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Old 11-10-2007, 08:39 PM   #91
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OMG That's awesome! Nice take on Good Wilt Hunting!
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Old 11-11-2007, 04:04 AM   #92
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Originally Posted by ptps View Post

Visiting my aunt in NYC currently, will be here until maybe Jan 2008. Can anyone give me a heads up on where the nearest Hot Topic is so I can finally go get that Wilt hoodie I've been drooling over in my dreams for so long??

Also the daylight saving time is confusing me and I can never seem to catch the Foster's episodes on CN. The last ones I caught were Schlock Star
and the Season 1 one where Mac and Bloo keep getting stuck on the roof - can't remember the title of that one now. Can anyone give me a rough timeline of what times the cartoon airs? Mucho gracias!
Love the pic-I can feel the emotion coming from it, with Wilt leaving to go meet Larry for one last time, knowing that he probably won't be coming back to Foster's(except maybe in a body bag). Even without being able to see his face, I can imagine his expression-sad, yet determined.

I can't really help with the show's time slot; the best thing I can suggest is to grab a newspaper with a tv listing in it, since the show seems to come on at different times each evening and sometimes does not air at all. As for Hot Topic, as far as I know, they do not have a Wilt hoodie, though they do have a couple of hoodies with him on it(along with the other characters). I went to get my Foster's calender from the nearest HT here last night, and they were sold out of the Foster's hoodies, but can order one if you want them to. The clerk told me that the Foster's stuff is selling out almost as fast as they can get it in, which is great news. BUT, they still need to come up with more Wilt stuff, with just him, and so far, only the Wilt t-shirt(with him running) and the wrist band have been issued. Both were sold out at the HT I went to last night.

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Old 11-12-2007, 05:44 AM   #93
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Foster's comes on around 4:00 PM EST (I dunno what timezone NYC is, eheh... %D; ), and the ep you can't remember the name of is Dinner Is Swerved. XD Dunno where the nearest Hot Topic would be though, sorry. D%
aha NYC is exactly twelve hours behind EST if I'm not wrong... though I doubt they'll show Foster's at 4am XDD;;; thanks though!


You can enter either your zip or state, and find all the Hot Topic's in your area =)
omg the nearest one is at Queen's B?!? That's too far! ;__; I'm at First Avenue. Arrrrgh. Why must they torture me so?! Thanks for the info though!

OMG That's awesome! Nice take on Good Wilt Hunting!

I can't really help with the show's time slot; the best thing I can suggest is to grab a newspaper with a tv listing in it, since the show seems to come on at different times each evening and sometimes does not air at all.
Damn. I have no idea where to get a TV listing, and most of the times I switch CN on they're showing B&M or Lazlo's, both of which I dislike greatly. >>; Thanks for the info, and for what HT sells

Sorry there're no pictures, but hopefully I can get some stuff up soon to post. Thanks everyone who's following this thread!

Last edited by ptps; 11-12-2007 at 05:47 AM. Reason: typos lawlz
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Old 11-12-2007, 07:55 AM   #94
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Originally Posted by ptps View Post
aha NYC is exactly twelve hours behind EST if I'm not wrong... though I doubt they'll show Foster's at 4am XDD;;; thanks though!

omg the nearest one is at Queen's B?!? That's too far! ;__; I'm at First Avenue. Arrrrgh. Why must they torture me so?! Thanks for the info though!


Damn. I have no idea where to get a TV listing, and most of the times I switch CN on they're showing B&M or Lazlo's, both of which I dislike greatly. >>; Thanks for the info, and for what HT sells

Sorry there're no pictures, but hopefully I can get some stuff up soon to post. Thanks everyone who's following this thread!
New York City IS on Eastern Standard Time(EST); it's in the exact same time zone as South Carolina, or any other state that borders the Atlantic Ocean, so that's the time slot you need to look for. Whatever time Foster's airs here where I live, it airs in NYC, also.

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Old 11-12-2007, 07:30 PM   #95
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Wow, are you in downtown NYC? Near Manhattan? That's pretty cool, and I'm envious as I'd love to experience the big city atmosphere, if only for a short time. Yeah, it surprises me that there are only two or three HTs in the general NYC area, I'd surely expect more. Hope you're able to get to one of them.

If you are close to downtown, are you aware that there's a big parade coming in a week and a half? And, although it still hasn't been confirmed, there's suppose to be a Foster's float in it like there was last year. It'd be awesome if you could go and see it first hand.

Welcome to the US, btw.
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Old 11-20-2007, 11:54 AM   #96
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I sort of had a really bad experience at the Halloween Parade, so I don't think I'm quite ready to go into big crowds again :P I will keep a lookout for the parade though, and for Friends-Giving Day!! XD I haven't been able to catch any episodes, so hopefully I'll have fun during the marathon. XD

Either way, er, SMALL UPDATE YAY.

We were touring the Niagara Falls and my parents thought we should take along some ponchos so we wouldn't get wet or something. On the bus trip I got really bored and decided to draw stuff on my poncho using a Sharpie. I am so full of fail. XD

Front of the Poncho. XD Yes I know I'm such a geek lolol

Bloo (on the shoulder)

Wilt (hanging from the neck line)



And Jackie Khones running away from him XD

Back of the poncho. These pictures were taken in a hotel room, btw.

Coco, and 'I Love FB' "boxers". XD

Frankie. Accidentally smudged her skirt while drawing. ;__;

Goo, hanging upsidedown from the hood

(con't in next post)

Last edited by ptps; 11-20-2007 at 12:00 PM.
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Old 11-20-2007, 11:55 AM   #97
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Berry XD

And the scribbles!

They don't show up too well because I didn't draw them very carefully, but yeah.

And last but not least:

Hooves aren't the best things to grab plastic with. XD

On a last side note, I've finally put my fanart website back in order. It contains basically all the Foster's fanart you see here, organized for easier viewing, as well as old fanart of other fandoms I'm into. It DOES contain some PG-13 images, especially in the non-Foster's sections, so younger audiences be warned.

Last edited by ptps; 11-20-2007 at 12:05 PM.
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Old 11-20-2007, 01:09 PM   #98
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LOL, that's awesome! XD I love how Eduardo's clinging to the side!
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:01 PM   #99
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Smudged skirt or not, Frankie looks great!

Oh, I didn't see anything I'd call PG-13 on your site, at least not in the Foster's section, so don't worry about it.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 11-20-2007, 02:03 PM   #100
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I know a LOT of people who'd pay handsomely for that poncho! It's a wonder someone didn't try to steal it, lol! It's great, in any case, absolutely amazing.

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