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Old 05-17-2008, 05:11 AM   #771
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The last tv show I watched(not counting the local news/weather, since I'm supposed to be going to a car show today and needed to see the forecast) was the season finale of "CSI". It was really sad and disturbing, because they killed off one of my favorite characters, Warrick Brown, the broody, handsome investigator who has always reminded me of Wilt, or rather, the reverse is true. I knew that the actor who played him, Gary Dourdan, was leaving the show, a situation made all the worse by him getting involved with illegal drugs-so sad to see a talented person ruin his/her life that way, so I knew that the character would be leaving the show, also. I just didn't know HOW. Other major characters, when leaving the show, just LEFT-as in decided that the job was more than they could handle, turned in their notices, packed up their stuff and caught the next plane out of Vegas, so I guess I kinda hoped that maybe Warrick would do the same thing, and maybe once the actor who played him got his own personal act together, he could at least make a cameo now and then, but by the time the conflict in the episode had been resolved, and everyone met at a local diner and everyone was all happy and warm and huggy, I knew they were gonna off him. As the character got in his car, parked in the prerequisite dark alley, I thought at first that the car was rigged to blow up when he started it, or messed with the radio, since the camera focused a lot on him tuning the stations, but as it turned out, the local undersheriff was one of two Mafia "moles" in the police dept., who'd tried to have Warrick framed for the shooting of a mob boss that Warrick was known to have had a conflict with, and this guy just casually strolls up the window, congratulates Warrick on getting the charges dropped(after his CSI teammates solve the real crime and get him off the hook) and doing a fine job, then pulls out a handgun and shoots him point-blank in the neck. As he struggles to breathe, the guy pumps more bullets into him, then casually wipes down the gun and tosses it onto the seat of the car, and walks off. It was just so cold and brutal, to wipe out the character like that. They didn't do that with the last major character to leave, and she was far from my favorite. Honestly, with few of the original major characters left, the show is on the verge of jumping the shark, so I wouldn't be surprised to see next season be the last.

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Old 05-17-2008, 06:58 AM   #772
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maybe they were mad at him for having been arrested. He got caught with serious, serious stuff.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 05-17-2008, 08:19 AM   #773
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ninja warrior.

i want to be like akira omori. that guy was my personal favorite of the one that was on last night, but today i havent seen anyone im intrested in. although it was kinda funny seeing superman lose it on the rolling log.
I just became a member of a club known as the bumbling fools
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Old 05-17-2008, 03:34 PM   #774
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Beavis and Butt-Head.

It's on MTV2. Right now. Awesomeness.


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Old 05-17-2008, 03:56 PM   #775
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Originally Posted by Partymember View Post
maybe they were mad at him for having been arrested. He got caught with serious, serious stuff.
Actually, the decision to leave was his, and was made before his arrest, not after. Perhaps the producers already knew of his problems, and it just hadn't become public yet, and therefore were so willing to let him go without any groveling on their part, like they did when George Eads(Nick)and Jorja Fox(Sarah) walked out a couple of years ago in a contract dispute issue. The network and studio practically offered them the world on a silver platter to come back, and they did, though Jorja Fox left earlier this season, prior to the writer's strike. The episode in which Warrick is shot was also filmed before Gary Dourdan's arrest, by the way, so again, the way in which that character was killed (hopefully) had nothing to do with what was going on with him in real life.

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Old 05-17-2008, 04:28 PM   #776
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The Spectacular Spider-Man's "Persona"; my LORD, this show is SO GOOD!

I've mentioned a couple of times how in awe I am of this cartoon, but I don't really feel as though I've done it justice, so I'm just going to throw it out there: this is, in my eyes, the single best adaptation of Spider-Man ever made. Every character I've ever loved is here, acted and characterised perfectly; every theme I've ever recognised and identified with is here, explored in a fresh and intelligent way; everything, frankly, that's ever been fun and awesome about Spider-Man and his universe is represented here with glorious colour, sparkling wit and ass-kicking slickness.

My hat is fully off to Greg "Gargoyles" Weisman and his team; not only do they know their Spidey inside-out and back-to-front, they are absolute masters of edge-of-the-seat serialised story-telling, with every second layering on extra levels of intrigue, setup and reward, often beyond what even seems possible. Today's "Persona" was a case in point: we had the symbiote discovery, tangles with Black Cat, a caper with Chameleon, Quentin Beck and Phineas Mason AND the establishment of the black suit, not to mention key character development for Jameson, Flash, Capt. Stacy, Dr Connors and Aunt May. It's five times what any of the live-action films took on, even the garbled mess that was Spider-Man 3, in barely one-eighth of the running time, and did it miss even a single beat? No chance; it was smooth, breathless and unrelentingly enjoyable.

What else can I say? This show has me wrapped around its little finger, and I can't wait to see where it goes next. I absolutely, wholeheartedly recommend that anyone with the slightest interest in Spider-Man, or the superhero genre, or even just a taste for good, rollocking adventure stories, go and check out this...well, spectacular cartoon as soon as possible. You won't regret it; that's a "Ditchy Guarantee"*.

* - as opposed to a legitimate, binding guarantee.
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Old 05-19-2008, 10:03 AM   #777
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M*A*S*H. More specifically, the last third of "Goodbye, Farewell and Amen."

God, this was good. I loved the tenderness throught out the episode and it was such a fitting ending for the show. Some sadness, but it was just so good. And I swear, every moment between Klinger and Soon-Lee [Jamie Farr and Rosalind Chao, respectively] was GOLD.

I don't care what the critics say: this is Alan Alda's best, both in front of and behind the camera.

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Old 05-19-2008, 02:58 PM   #778
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The last TV show I watched was "Maya and Miguel" on PBS Kids. Maya of course being voiced by Candi Milo. It was the episode where the twins take on the business of being "professional dog walkers" in order to help a senior friend raise enough money so she can go to to her 50th high school reunion. Not the best episode frankly, but still entertaining. My favorite will probably always be "Love Letter" where Maya finds a letter Miguel wrote to a new girl in their class. She thinks he has a crush on the new girl, and decides to help them get to know eachother better. But what Maya doesn't know is Miguel wrote it for one of his friends who doesn't speak Spanish too well. What a mess that turned out to be! But ohhhh was it funny!
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Old 05-20-2008, 06:08 AM   #779
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A series consisting of heavily abridged animated versions of celebrated operas. I'm not entirely sure of the exact year from which it dates, but I believe that it was some time in the 90s. Last night, I watched their take upon Mozart's The Magic Flute. Naturally, they had to cut down on an awful lot in order to fit in with the thirty minute running time, so this did have the feeling of being the operatic equivilent of a skim-read, but it was certainly a fun one at that - gloriously trippy, I must say. Next, I'll have to check out their take upon Barber of Seville. Should be a hoot.

That's it,
The End,
But you'll get over it,
My Friend.

Last edited by jekylljuice; 05-21-2008 at 11:50 AM.
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Old 05-21-2008, 02:38 PM   #780
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"King of the Hill". It's amazing how I can't stop loving this show despite disliking many of the characters.
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