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Old 04-25-2008, 08:38 PM   #1
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Default Shows/Anime You Were Disappointed In

There have been times I'm sure we've all been through were there was a television program or cartoon being made you were excited to see, either because you had liked other versions of it, or by word of mouth. I'm equally sure there have been times where those expectations have led to disappointment. I'm wondering what some of those are for everyone else. My own are:

Hellsing (original TV Series)-

I was a big fan of the original manga, so I was excited when I heard they were animating it. My excitement remained until I saw the second episode, where it became fairly clear that the authors didn't feel understand the characters they were working with, or what the tone of the story should be. Many of the characters personalities were changed drastically (primarily Alucard, Seras, Integra, and Anderson), and the incredible and ferocious villains of the manga were cut for a villain who was relatively lame in comparison. The animation also suffered, as four different anime companies worked on the animation at different times, as studios had to be kept switching out since they had such a small budget, leading to relatively poor animation after episode 7 in comparison to the early episodes. That's not to say that the anime was a BAD anime; it wasn't a fantastic anime, whether on its own or being compared to the original, but it was far from being bad. I prefer the OVA series, as it seems more familiar to me and to the manga, which I had read before seeing the initial anime, and I have a tendency to like the thing I see first more than other versions. The OVA also has better animation, though it lacks in soundtrack, which was the one fantastic thing the original Hellsing animation had.

Trigun -

I kept hearing about how great the series was and, honestly, it fell far below my expectations. Like the original version of Hellsing, it wasn't a bad anime (and I would say it's far superior to the original animated attempt of Hellsing), but it was nowhere near as good as a lot of friends had made it out to be to me. A lot of it was somewhat dull in my mind, and the basic premise of the series had been done before, and done better. A great anime, but I was ultimately disappointed in it.

Sonic Underground -

I had been a gigantic fan of the Sonic SatAM series, so I was pumped for this. I was also horribly disappointed by it, especially since I was a child at the time and had high hopes for it. It was kind of like a kick in the teeth almost.

Neon Genesis Evangelion -

I do think NGE is a great series, and that it is a work of art (as long as you exclude End of Evangelion). However, it is HORRIBLY overhyped, and overhyped for the wrong reasons to watch the show. While a great series, it doesn't deserve the amount of praise it tends to receive from most people, as there have been far better anime created, both in terms of depth (Hellsing Ultimate, Akira, Princess Tutu, D.Gray Man, Mind Game), and in terms of importance to anime in general (Akira, Dragon Ball Z, Tekkonkinkreet).

Last edited by Nathander; 04-25-2008 at 08:45 PM.
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Old 04-26-2008, 10:07 AM   #2
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BLEACH. No clue how it got so popular... It's pretty much the same thing as Naruto, only even more emo and ZZZZ inducing.
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Old 04-26-2008, 12:41 PM   #3
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For me it was the "New" TMNT cartoon (the one aired in 2003, I'm not really sure what it was called). Everyone just looked -bleh- compared to the original animated series. I guess I was just too used to seeing the "cuter" faces from the original, so it was more of a shock than anything else when I saw the new version.
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Last edited by Frankie_4_Prez; 04-26-2008 at 12:43 PM.
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Old 04-26-2008, 02:55 PM   #4
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The Darkstalkers anime - it was decent overall, but made a few very strange decisions on which characters to emphasize. they ignored their most famous one, for example.

Fatal Fury (all three). Should have followed the games better. Would have actually had a better running storyline.
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Old 04-26-2008, 02:57 PM   #5
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Joey-When I first heard of the Friends spin-off, I thought it would be a great show. But after watching it, I was turned off by its lack of humor, good plot and even the acting wasn't good enough.
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Old 04-26-2008, 03:14 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by emperor26 View Post
Joey-When I first heard of the Friends spin-off, I thought it would be a great show. But after watching it, I was turned off by its lack of humor, good plot and even the acting wasn't good enough.
Personally, I'd always had the feeling that the show in question was doomed to failure right from the start. I'll admit that I never actually watched it, nor had I watched Friends consistently for quite some time, but when I heard that they were doing a spin-off called "Joey", it just struck me as a pretty transparent, and frankly quite production line-ish attempt to repeat Paramount's one-off success in spinning "Frasier" off from "Cheers". Of all the major Friends characters, Joey had never exactly struck me as being one of the strongest. I couldn't really imagine how they intended him to carry a show on his own.

