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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 04-19-2007, 03:46 PM   #181
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I'd like to quote a piece I read on DA not two days ago:

is troubling is Bloo's character. Its totally degraded. I could be watching the wrong episodes of course, but Bloo used to be such a nice guy. Yeah he was a troublemaker, and a little clueless... but he was actually a good friend. Now it seems like all Bloo does is play practical jokes and think of himself. There isn't any more tight Bloo and Mac stuff... I realized the lack when I watched the first episode where Bloo asks him for a hug... He ASked Him For a HUG :weepy sappy teary eyed: I miss that Bloo. He also thanked people a lot more and felt sorry for stuff he did like the entire episode of Busted. He was completely apologetic in that episode, and I get the feeling that our current Bloo would have busted the bust and just let it lie there, or actually have let Wilt take the blame for it like he offered. That's the vibe I'm getting, and I'm kind of sorry about that.
Read the rest here

She brings up a good point there, and a few more in her essay but only that paragraph relates to Bloo's personality.
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Old 04-24-2007, 03:02 AM   #182
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I used to dislike Bloo, but recently I've had a change of heart about him.

I do realize that Bloo was a completely different IF in the pilot movie (as well as the first few episodes of season 1). I think the reason for his sudden change was because Craig wanted to create sort of a balance between the character personalities. When you think about the other characters, do any of them seem like the type that would WANT to make mischief and get into trouble? Without Bloo, the gang probably wouldn?t encounter so many problems, and therefore, Foster?s wouldn?t be all that interesting anymore. Most of the episodes are usually developed because of something (usually bad) that Bloo did. Craig probably wanted a character in the show that wasn?t just another goody-two-shoes (not that I'm referring everyone excluding Bloo himself to be one).

Even with Bloo?s big ego and sarcastic personality, he?s not ALWAYS bad. I found him quite funny in ?Squeeze the Day,? and it was easy to see that Bloo would rather be with his friends than continue to be a celebrity in ?Sweet Stench of Success.? The only episode that I really disliked him in was ?Camp Keep a Good Mac Down.? So overall, I think he?s an okay character with flaws like any other.

But hey, that?s just my two cents.
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Old 04-24-2007, 05:38 AM   #183
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Originally Posted by Cuckoo View Post
I used to dislike Bloo, but recently I've had a change of heart about him.

I do realize that Bloo was a completely different IF in the pilot movie (as well as the first few episodes of season 1). I think the reason for his sudden change was because Craig wanted to create sort of a balance between the character personalities. When you think about the other characters, do any of them seem like the type that would WANT to make mischief and get into trouble? Without Bloo, the gang probably wouldn?t encounter so many problems, and therefore, Foster?s wouldn?t be all that interesting anymore. Most of the episodes are usually developed because of something (usually bad) that Bloo did. Craig probably wanted a character in the show that wasn?t just another goody-two-shoes (not that I'm referring everyone excluding Bloo himself to be one).

Even with Bloo?s big ego and sarcastic personality, he?s not ALWAYS bad. I found him quite funny in ?Squeeze the Day,? and it was easy to see that Bloo would rather be with his friends than continue to be a celebrity in ?Sweet Stench of Success.? The only episode that I really disliked him in was ?Camp Keep a Good Mac Down.? So overall, I think he?s an okay character with flaws like any other.

But hey, that?s just my two cents.
Good point you brought up, Cuckoo. I never thought of that before.
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Old 04-24-2007, 02:11 PM   #184
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I feel the same way as Cuckoo. I hated Bloo when I first saw the show, but over time, I came to slowly understand the point and nature of his character, as well as the moments in which he does show heart("The Sweet Stench of Success" and more recently "Bloo's the Boss"). In any case, he's the central crucial character who drives the humor and causes most of the episode's storylines, so he's cool.
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Old 04-28-2007, 01:31 AM   #185
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Well I love Bloo. The first episode I ever saw that really hooked me was Camp Keep a Good Mac Down. So I've seen Bloo as being a jerk right off the bat. And he's so GOOD at it! As previously mentioned, I find his jerkiness charming.

Also, he's totally random and reckless. I love characters like that, because I can relate to Mac, having all that locked up inside, you gotta find a way to express it! Thus, Bloo. That's why, when I roleplay, I always do characters who are comparable to Bloo (not as a rip-off or anything. I was doing this before I knew Bloo EXISTED), and that's why Bloo is my second favourite character, soooo close to Wilt.

If Bloo WAS less of a jerk, he'd definitely be my favourite. But then Fosters would lose a whole ton of it's humour!
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Old 05-05-2007, 07:24 AM   #186
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I think Ed described Bloo well in the latest episode "Cheese A Go-Go". I'm sure you all know the scene I'm talking about.
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Old 05-06-2007, 05:24 PM   #187
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Originally Posted by LaBlooGirl View Post
I think Ed described Bloo well in the latest episode "Cheese A Go-Go". I'm sure you all know the scene I'm talking about.
That scene felt like a homage to all the fans who gripe about the characters being too mean or too serious or whatever. Even though I doubt it was, but still. I love the crew.
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Old 06-01-2007, 10:01 PM   #188
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One of the things that I know about Bloo from the show is that he's totally unpredictable.
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Old 07-09-2007, 06:06 PM   #189
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I loved Bloo from the start, although at first I found his voice kind of girly and, maybe a little creepy (no offence at all to Keith, because he's awesome!). It just had to grow on me, I suppose. Didn't take long to, though.

Now, Bloo is my reason for getting up in the morning. Ok, maybe that's an exaggeration, but he sure makes life better when I recite some of his best one-liners to myself. I know the Foster's gang intend for him to maintain a sense of innocence about his jerkyness, and in all honesty, I think they've done that really well. Sure, he can be a jerk sometimes, but if you try, you can see past it and find ways that maybe he is just trying to do something "good". He just doesn't do good things the same way most everyone else translates to be good. So it's like Bloo thinks on an entirely different dimension than everyone else. I think that's kind of cool, and needless to say, funnier than anything!
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Old 07-09-2007, 10:22 PM   #190
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I loved the pilot because it was awesome and heart-warming and sweet, but then the next episode totally threw me off. When I was introduced to Foster's it was on a Season 1 DVD package so I watched everything in one go, and it was... really disturbing... to see how Bloo went from sweet and lovable, best buddy IF to downright selfish, trouble-making, annoying and wild. IN ONE EPISODE. At that time I was really looking forward to seeing more of the friendship heart-warming thing that was set up in the pilot, and when I was done with Season 1 I just took Foster's to be a "meh" series and didn't bother watching any more.

And then I found "Mac Daddy". XD Which dragged me back in again and is the episode I always make my friends watch first.

I guess it's true, that Bloo in the end HAD to be a trouble-making wildcard to make the show interesting and as a contrast to all the other nice IFs. And I appreciate the show a lot more now watching them as they are rather than making constant comparisions to the Bloo in the pilot. I love the current Bloo, he's completely crazy. It just came as a really unpleasant shock to watch the pilot, fall in love with this sweet blue thing, and then have him act totally the opposite in the next episode. O_o;

The current Bloo does have his nice moments though; he isn't a complete jerk all the time. Coco Cards is one of my favorite "nice Bloo" episodes. Coco actually got him to apologize with sincerity XD And he was really sweet in the end of "Bloo's the Boss" even if he complained about not getting recognition afterwards. XD

I'm just glad the show is the way it is now. It's made me laugh loads.
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