acceptable character if they gave her more depth then just the go-go mouth syndrome 24/7. Cheese is a dumb ass, that's his gimmick and that's not an insult btw, it's literally what he is there to do, be stupid.

Other then "Go Goo Go" we haven't seen any real depth to Goo's character in any of her current appearances. I think she's just becoming more 3rd wheel and less funny. The same thing might happen to Cheese if they overuse him, but odds are I'll stop laughing at Goo before I stop laughing at Cheese.
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Old 10-03-2006, 08:20 PM   #62
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I agree with Mr. Marshmallow.

Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
You're not going to like "Make-Believe It Or Not", then. I'm not really looking forward to that one, either.
Hmmm...I really wouldn't mind watching "Make-Believe It Or Not" even if it does feature Goo because I don't have cable, so I never have a chance to watch Foster's. Even watching really old episodes or re-runs that I've seen fifty times is worth while for me. But I totally get your drift.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 05-17-2009 at 01:05 AM. Reason: Changed quoted text to match edited original.
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Old 10-03-2006, 08:58 PM   #63
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Interesting take on Goo vs. Cheese, Mr. M. Very interesting indeed. Not sure I agree or disagree, so I'll be pondering for a while...
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Old 10-04-2006, 03:48 AM   #64
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I disgaree and consider Cheese a much better flavour of humor to swallow then Goo. Goo to me was a one trick poney, her episode and her personality worked out her problem all in one 30 minute show and it could have easily just stayed there and just left it at that.

Cheese to me is like the Imaginary friend version of "Family Guy", a stupid, weird ass character that spouts random things with nothing but insanity, strange sense of a humor and high pressured sugar foods fueling his warped little mind. Much like Peter Griffin .

But Goo to me is becoming more annoying then apart of the "Foster's crew". She doesn't really bring anything to the table other then fast talking, and a what seems to be a common theme in all the episodes she's involved in: a very BOSSY nature.

She's bullied Herriman, Frankie, Mac, Eduardo, and just about anyone else she's talked to with her wacko attitude. Even in "Big Cheese" when Frankie asks for her help to get the code, you can get a sense of arrogance from her tone.

I think she could be a much more likeable and very acceptable character if they gave her more depth then just the go-go mouth syndrome 24/7. Cheese is a dumb ass, that's his gimmick and that's not an insult btw, it's literally what he is there to do, be stupid.

Other then "Go Goo Go" we haven't seen any real depth to Goo's character in any of her current appearances. I think she's just becoming more 3rd wheel and less funny. The same thing might happen to Cheese if they overuse him, but odds are I'll stop laughing at Goo before I stop laughing at Cheese.
I agree in a way- but I've never liked Goo because she's funny, by any means.

Cheese annoys the crap out of me... he just does. It doesn't mean I hate him, but he does.

I'll agree that her last few perfromances hace been slightly crappy and annoying... But maybe in future episodes (maybe the upcoming one with the video game nightmares) she'll have more depth, and become a more liked character.

I think Mac/Goo is awesome (if Goo gets more depth), but everyone has their own opinion, and I'm okay with that...

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Old 10-04-2006, 04:20 AM   #65
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Yikes, looks like we're seeing things from completely opposite ends of the spectrum here.

In my own point of view, I seem to see Cheese as a bit of a one-track character in the manner that his only major gimic is that he wanders about and spouts random phrases, much in the way that Goo can be seen as a bit one-dimensional through just talking fast.

But like I said, I'm very much on the other side of these two-choices, to me there's just not that much for Cheese except "Do it again, do it again" and "I like chocolate milk." But then again, as stated before, my experience as a day camp counselor had a very strong role in shaping this particular viewpoint.

Simply put, I just find Goo to be a very upbeat, extremely unique character who's personality adds a bit of diversity whenever she appears within the show.

Unfortunately, it seems people or either all-or-nothing on the subject with little middle ground in between - she's either a welcome addition or flat-out disliked, and thus all of us with the opoosing viewpoints simply can't see eye-to-eye with anything on the subject.

Any moderates out there on the subject? That'd make for some great input here.
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Old 10-04-2006, 08:14 AM   #66
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Originally, I loved Goo. Her extremely hyper attitude provided some great comedy for her debut episode; and as somebody who is a social outcast, I found the ending to be genuinely touching. Her appearance in "The Big Picture" was a nice surprise, and it seemed like a teaser for what I thought would be her next big role in "Make-Believe It Or Not".

