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Old 03-11-2007, 02:14 PM   #61
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I believe you have to ASK someone for it, in the Library. I know I couldn't "find" it anywhere (laying around), so I think I asked Eduardo, or whatever IF was in there.
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Old 03-11-2007, 04:32 PM   #62
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Here we go again! That's okay?  
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That makes sense. If only that blob of bloo was a bit more specific about where to find the stuff, it would make it a lot easier. Now I managed to complete the adventure. Thanks a lot for the tip.
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Old 03-11-2007, 04:41 PM   #63
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Originally Posted by Skyllastar View Post
That makes sense. If only that blob of bloo was a bit more specific about where to find the stuff, it would make it a lot easier. Now I managed to complete the adventure. Thanks a lot for the tip.
On many of the earlier adventures it was not too bad when Bloo did not specify where something was since, there was only the first and second floor. But It is a bit difficult for people now playing these older adventures since many of them were proboly unaware of the adventures being restricted to just the few floors that were out when that adventure was released.

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Old 03-11-2007, 06:36 PM   #64
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That is so true!!! At least now he says "Go get ____ from the fourth floor." There were quite a few adventures and favors that would be much harder now, considering there were only two floors opened back then. The marker and the celery are two that were mentioned recently that definitely fall under that category.
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Old 03-12-2007, 01:18 PM   #65
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I just compleated the IT adventure and so much do I want to go on here and say "Wheres the cerley" in case you havn't figured it out the five or six times its been told. ...Sorry random smart bum moment
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Old 03-12-2007, 10:31 PM   #66
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My daughter and I just finished an Adventure with Bloo on her account that kinda falls along the same lines as the celery and marker ones.

It's the Adventure where you help Bloo find the Foster's buried treasure. Bloo tells you to "go get a shovel and meet me in the front yard."

Here's a hint: Only the 1st and 2nd floors were unlocked at that point. So think about where you would find a shovel on those floors and that may help you locate it.

Chances are someone is going to come across that Adventure, but they more than likely won't look here for the answer. But I thought I'd post it here anyway, since we were talking about Bloo not being specific in earlier Adventures.

Hope this helps someone.
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Old 03-15-2007, 02:38 AM   #67
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Default Why No New Adventure??

OK, this happened to me before where Bloo said, "Let's wait a few days," before we do a new adventure. Then around the 7th of the month, he starts giving them to me again.

This time I got the "let's wait" message way back before March 7th, and I'm STILL getting it. Was March short on adventures or something? I dont' think I'm doing anything wrong...

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Old 03-15-2007, 07:46 PM   #68
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I believe there were 3 Adventures this past update, because there was only one new game released.

The date you finish all Adventures isn't as significant, except when it would be update time. All, or at least most, of the dates are listed on the website as to when the updates are scheduled. February had an update on the 19th, so that's probably why you were done around March 7th. The next update is March 19th, so you'll be able to do the Adventure you're waiting for then.

Don't worry, you aren't doing anything wrong. Sounds like you've been on top of the game, and are all up-to-date on things. I just finished the last Adventure to get all caught up a few days ago, so I'm like you, waiting for the next update.
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Old 03-15-2007, 08:00 PM   #69
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Bloo started that "Lets Wait" message back in September,

Vicks answer sounds good,

I just wanted to add, there is one adventure for each minigame level to unlock. When you finish all the adventures you get the "Lets Wait" message from Bloo, there are several of us that have been keeping up with the game and get that message frequentlyl.

as Vicks points out, there is no significance to the actual date you complete something. THe only significance is if there are adventures waiting in the Queue or do you need to wait for the next update. If the only thing you have to do is wait for the next adventure, then you can spend the time playing mini-games.

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Old 03-16-2007, 02:28 AM   #70
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OK great, thanks! I didn't even know there was a list of update dates, lol.

I do a favor for Will every day, and so I'm unlocking mini-games just by doing that.
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