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Old 08-02-2008, 11:13 PM   #181
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Originally Posted by L.G. View Post
There were hints in the house photo episode that she thinks she's overweight when she is not.
Hmm, she tells Coco that she wishes she wasn't so skinny, and it bothered her so much, she broke the scale in the bathroom to where it read 10 pounds heavier. Coco then regains her self image and runs off, and Frankie drops to the floor, mutters "Man, I wish that was true", and starts munching on the cookies Coco had just been munching on. I always understood that last line was referring to breaking the scale, not what she thinks of her weight. She wishes she could break the scale so it would read 10 pounds heavier because maybe it would help her feel better, but she could never do it (without possibly breaking the scale beyond all usefulness). But she stated that wish out loud simply for Coco's sake.

I dunno, maybe it's open ended for further discussion (and in the Frankie Discussion thread). But that's how I always saw it. I think Frankie thinks she's too skinny.
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Old 08-02-2008, 11:14 PM   #182
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I never felt her design of Frankie's legs or body type was anything to do with weight but simply how the animation style ended up making her look. I mean, sometimes half the people in the show have weirdly shaped chins or jaws, and Madame Foster has feet that look like pointed pencil tips or something.

Speaking of beautiful voices (like Grey), I find Kathy Soucie's voice to be the most absolute beautiful of toon voices. I think its lovely, elegant, and sexy sounding at the same time and the reason I mention her is because she has played countless female toons, 4 of which are some of my BIGGEST crushes.

Princess Sally from Sonic the hedgehog, Pilot Jenny from Bucky O'hare, Lola Bunny from Space Jam, and (always my most favored favorite) Fifi La fume from Tiny Toon Adventures (of which I have the first season on DVD first day it came out thank you very much ). Another toon crush I'd love to share comes from the show Chowder, although this is a more adorable/cuteness kinda deal.

Panini. She's this ridiculously SUPER damn cute little pink bunny and she's always got goo goo eyes for Chowder. I love her design and I think her romantic crazy advances on Chowder are hilarious, specially when he screams at her "I'm not your boyfriend!". I always look forward to whenever she's on the show. I think her voice is quite adorably cute to listen to too.
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Old 08-03-2008, 12:16 AM   #183
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pretty much....

uhm.. well, any female character in an anime ive seen, more or less. one time or another, ive had a crush on her. i feel like one of those hopeless romantics about this at times.
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Old 08-03-2008, 12:17 AM   #184
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
I never felt her design of Frankie's legs or body type was anything to do with weight but simply how the animation style ended up making her look. I mean, sometimes half the people in the show have weirdly shaped chins or jaws, and Madame Foster has feet that look like pointed pencil tips or something.
Exactly what I mean. It's just Craig's style. And as we've seen, that style produces some wonderful results.

I spent the last 40 minutes or so rereading all 186 posts in this thread (187 now). Except for some uncalled-for hostility in the earliest pages there's a lot of warmth here; it makes for some very pleasant reading, and a very good feeling in one's heart. Funny how a bunch of hand-drawn lines and colored spaces can inspire all that.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 09-03-2008 at 09:00 AM.
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Old 08-05-2008, 01:38 PM   #185
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So I was reading this thread and since most of the past few posts have been about Frankie and the way she's drawn etc. I had a very odd thought process. I thought, I don't think I've ever been attracted to any of Craig's characters. I'm not saying anythign bad about his style or whatever, I just have never had a crush on any of them. Then I began to think... well what if Frankie was a boy instead of a girl. Basically with the same personailty and everything, but was just a boy... or maybe if Frankie had a brother... Anyway, I was sitting here and I thought Frankie would actually make a cute boy. I mean... I love redheads... So... here's hoping Frankie's long lost brother suddenly appears.

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Old 08-05-2008, 05:13 PM   #186
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I feel a tad silly admitting this one (her being a robot and all) but, Arcee from the 80's Transformers series and movie. She's just such a sweetheart and I just want to give her a big hug. I love her G1 design because it reminds me of the retro design of humanoid robots. I also love her new design in the Animated series, I can't wait for a figure of this one.

Last edited by Medikor; 08-05-2008 at 05:14 PM.
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Old 08-09-2008, 09:44 PM   #187
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May as well officially add Ann from the second season of Sailor Moon to my list. I think she's very attractive and while she comes off as cold and hostile, not to mention arrogant, there's just something about her that draws me in. I don't know why and in real life I'd probably dislike her with great intensity, but still... who knows why the heart wants what it wants.

And Rikku, from Final Fantasy, she recently caught my eye, too. Just a name to me at present but I'll no doubt be reading up on her later.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 08-12-2008, 11:37 PM   #188
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I've recently developed a crush on a cartoon character from a webcomic called Lackadaisy Cats named Ivy Pepper. Despite the fact that she's a cartoon cat, she's utterly adorable and attractive to me. She's kind, energetic, genuinely outgoing, and caring. She's also cute as a button.

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Old 08-13-2008, 06:15 AM   #189
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Wow. You know, it just occurred to me that I've yet to say a single thing in this thread about Disco Bear, quite easily the most beautiful and endearing of the entire Happy Tree Friends ensemble, and the focus my most recently-developed cartoon crush (it's been three or four months now). As the name implies, he is indeed an ursine, but an utterly delectable one at that, and I find it damned near impossible to take my eyes off him. Here are some pictures by which to prove my point:

In addition to being visually pleasing, DB also has a brilliant personality which I find to be very charming, complex and sympathetic. On the surface, he's quite a self-absorbed and narcissistic character, but his ego is very easily punctured nonetheless, and he strikes me as being a very lonely and unhappy character deep down. I want to hug him so much.

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Old 08-13-2008, 08:54 AM   #190
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Wow, thanks for the great explanations and pictures Nath, Jekyl. I'm so glad people on this board are giving this thread more posting and thought as I always felt I may have scared everyone off by talking too deeply into the subject . But in any case, Ivy is actually quite cute Nathander, least I think so.

I particularly like her dresses in the images below and on the left of the colored version of her. Though the yellow eyes are a bit eerie. I was just watching "A goofy movie" on Toon Disney and reminded me of another Toon crush of mine, one I wish Disney had used more instead of limiting her to just this movie: Roxanne.

She plays the nervous girlfriend of Max, Goofy's son and I think she's just beautiful. I like the fact she is nervous and sincere despite the fact she is obviously very attractive, and she doesn't let it go to her head or turn snobby over it. She also twirls her hair in her fingers a lot and I find that to be VERY cute.

They made a goofy movie sequel and brought everyone back BUT Roxanne and that kind of irritated me cause like I said she makes almost no other appearances. Anyway, just thought I'd share my thoughts on this toon crush of mine.
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