Unfortunately, that wasn't her case. And unfortunately, each appearance since has kinda only erased the reasons I liked her in the first place. She went from a loveable outcast I could somewhat relate with to a depressingly accurate representation of the bullies that tormented me in "Neighbor Pains". And then there's how she's become a bit of a blatant deus-ex machina "solve the problem at the end" character, which is a bit of a slap in the face to the entire main cast.

I'm kinda mixed about "Make-Believe It Or Not". I'm a huge videogame fanatic, and I'm looking forward to the references and parodies they're planning to make... but I'm also fearing that it'll have Goo hogging the spotlight and making the characters we've known and loved from the beginning look like fools.

So I guess I'm a moderate?
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Old 10-04-2006, 08:42 AM   #67
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I guess you can say I am bit of a moderate myself, Because I never thought Goo was a horrible character by any stretch of the imagination, but on the other hand I never thought she was the greatest thing since sliced bread either.

The one thing I really like about the character is the manic energy that Grey Delislie brings to the role, I mean after all she is given carte blanch to stand in front of a microphone and basically go crazy, who wouldn't want an opportunity to do that?

And Truthfully I never thought her multiple appearances this season to be a hindrance to any of the episodes, as she did get some funny lines and our favorite characters still got plenty of face time as well, and I must be the only person on the board who wasn't offended in the least by her behavior in Neighbor Pains, just because I have been in similar situations many times before, being forced to work with people who had the exact same mentality as Goo did. So to me it was one of those "it's funny because it's true" deals.

As for character development I am sure we are going to see a lot of it in the coming seasons, there is still IMHO a lot of situations they can come up in order to see multiple sides of Goo's character.
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Old 10-04-2006, 10:31 AM   #68
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Originally Posted by taranchula View Post
and I must be the only person on the board who wasn't offended in the least by her behavior in Neighbor Pains, just because I have been in similar situations many times before, being forced to work with people who had the exact same mentality as Goo did. So to me it was one of those "it's funny because it's true" deals.
I actually wasn't really bothered by her in Neighbor Pains either, to be honest. True, I was surprised to see her acting so unexpectedly bossy to all the others, but I didn't really view it is bullying. The fact that she was participating in Adopt-a-Thought-Saturday in the first place meant to me that she began with the genuine intention to help out at Foter's, but as can be seen, she clearly became extremely caught up in her role and was quite over-the-top with her performance. Did she go overboard? Undoubtedly yes, but I her original intentions I think had to be good.

Even though a cartoon character, she is at the same time only human, and can have flaws (as Frankie with her nasty cookie addiction and Mac with his sugar troubles). But then again, Goo herself is already over-the-top to begin with, so I think that's why it gets offensive to some when she goes any further.
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Old 10-04-2006, 12:23 PM   #69
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The sad thing is, although I could relate to her before as the "outcast type", I related to her just as much when she was bossy.

Because she's a clone of me at that age- even with the bossiness. I was REALLY bossy (it seems like I've outgrown MOST of that, although it's still there).

You see, sometimes when someone is an outcast for a while, the moment someone listens to what they have to say, it becomes addicting. That's the way I see Goo- she didn't have friends for a large period of time, so now that she has Mac (and I guess Coco- what's up with their weird friendship?) to pay attention to her, she kind of craves everyone listening to her.

Am I making any sense? Probably not, knowing me...

"Neighbor Pains," though it wasn't my favorite appearence of Goo, made me laugh because I could remember the bossy aspect of my personality.

I'm just glad to see some moderates.

I'm not obsessed. I'm not going to dress up as her for Halloween. I just like the fact that I can relate.

Oh, and the fact that I'm a compulsive talker is there, too.
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Old 10-04-2006, 12:40 PM   #70
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Same here, no obsession, it was just that for a little bit it looked like everyoen was either straight-out pro or anti-Goo, making me a member of the former group.

And also, no need to apolgize, Marty, I really liked the point you made, and that you had experience to back yourself up on it.

But foremost, I was very glad and interested to see the moderate viewpoints - and to know that there people who aren't either-or on the subject, period.
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