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Old 04-26-2008, 08:33 PM   #7
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I was disappointed in "Joey" too. I'm a hardcore "FRIENDS" fan, and looked to the spinoff with great optomism. I had the best hopes for it. I think they had some good ideas going, it's the carrying out that they didn't do so well.

Another show I was disappointed in was "That '80s Show". I tried to enjoy it, I really did. The decade of my childhood held many of the best times in my whole life. And although I did enjoy the pop culture flash backs, they just let it get stale much too early than anyone expected. The show only lasted one year.
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Old 04-26-2008, 08:47 PM   #8
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bleach. i mean, ive only seen a few episodes, and its okay, but its not the best thing ever made.

after watching a few more episodes with aizen in them, i take that back.

same applies to naruto. in fact, naruto is very high on my list of dissapointments. they ruined ninjas for me.

and inuyasha. its okay in small doses, but as a whole it feels repetitive and kinda stupid.

another one is most of the newer pokemon seasons, because they just let me down in comparision to things before them (anything from jhoto or earlier i mean) and the games.
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Old 04-28-2008, 11:18 AM   #9
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I'm afraid that Inuyasha will have to be my pick. I really like the show but it got way too formulaic way too fast. Another one would have to be Beast Machines. I really wanted to like this show, I really did but it was just so different from Beast Wars and just took many of the characters, and overall direction of the series, in a direction I just couldn't get behind.
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Old 04-30-2008, 12:43 PM   #10
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Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles

This show started out so excellently, such magnificent effects and use of the terminator robots. It had good action, good choice actors, and I loved Thomas Dekker (John Connor) from "Heroes" previously. All was going fine until the show got REALLY STUPID and jerked around with time travel, totally disrupting the movie connection for a stupid "let's make it in the 2008 era" simply for the shallow excuse of modernism. It was a good show wasted.

Ben 10: Alien Force

I was really looking forward to this, I mean really looking forward. And even though its only had 3 episodes aired (2 if you count the hour one was one episode), and I tried to understand other's views on the show, its just a poorly thought out show. They totally screwed the charm of the aliens of the old, made too many changes, and literally nudered one of the best villains of the old show. Its cool that its a serious mature show now, but its become so utterly backwards from its original series, its a poor, poor sequel.

Neon Genesis Evangelion

I am probably in the supremely small minority of crazy people about this, but I seriously did not feel this anime was as "masterpiece" worthy as people crack it up to be. Its a good series, the end MOVIE is a masterpiece, but I just didn't find this anime to be that legendary or groundbreaking. At times it became too confusing and mixed things weirdly with the dark serious stuff and comedic stuff. Without the movie, I don't feel the show would be seen as "godly" as it is now and that's my main issue, the movie kind of did all the work.

Beast Machines

Pretty self explanatory if you've ever seen Beast Wars and the show side by side, plus I agree with what Medikor said about it too.

Bionic Woman

Was expecting this to be a hot new sci-fi series and instead I got a dull, turd of a series which is shocking because I thought a super cybernetic bad ass babe couldn't go wrong.....I was wrong. The show barely made any GOOD use of its cyborg star, she was a bland, dumpy looking woman who barely caught my eye or interest. The mystery in the show wasn't that interesting or cool, and the rest of the characters were rather average. There was so much potential to make this fun and cool to watch but eventually, I just didn't care to watch it anymore. I was watching out of habit not for fun, so I stopped.
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