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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 05-08-2007, 04:08 PM   #991
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Originally Posted by Bloonan View Post
Ah, Wilt... where to start, where to start...
That guy... I don't know how he can be so happy with such a heavy concience. Sometime's he's like those clown pictures, smiling outside, but ever so sad inside... I bet times like WTAWTAW happen quite a bit, with him finding it just impossible to say no, not wanting to let anyone else down like he did to Jordan.
Makes me wonder if Wilt doesn't scarf down an awful lot of Pepcid AC and Tums, 'cause you KNOW he's either got to have the Mother of All Ulcers, or dangerously high blood pressure.

Maybe THAT'S why he looked so miserable and kept walking all slumped over in "Cheese A Go-Go".

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Old 05-09-2007, 11:00 AM   #992
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Seriously, I don't know how our man Wilt does it. He's so nice and kind and everybody around him takes him for granted (well sometimes). If everybody did that to me, i would have probably killed myself.
I like it when he stands up for himself like in Room with a feud. GO WILT!!
He looked awesome in his tie, all nice and smart. And i would be exactly the same if i had to represent Madame Foster.
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Old 05-12-2007, 09:55 PM   #993
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I would die laughing to see Wilt's "Happy place". XD

Seriously, what would it look like? XD

I know Bloo's happy place consists of him to be the most famous, well-known, the most popular and the BEST being alive, not to mention being VERY wealthy...And has many servants to cater to his every need...

And then Eduardo is also easy; it'd be something like based off his drawings from "Drawing Bored". (Minus the interrupting Bloo part)

Coco? I'd think pretty much a mix of EVERYTHING. You know, maybe a forest or something with large flowers, a sparkling pool...etc...

But what about Wilt? I have difficulty thinking on that one. All I can come up with is that he's NOT "broken" in HIS happy place.

What do YOU think Wilt's happy place would look like?
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Old 05-12-2007, 10:00 PM   #994
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A lot like the room in "Room with a feud". Ooh! Also, everyone would get along and consider everyone else's feelings! And no tall jokes!
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Old 05-13-2007, 07:55 AM   #995
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Not being broken and relaxing with Jordan is my guess.
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Old 05-13-2007, 11:21 AM   #996
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Originally Posted by Ub3rD4n View Post
A lot like the room in "Room with a feud". Ooh! Also, everyone would get along and consider everyone else's feelings! And no tall jokes!
Yeah, NO tall jokes!

He'd probably be back home in Charleston, with his real family, with Jordan still a little kid who depends on him and looks up to him literally and figuratively for everything. There'd be beach music or "Southern Soul" or gospel playing on some old AM transistor radio in the background, and mama serving up home-cooked shrimp-and-grits or fried croaker(that's a fish, not a frog), iced tea, fresh-sliced homegrown tomatoes and hot-from-the-oven pecan pie! There'd be a sea breeze coming in off the Atlantic to cool down the summer heat, little girls doing "Double Dutch" jump rope outside on Meeting Street, "pick up" basketball games on every corner, and after dinner the whole family would plan to stroll on down to the Battery to get some ice cream and sit and talk and high-five with the locals and watch all the tourists go by, and if it was the Fourth of July, they'd be all watching a spectacular fireworks display out in the harbor from Fort Sumter. Wilt would know that he was family, that he'd never be thrown out, not when Mrs. Michaels introduces him as "the baby" of the family to everyone they meet, 10 feet tall or not! He'd still have both arms and both eyes, and everyone would KNOW he was from "The Most Polite City" in the USA!

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Old 05-13-2007, 11:34 AM   #997
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Yeah, NO tall jokes!

He'd probably be back home in Charleston, with his real family, with Jordan still a little kid who depends on him and looks up to him literally and figuratively for everything. There'd be beach music or "Southern Soul" or gospel playing on some old AM transistor radio in the background, and mama serving up home-cooked shrimp-and-grits or fried croaker(that's a fish, not a frog), iced tea, fresh-sliced homegrown tomatoes and hot-from-the-oven pecan pie! There'd be a sea breeze coming in off the Atlantic to cool down the summer heat, little girls doing "Double Dutch" jump rope outside on Meeting Street, "pick up" basketball games on every corner, and after dinner the whole family would plan to stroll on down to the Battery to get some ice cream and sit and talk and high-five with the locals and watch all the tourists go by, and if it was the Fourth of July, they'd be all watching a spectacular fireworks display out in the harbor from Fort Sumter. Wilt would know that he was family, that he'd never be thrown out, not when Mrs. Michaels introduces him as "the baby" of the family to everyone they meet, 10 feet tall or not! He'd still have both arms and both eyes, and everyone would KNOW he was from "The Most Polite City" in the USA!

HOLY SNOT. That's something no one would think of! That would be such a lovely place to go...if only you could. XD
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Old 05-13-2007, 02:05 PM   #998
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
HOLY SNOT. That's something no one would think of! That would be such a lovely place to go...if only you could. XD
I've been there many times, actually. It's just a two-hour drive for me. I was there back in March for the Southeastern Studebaker Driver's Club show...took me almost four days to finally digest the last of my meal at Shem Creek, lol! It's a very real place, and if you go there, it won't take you long to figure out where Wilt's polite manner and lovely accent comes from. I bet he still misses the food now and then, which is not meant as a negative reflection on Frankie's culinary style, but there's nothing like South Carolina Low Country cookin'! Wilt probably still sometimes misses the old ladies sitting by the roadside hand-weaving sweet grass baskets to sell, or old men selling fresh shrimp and oysters out of the backs of beat-up pick-up trucks, and afternoons sitting under 400-year-old Live Oaks draped in Spanish Moss down at the Battery, a seaside park, or waking up on Sunday mornings to the chimes of St. Michael's(hey, now THAT's ironic, isn't it?)Church, and walking past buildings studded with huge "earthquake bolts" adorned with pineapples and Palmetto trees. He's probably glad he doesn't have to deal with the hurricanes, the summer heat and humidity, or the mosquitoes where he lives now, though. It's kinda sad, though, that someone of Wilt's background has been banned from the local beach.
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Old 05-13-2007, 04:29 PM   #999
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
I bet he still misses the food now and then, which is not meant as a negative reflection on Frankie's culinary style, but there's nothing like South Carolina Low Country cookin'! Wilt probably still sometimes misses the old ladies sitting by the roadside hand-weaving sweet grass baskets to sell, or old men selling fresh shrimp and oysters out of the backs of beat-up pick-up trucks, and afternoons sitting under 400-year-old Live Oaks draped in Spanish Moss down at the Battery, a seaside park, or waking up on Sunday mornings to the chimes of St. Michael's(hey, now THAT's ironic, isn't it?)Church, and walking past buildings studded with huge "earthquake bolts" adorned with pineapples and Palmetto trees. He's probably glad he doesn't have to deal with the hurricanes, the summer heat and humidity, or the mosquitoes where he lives now, though.
Pretty much explains "Outside The Court". Aside from most things at home, though.
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Old 05-15-2007, 06:44 AM   #1000
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
And then Eduardo is also easy; it'd be something like based off his drawings from "Drawing Bored". (Minus the interrupting Bloo part)

What do YOU think Wilt's happy place would look like?
Dont forget, lots and lots of potatos.

I dont necessarily think Wilt would go back home to Jordan. He seems very happy where he is. If anything, he would probably like it if Jordan came to live near Fosters where he could visit him AND still be with his friends. Plus, fosters would have a room dedicated to nothing but basketball, playing it on a big screen 24/7.
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