I recommend that very much so. You shouldn't let something or someone like that try to stop you from enjoying something, we all have the right to like what we like. And like I said, people who are going to be obnoxious and moronic about who you are not worth listening too, let alone think about.
People like that only delight in bringing you down and proving how ignorant their knowledge of the world really is. "Earl" is a comedy show meant to teach, entertain, and laugh at, not to feel upset over. "South Park" has virutally rididucled every stereotype, celebrity, fact of life, and so on and so forth.
But you move along and just brush it aside because it's just a joke, and that's the way you got to take it. Don't waste your thoughts or your time on people who don't have the decency to respect people's dignity and common sense of decency, when they judge everything and everyone by what they see on TV.