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The Company Store Sell your soul - I mean, discuss *official* licensed Foster's merchandise here.

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Old 06-04-2007, 08:08 PM   #21
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Yay Coco!
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Old 06-05-2007, 03:40 AM   #22
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That's gorgeous. Nice to see them deviating a little from their Bloo-Cheese-Eduardo rutt.

(Oh, but most sizes appear to have sold out already. Hopefully they'll be restocking sometime soon).

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Last edited by jekylljuice; 06-05-2007 at 03:41 AM.
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Old 06-15-2007, 03:38 PM   #23
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Picked up a few new buttons at HT today, along with this folder/notebook set:


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Old 07-07-2007, 08:04 AM   #24
Take a bow, Bloo. You deserve it.
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There's also a Cheese barrel pen, Bloo and Cheese filler paper, and other back-to-school (if you have to go back) stuff as well.
Editor of's FHFIF pages

Thank you Craig for the ride. We all will miss you.

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Old 07-09-2007, 05:45 PM   #25
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They now have an Eduardo bag, its the same style as the Bloo bag (no matching wallet yet but perhaps that's coming). I took a photo with my camera phone and I'll post it later if I get time.
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Old 07-10-2007, 07:06 AM   #26
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I'm personally amused by the vast amount of Bloo/Cheese/Bloo&Cheese things they have on there. XD (WHERE IS THE WILT LOVE?!?! WHERE?!?!?!1/1)

I'm looking forward to the day where they actually have a shirt with the main Foster's gang having fun together, instead of solo characters. Maybe playing hide and seek on the front and back of the shirt, or something. Or all over the shirt. Like, it'd be this white or light-colored Tee, and you've got Bloo somewhere up on the shoulder area trying to hide while Ed Coco and Wilt and Mac are on random places near the front/back hems trying to find him. (THEY NEED MORE GROUP SHOTS. WHERE ARE THE GROUP SHOTS?!?!?!/1)
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Old 07-10-2007, 07:38 AM   #27
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Originally Posted by ptps View Post
I'm personally amused by the vast amount of Bloo/Cheese/Bloo&Cheese things they have on there. XD (WHERE IS THE WILT LOVE?!?! WHERE?!?!?!1/1)

I'm looking forward to the day where they actually have a shirt with the main Foster's gang having fun together, instead of solo characters. Maybe playing hide and seek on the front and back of the shirt, or something. Or all over the shirt. Like, it'd be this white or light-colored Tee, and you've got Bloo somewhere up on the shoulder area trying to hide while Ed Coco and Wilt and Mac are on random places near the front/back hems trying to find him. (THEY NEED MORE GROUP SHOTS. WHERE ARE THE GROUP SHOTS?!?!?!/1)
The only group pic shirt that they have is one of black line drawings on a white background, based on an illustration from Craig McCracken's blog, in which the only character colored in is Bloo, who appears several times. Wilt appears once. There is also that Wilt t-shirt, with him running, that was recently released, but that's the only Wilt-centric merchandise released thus far. I'm totally with you on this one-we NEED MORE WILT STUFF! He is definately one of the most popular characters, usually tied with Bloo in most popularity polls, yet he's pretty much ignored by merchandisers. Every time I've been in a Hot Topic, and mentioned them getting in some Wilt shirts, the staff have all indicated that he's their favorite, too, and I almost always wind up discussing GWH with them in a rather lengthy conversation, lol.
Even more important, though-I wish that they'd have more shirts in stock that AREN'T meant to be worn by people who weigh 65 pounds! I mean, if the stuff is meant for Goth kids, I've seen some pretty hefty Goths walking around the malls, folks, so they aren't all anorexics! Given the popularity of Foster's among so many age groups and interest groups, you would think that the only chain to get a Foster's franchise would be more than happy to capitolize on that!

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Old 07-10-2007, 08:24 AM   #28
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I think the only reason there isn't more Wilt stuff around is that frankly, it'd be hard to merchandise him. Sure, he's popular and stuff, but considering the length of his frame and the way he's built, it'd be tough. He'd probably be needing constant support to hold up his head or have something to prop up his arm. Either that or they have steel installed in his legs and fixed into the base or something. (Ouch. XD)

But duuuuude I'd totally kill for a Wilt shirt/hoodie. I know one of the members did a home-made one, with one sleeve that was stitched along the hem, can't remember who. But I'd totally kill for a Wilt-red shirt with the "1" on the front, with the right side having a long sleeve and the left one being short sleeved with thick, black thread (preferably really noticeable even from afar) "sutured" through the hems to replicate Wilt's left arm. Maybe it's just me but I love unbalanced-looking shirts.

If I knew how to sew/sculpt I'd probably do nothing but make Wilt-based stuff. XD

Were there any actual GWH posters or something? I know I haven't seen any, and there probably isn't since this was aired on TV and not on the big screen. I'm going off topic. XD

Caps! Those would be good too. I'd totally hit a Bloo cap. Or a Cheese one. ...Or a Wilt one with eye stalks coming out like Mickey Mouse ears. XD Or an Eduardo one with the "fangs" coming down around the front. What with global warming and stuff happening there should be more caps made. I DEMAND CAPS!

Or pencil toppers! (I'm totally exploding right now lol. Is this what Goo felt like whenever she went on a IF creating spree?) You know, the little figurine things you stick on the top of pencils or pens or something. Not the "just a face" ones; like whole figure figurines. Cheese could sit on the pencil end. Wilt could "climb" one or something. I dunno. lol

And Frankie. There're so many Frankie fans on this forum lol. I'd hit her jacket and shirt. I can't see her or any of the humans being made as a plushie (human plushies always creep me out) but she'd be awesome on a planner, or something. A Post It pad! You'll have her doing duties in a corner of the Post It in the background or something.

Come to think of it, Bloo's actually the most marketable? You just stick his face somewhere, get that item his shade of blue, and viola.

...I'm sorry, was this terribly off topic? Feel free to delete it if it is.

Last edited by ptps; 07-10-2007 at 08:25 AM. Reason: typos lawlz
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Old 07-10-2007, 09:45 AM   #29
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Originally Posted by ptps View Post
And Frankie. There're so many Frankie fans on this forum lol. I'd hit her jacket and shirt. I can't see her or any of the humans being made as a plushie (human plushies always creep me out) but she'd be awesome on a planner, or something. A Post It pad! You'll have her doing duties in a corner of the Post It in the background or something.
I'd kill to find some desent, good-quality Frankie-related merchandise somewhere but there's nothing out there, and believe me, I've looked. All I've found thus far is the statue of her with Madam Foster and Mr. Herriman. Most of the rest of my Frankie stuff is homemade. And there's this, too:

Hope she doesn't creep you out too much.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 07-10-2007 at 09:45 AM.
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Old 07-11-2007, 09:16 AM   #30
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they had a shirt with wilt at the hot topic I went to!
I bought two!
I just HAD to put one on.
^^ meh first-day-of-scool outfit!
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