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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 04-27-2007, 03:55 PM   #971
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Originally Posted by x_dummkoff_x View Post
whatever it's called,
I definitely have it.
it scares me just thinkin' about it.
Yeh I'm the same. Last time I did it I was fine till I noticed everyone was staring at me then I kind of got lost and said 'er' a lot.

I wasn't as bad as poor old Wilt though. Least he's getting better.

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Old 04-27-2007, 04:05 PM   #972
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omg, my friend had to get up on stage today in front of the whole sophomore class!
I was having a heart attack for her!
and she's worse with stage fright than I am!
-le sigh-
but she got through it.
and without messing anything up.
I'm so proud.
O.o hfs, off topic!
>> I'll shut up now.
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Old 04-27-2007, 04:27 PM   #973
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Originally Posted by koosie View Post
Yeh I'm the same. Last time I did it I was fine till I noticed everyone was staring at me then I kind of got lost and said 'er' a lot.

I wasn't as bad as poor old Wilt though. Least he's getting better.
I'd kinda hate to be subjected to Wilt's "performance" as MC the year prior to "Hiccy Burp", if it was THAT much worse than the one we DID see, as Mr. H and Madame Foster indicated! I really feel so bad for him, though, knowing how he is about not wanting to disappoint or let anyone down. At least Wilt can enjoy a bit of assurance knowing that his phobia is the most common in the world.

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Old 04-28-2007, 01:25 AM   #974
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Yeap.....not to brag, but I'm told I'm most like Wilt.

This is probably true. I'm kinda like Mac (having that mix of childishness and maturity), but I'm just not as together as Mac. I'm more like Wilt. Timid, nervous, but still capable of putting on a smile.

Ever since I've watched Fosters, I've tried to be more like him. he is just an awesome role model. And I'm 20.

So think, "What Would Wilt do?"
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Old 04-28-2007, 05:11 AM   #975
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I wonder how big a role Wilt will have in "Cheese-A Go Go"? Ihope it's Ok size role, Wilt SHOULD have a bigger role now that we have had "Good Wilt Hunting".
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Old 04-28-2007, 07:05 AM   #976
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I agree. I mean, Good Wilt Hunting has probably earned him hundreds of new fans and if he goes back to having rather small roles in episodes then a lot of viewers probably aren't gonna very happy (me included). After all, I think Wilt's gonna have a really big boost of confidence now, but if the producers keep him stuck to his usual quiet nature then Wilt's developement in Good Wilt Hunting may as well not have been made.

Last edited by pitbulllady; 04-28-2007 at 12:25 PM.
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Old 04-28-2007, 12:22 PM   #977
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[quote=Vampyre;42044]I agree. I mean, Good Wilt Hunting has probably earned him hundreds of new fans and if he goes back to having rather small roles in episodes then a lot of viewers probably aren't gonna very happy (me included). After all, I think Wilt's gonna have a really big boost of confidence now, but if the producers keep him stuck to his usual quiet nature then Wilt's developement in Good Wilt Hunting may as well not have been made.[quote]

You're right about Good Wilt Hunting garnering a lot more fans for Wilt, and a lot more RESPECT, if nothing else. I have many students, mostly male, who used to hate him, partly because they perceived him as a weak pushover, which is SO not cool with young African-American males these days, who are all about impressing each other with how "hard"(tough)they are, and partly because of his default color, which is red, the symbolic color of the Bloods. In the heart of Crips/Folk Nation territory, that is about as low as it gets. After I convinced them to watch the movie, though, they saw Wilt in a whole new light, and realized that he is about as "hard" as a guy can be! He got their respect, like I said, if nothing else. Wilt is a good example of the old saying, "Still waters run the deepest".


Last edited by pitbulllady; 04-28-2007 at 12:23 PM.
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Old 04-28-2007, 01:01 PM   #978
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Yes, I agree, Wilt does defenatly sound like a perfect Pisces.
But keep in mind, thoughm, he also has the qualities of Cancer.
My source: wikipedia.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and associated with family and domesticity. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a kind, emotional, romantic, imaginative, sympathetic, nurturing, and intuitive character, but one which is also prone to changeability, moodiness, hypersensitivity, depression, and clinginess.

He's kind,
imaginative? (hey, he's imaginary),
intuitive (well, it fits him).
He's also can be moody (Where There's a Wilt There's a Way),
clingy? (he sure doesn't wanna seem to get adopted now does he?).

Yes, Pisces may win, but Cancer could be a runner up? Mabe I'm exited about him possibly being Cancer just because I'm Cancer .
My babies -- (well he is number 1, dang it!).
He's cool, I mean c'moooooooooooooooon?
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Old 04-28-2007, 02:08 PM   #979
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Originally Posted by Tonya View Post
Yes, I agree, Wilt does defenatly sound like a perfect Pisces.
But keep in mind, thoughm, he also has the qualities of Cancer.
My source: wikipedia.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the Zodiac and associated with family and domesticity. Individuals born under this sign are thought to have a kind, emotional, romantic, imaginative, sympathetic, nurturing, and intuitive character, but one which is also prone to changeability, moodiness, hypersensitivity, depression, and clinginess.

He's kind,
imaginative? (hey, he's imaginary),
intuitive (well, it fits him).
He's also can be moody (Where There's a Wilt There's a Way),
clingy? (he sure doesn't wanna seem to get adopted now does he?).

Yes, Pisces may win, but Cancer could be a runner up? Mabe I'm exited about him possibly being Cancer just because I'm Cancer .
All those traits fit Wilt pretty darn well, if you think about it. He DOES have quite an imagination himself, to think that Bloo was a ghost, or to create that "Evil Lord Snotzaz Eenie Meanie Baron von McNasty" persona, AND actually get so carried away that he began to believe he WAS the Evil Lord Snotzax for real! He's definately moody, not just as seen in "Where There's a Wilt, There's a Way", but also in "Beat With a Schtick" and Good Wilt Hunting, when he would switch from this upbeat, friendly person to this somber, downcast one within the span of a few minutes. That is, by the way, one of the symptoms of depression. Wilt has just been able to turn that pain inward, inflicting it on himself, rather than to impose upon others with his angst. I don't know if I'd really describe him as "clingy", not in the same vein as Eduardo is, but he's definately very loyal. I have a feeling that his reluctance to be adopted stems more from his guilt and low self-esteem, genuinely believing that he is inferior to the other residents of Foster's and much less deserving of a family than they are, though I used to wonder if he wasn't afraid of being adopted, of what might happen to him if he was. Knowing the truth behind his attitude, though, it still makes sense. Although, in spite of what he told Jordan, it might still have to do with his attachments to some of the residents there at Foster's, so perhaps there is that element of "clinginess" involved. Wilt has been there for so long, it's almost like the only life he's known. He's been there for much longer than most Imaginary Friends ever remain with their creators, so leaving that behind would be pretty rough.

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Old 04-28-2007, 06:43 PM   #980
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Just a side note, for the comment on Wilt not getting many episodes:

Though it is true that he is only the main character in Where There's a Wilt, There's a Way, and of course Good Wilt Hunting, he shows up fairly prominently in most others compared to Coco, say, or Eduardo, (This isn't just my prejudice is it? Since I like Wilt best, I tend to focus on him whenever he's doing something) Now, Wilt makes just as good a main as a side character, in my opinion, but he's really noticable pretty much WHENEVER he shows up, so I think that may be why he's the focus of so few episodes.

That said, there's plenty of opportunity to base episodes around him, since he's not only a puchover and too nice for his own good, but he's also very talented and freindly. From what I can tell, there's plenty of good episode ideas that can play off of those qualities of his.
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