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Old 11-18-2007, 11:57 AM   #1
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Question iPod Nano Tech Support question

Hello all. I have a quick question regarding the older version of the iPod nano.

I have a 4GB iPod nano, older version, and an HP laptop wit iTunes on it. (I'm pretty sure I'm up to date on the iTunes/iPod software.) I want to get some music from my coworker, who also has a non-Mac computer with iTunes.

My question is: whenever I try to plug my iPod into a computer that isn't my laptop, it wants to erase all the music on my iPod and sync it with the music on the computer I'm plugged into. Obviously, this isn't what I want to do. How do I get my iPod to be able to accept music from any iTunes program it's plugged into?

Thanks guys!

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Old 11-20-2007, 11:18 PM   #2
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all right the best way is to convert the songs to mp3 or ACC, then put them on the cd. you should be able to put about 180 on it. if thats not enough, format it to the PC, and click on "use ipod as extenal driver/disk" put the songs on the ipod. you shouldnt be able to hear any songs using the ipod. plug it into the mac, cpoy the songs to your desktop, and reformat it, then put the songs on it (using itunes this time) and there you go. a few of my computers are PC, i had a few ipods in PC format, its alot different. (trust me, you want it mac formatted, you can do alot more)

BTW you can hack into the firmwere and program a wallpaper and screensavers onto your ipod (this goes for any ipod with a screen). i re programed it so when you charge it, it shows a rhino running across the screen, insted of a battery filling up. but please dont even think about this unless you know a deal of compooter programing.

your nf geek, vinny
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Last edited by vinny; 11-20-2007 at 11:23 PM.
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