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Old 03-11-2007, 09:49 AM   #361
"C" the Dragon
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Originally Posted by Rinny562 View Post
I like that idea. I could just imagine some of the stuff they come up with.

Title: Daddy Dearest

Soundcard: the sound of a crib rocking back and forth

A new baby imaginary friend has been abandoned in an alley and is found by Wilt. The baby has a basketball theme like he does (his name is Neal like S. O'Neal) and Wilt takes right away to liking him and "raising" him. It gets to a point he completley ignores the others (by accident of course) to spend time with Neal, rocking him to sleep feeding him, teaching him how to play basketball until his creator comes to get him saying he ran away from home.
I would LOVE to see Wilt get a little upset when Neal leaves with his creator. It'd be SO cute!
"I made it myself!" -GIR
"Chwithmith?! I mean, Christmas?! But that was months ago!" -Wilt
"Wilt, your my best friend. You got to stop saying your sorry. It's not okay. Okay?" -Jordan Micheals

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Old 03-11-2007, 09:52 AM   #362
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Originally Posted by "C" the Dragon View Post
I would LOVE to see Wilt get a little upset when Neal leaves with his creator. It'd be SO cute!
Frankie: *knocks on his bedroom door* Wiiiiiiiiiiiilt? C'mon buddy its ok. Come on out

Bloo: Yeah get out! My paddleballs are in there!

Mac: Bloo ><

Wilt: T.T I'm not coming out...sorry T.T
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Old 03-11-2007, 09:55 AM   #363
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Originally Posted by Rinny562 View Post
I like that idea. I could just imagine some of the stuff they come up with.

Title: Daddy Dearest

Soundcard: the sound of a crib rocking back and forth

A new baby imaginary friend has been abandoned in an alley and is found by Wilt. The baby has a basketball theme like he does (his name is Neal like S. O'Neal) and Wilt takes right away to liking him and "raising" him. It gets to a point he completley ignores the others (by accident of course) to spend time with Neal, rocking him to sleep feeding him, teaching him how to play basketball until his creator comes to get him saying he ran away from home.
Thank you very much.

Down and Dirty

Title Card Sound: Mud being thrown

Bloo convinced everyone at Foster's to stop taking baths, becoming filthy in the process and making it difficult for Frankie and Mr. Herriman.

Moider, They Wrote

Title Card Sound: Tick, Tack & Tuck getting nervous

Tick, Tack & Tuck (from Slapstick Routine) returns to Foster's, begging for the assistance of the gang after someone tried to "moider" them.
See ya!
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Old 03-11-2007, 10:03 AM   #364
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Originally Posted by Rinny562 View Post
Title: Daddy Dearest

Soundcard: the sound of a crib rocking back and forth

A new baby imaginary friend has been abandoned in an alley and is found by Wilt. The baby has a basketball theme like he does (his name is Neal like S. O'Neal) and Wilt takes right away to liking him and "raising" him. It gets to a point he completley ignores the others (by accident of course) to spend time with Neal, rocking him to sleep feeding him, teaching him how to play basketball until his creator comes to get him saying he ran away from home.
This episode would prove Pitbulllady's point when she says that Wilt is like a father.

She'll, by the way, probably love this.

Originally Posted by Rinny562 View Post
Frankie: *knocks on his bedroom door* Wiiiiiiiiiiiilt? C'mon buddy its ok. Come on out

Bloo: Yeah get out! My paddleballs are in there!

Mac: Bloo ><

Wilt: T.T I'm not coming out...sorry T.T
They grow up so fast...XD

Last edited by antgirl1; 03-11-2007 at 10:06 AM.
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Old 03-11-2007, 10:35 AM   #365
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
This episode would prove Pitbulllady's point when she says that Wilt is like a father.

She'll, by the way, probably love this.

They grow up so fast...XD

Thanks =D

Episode Title: Phantom of the Foster Home (Phantom of the Opera)

Title Card: Scary Organ music

The power goes out because Foster's hasn't paid the eletric bill (due to Bloo using the bill as a paper airplane) and during the power outage weird things keep happening and it turns out Bloo had dressed up like the "phantom" all along to play pranks.

*scary organs and singing happens*
Wilt: H-Hey you guys hear something?
Ed: Eh..maybe it an angel of music?
Coco: ......*laughs*COCOCOCOCO!!!!!
Ed: Just a guess T.T

Last edited by Rinny562; 03-11-2007 at 10:36 AM.
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Old 03-12-2007, 06:31 AM   #366
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Your episode ideas are keep getting better, Rinny562.


