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Old 06-27-2007, 06:28 PM   #1
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Default Six flags accident Breaking news!

Thursday at Six flags kentucky kingdom in Louisville on the Superman tower of power ride a girl was riding on it when one of cable wires snapped sending the ride going down and the wire went around the girls legs and her feet were serverd from her body! This is real news the park declares that the ride is closed untill they can find out what happend and what caused it to happen and also they have closed down 8 more thrill rides this is is so horrible.Six flags is a place for fun not for death and no people are calling Six flags the horror show! Has anyone heard about this?? ??
I love horror anything horror! Hey remember when you'd wake up and i'd say how you doing? And you'll say what??! And again i'll say how you doing?But this time I'd scream in your ear so loud you fall over unconscious!?Good times man good times! You better stay out of this little girl's way!
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Old 06-27-2007, 06:31 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by Owennoreen View Post
Thursday at Six flags kentucky kingdom in Louisville on the Superman tower of power ride a girl was riding on it when one of cable wires snapped sending the ride going down and the wire went around the girls legs and her feet were serverd from her body! This is real news the park declares that the ride is closed untill they can find out what happend and what caused it to happen and also they have closed down 8 more thrill rides this is is so horrible.Six flags is a place for fun not for death and no people are calling Six flags the horror show! Has anyone heard about this?? ??
i agree: Six Flags is most defenitley not a place for death.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 06-27-2007, 06:32 PM   #3
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(Okay first of all, please, the billion smilies in your sig is bad enough, lay off on the multiple smilies in your posts. Dear God.)

And this isn't "breaking" news as it happened a little while ago and yeah, I heard about it. Not exactly the type of stuff I want discussed on my forum, but whatever. I think it's VERY sad, anyways.
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Old 06-27-2007, 06:45 PM   #4
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Sorry but isn't news something to dicuss i know this is really sad im sorry
I love horror anything horror! Hey remember when you'd wake up and i'd say how you doing? And you'll say what??! And again i'll say how you doing?But this time I'd scream in your ear so loud you fall over unconscious!?Good times man good times! You better stay out of this little girl's way!
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Old 06-27-2007, 06:55 PM   #5
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Yeah its sad but that's not really your fault...I was just saying that 1) this isn't really "breaking" news and 2) I don't really see how much discussion we can have on the subject that isn't...well, you know. Sad. I'm just saying. Its not like the thread will be locked or anything.

Accidents happen everywhere, even theme parks. I remember when I worked at Knott's Berry Farm a beam broke free on the big Ghostrider roller coaster and hit a bunch of people on the head. No fatalities but that sucks. But, it happens, unfortunately...The young girl losing her feet though, that's just horrible. I hate that it happened.
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Old 06-27-2007, 07:42 PM   #6
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Yeah and it happened in the state I lived in...creeepy.....

Last edited by I LIKE CEREAL!DD; 06-27-2007 at 07:42 PM.
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Old 06-27-2007, 07:54 PM   #7
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It's unfortunate, theme park accidents aren't all that uncommon, however. Also in the future, please, post a link to the news.

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Old 06-27-2007, 09:55 PM   #8
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Yeah... the horror section has a few theme park stories that are true in their horror section, and believe you me, there are a few that can be truly considered "horrors"!!!

I won't let things like this keep me from thrill rides, though... things like this happen, but they're few and far in between, and to me, it's not worth living in fear. I do keep my distance from carnival rides, though... the general maintenance of those terrify me to no end. Plus, a lot of theme park accidents come from error of the injured person themselves... people doing stupid things to either impress their friends or whatever reason causes them to have an accident.
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Old 06-28-2007, 05:11 AM   #9
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Theme parks are some of the scariest places if you think about it...

I go to Hershey Park all the time, and over the years, I think I can recall one major accident and minor issue.

The major thing was an issue with the breaks on Tidal Force, a ride that's basically just a huge drop in the water... The boat crashed into the water too quickly and hit the rocks. No fatalities, but some serious injuries. They fixed the ride, and it's operating again... Not that I've ever been on it. I don't like huge drops to begin with, but that's just freaky.

The minor thing I was actually present/involved with... That Frog Hopper ride I see at every fair and boardwalk got stuck half way up with all the seats filled... we had to shimmy out of our seats and climb down a ladder. There was some issue with the ride needing oil or something...

There's probably been other problems, but those were the only ones that made it into the paper... (yes, it is that boring around here).
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Old 06-28-2007, 06:57 AM   #10
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Yeah i know its sad but i hope shes doing fine it would really suck if that happend to you.

Originally Posted by lucyrocks73 View Post
Theme parks are some of the scariest places if you think about it...

I go to Hershey Park all the time, and over the years, I think I can recall one major accident and minor issue.

The major thing was an issue with the breaks on Tidal Force, a ride that's basically just a huge drop in the water... The boat crashed into the water too quickly and hit the rocks. No fatalities, but some serious injuries. They fixed the ride, and it's operating again... Not that I've ever been on it. I don't like huge drops to begin with, but that's just freaky.

The minor thing I was actually present/involved with... That Frog Hopper ride I see at every fair and boardwalk got stuck half way up with all the seats filled... we had to shimmy out of our seats and climb down a ladder. There was some issue with the ride needing oil or something...

There's probably been other problems, but those were the only ones that made it into the paper... (yes, it is that boring around here).
Yeah i won't go on any roller coasters or big drops or things that go up in the air or things that spin around or things that go really fast im a sissy but hey im safe! I hope!
I love horror anything horror! Hey remember when you'd wake up and i'd say how you doing? And you'll say what??! And again i'll say how you doing?But this time I'd scream in your ear so loud you fall over unconscious!?Good times man good times! You better stay out of this little girl's way!

Last edited by Cassini90125; 06-28-2007 at 07:06 AM. Reason: Merged back-to-back posts.
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