Truck Talks

Title Card Sound: Truck horns

Frankie decided to bring some stuff to Kathy's grandmother, due to her friend being too busy, via a truck. Along with Mac, Bloo and the gang, hitches a ride all the way to Oklahoma, but due to her inexperiences, many truck drivers accused her of showing off. But can she prove them wrong?
See ya!
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Old 03-12-2007, 11:46 AM   #367
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Originally Posted by emperor26 View Post
Your episode ideas are keep getting better, Rinny562.


Truck Talks

Title Card Sound: Truck horns

Frankie decided to bring some stuff to Kathy's grandmother, due to her friend being too busy, via a truck. Along with Mac, Bloo and the gang, hitches a ride all the way to Oklahoma, but due to her inexperiences, many truck drivers accused her of showing off. But can she prove them wrong?
Gracias =D I like yours too!

Episode Title: A Farewell to Charms (A Farewell to Arms)

Title Card: obnoxious noises like burping and snoring

Another Adopt-A-Thought Saturday has come and gone again but adoption rates are decreasing alarmingly. Bloo decides to have a little with this information. Without Frankie/Herriman/Madam Foster knowing, he rallies up the friends and says the reason they aren't being adopted is because they're being too nice and too polite (Bloo: Just look at me! Kids loooove me and I don't hold doors open for people!) So he convinces them the next week to be as gross as possible and as unpolite as possible (which by the end of the episode will send Wilt into an emotional overload like in Bus the Two of Us)
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Old 03-12-2007, 01:12 PM   #368
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
This episode would prove Pitbulllady's point when she says that Wilt is like a father.

She'll, by the way, probably love this.

They grow up so fast...XD

I'd love to see one where Wilt finds a REAL newborn human baby, abandoned in an alley, while looking for lost/abandoned Imaginary Friends, and takes it back to Foster's. All the whole gang, except for Bloo, of course, fall in love with the little tyke and try to keep it at Foster's without Frankie or Mr. Herriman finding out, but a jealous Bloo rats on them because everyone is paying attention to the baby instead of HIM. Their efforts to keep the baby a secret rival those in "Who Let The Dogs In" to keep the puppies from being discovered, but of course, in the end, they know that they have to do the right thing and take the baby to the proper authorities, and Wilt is, of course, the most reluctant to give her up. I'd thought of a particularily touching scene in which Wilt and Frankie go to get the baby to take to the authorities, after she convinces him that it's the right thing to do, and they overhear Duchess in the room with the baby. To their shock, she is actually picking the baby up to comfort her, telling the baby that she reminds her(Duchess)of her creator's(only Duchess uses some Eastern European term)baby sister, "before the soldiers with their awful stomping boots, and stupid lightning bolt badges and their clanging, stinking trains came and took everyone away, leaving only me", and they realize that Duchess is referring to the Nazi SS troops, and they know now what happened to her creator and family, and why she is so bitter and hateful. They overhear her tell the baby, as she places her back in the doll cradle that Ed found in the attic, that she has to put her down and go before someone sees this, and it ruins Duchess's reputation around the house.

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Old 03-12-2007, 02:00 PM   #369
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That's a wonderful episode idea, PBL. I'd love to see it turned into an episode(even though the Nazi reference obviously wouldn't be allowed at all).

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Old 03-12-2007, 04:13 PM   #370
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Originally Posted by Voxxyn View Post
That's a wonderful episode idea, PBL. I'd love to see it turned into an episode(even though the Nazi reference obviously wouldn't be allowed at all).

They ought to still be able to include the reference to the SS troops; it's not like being a Nazi nowadays is considered politically correct. Most viewers probably wouldn't get it, and would only know that whatever happened to Duchess's family and creator had something to do with soldiers, and must have involved some sort of armed conflict. There's certainly enough of that now, that kids of every age cannot avoid it. The older and more educated viewers would know which soldiers Duchess was referring to, specifically. I don't recall which animated series it was, but years ago there was a character, an elderly man, on this show who had the concentration camp ID numbers tattooed on his wrist, and when asked about it by one of the kid characters, said it was a reminder to him and all the world never to let something terrible happen again, and that was that. I wonder how many viewers(and I cannot remember that show to save my neck)knew what he meant. I think it would be a good way to clue people in as to why Duchess acts the way she does, to show that people(or Imaginary Friends)aren't necessarily born or created "evil" or "mean", but can become that way due to their circumstances, and to show that even those we consider to be the worst of the worst can still harbor a softer side, somewhere.

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