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Old 02-02-2007, 09:21 PM   #301
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I'm sick, and I could go to school today or yesterday. Now, I have two days worth of homework... but since I couldn't get them today, I have to catch up on Monday, which is the day my three cousins will be at school. My uncle enrolled them Thursday... and it takes three days for the paperwork to be signed or something, but it is something about being transferred from one school to another.

Being in the sixth grade can be a little boring, but it's actually great to be there.
Peace, Love, Happiness..or Spaz, whichever works
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Old 02-05-2007, 12:35 PM   #302
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For me, currently, school is kinda very suckish. A word of advice: Irratic 13 year old boys, who don't give a toss about their friends if everybody else loves them, can be some pretty nasty people. ESPECIALLY if they get jealous easily *falls over*
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Old 02-05-2007, 04:00 PM   #303
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School sucks horribly...and I'm a TEACHER!

I teach at two different schools, a half-hour's driving distance from each other. The first one I have to go to is 45 minutes from where I live, and that's really pushing the envelope insofar as speed limit goes. I have to be there at 7:00 am for bus duty. I have two Art classes, one eighth grade and one sixth grade, and the eighth graders are the only bright spot of my day, since it's a small class, numbers-wise, and they are pretty much self-motivated. They can sit and talk in reasonable voices and still get their assignments done, and don't give me any "lip" about what they have to do, or keep talking when I ask for their attention. Unfortunately, I only have them for 50 minutes, and then the sixth graders come in. There are about 30 of them, mostly with the mental and emotional maturity of two-year-olds, just in bigger bodies. All they want to do is fight with each other, name-call, run around and play like they are at recess, and encourage each other to fight. I had a big fight in there today, between a boy and a girl...yeah, they're still at THAT stage, where girls and boys hate each other. I can't physically pull them apart, since some parent will accuse me of putting bruises on their Little Precious, and I can't just leave them alone to duke it out, since a parent will accuse me of letting their Little Precious get beat up, so I'm in a no-win situation. I had to forfeit my lunch time today to talk to two sets of parents, which is so not a good thing, since I'm diabetic, but the Principal at that school has made it clear that she could care less. I normally have 10 minutes to eat, then I have to leave to drive 30 minutes to the OTHER school. I do not have any break or planning time other than the time spent driving between the two schools, and I get ONE paycheck. The school district does pay me forty cents-per-mile for gasoline, though. Both schools, but especially the second one, are riddled with gang activity, and are put under lock-down on a regular basis by the police. The parents see teachers as the "Enemy", out to "get" their little sweet babies, but then, most parents are involved in some form of criminal activity, too, so any authority figures are distrusted and disliked. Many of the kids come from abusive backgrounds, yet the state holds TEACHERS 100% accountable for the students not doing well on the state's ridiculous standardized tests. Parents are not held accountable at all for the kids THEY brought into the world; they don't even have to FEED 'em-the school has to take care of that, winter AND summer!

Did I mention that the district office does not budget any money at all for the Arts? Guess who has to pay for Art supplies for TWO schools? Go ahead...I bet you'll never guess it...


Last edited by pitbulllady; 02-05-2007 at 04:02 PM.
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Old 02-05-2007, 04:11 PM   #304
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Yikes... I'm really sorry to hear, PBL.
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Old 02-05-2007, 05:03 PM   #305
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yikes...seems like your getting the shaft PBL. Here in NY its waaaaaaay more liberal (for better or worse), so more teacher-friendly (for better or worse). School still sucks, although i read an interesting quote from one of our Founding Fathers saying something to the effect of "public education is a tyranical nation's dream".

whatever, math is killing me. Course B is a muderous, cutthroat class. 73 is me doing as WELL AS I CAN! At least i got a 73 both quarters, haven't gone down

Since i dropped Physics my schedule's been far less complicated. 2-3 study halls/day. Niiiiiice.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 02-05-2007, 06:17 PM   #306
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Today at school, I did work in all my classes. I worked on some math work at math class, Took some notes is U.S. History, played volleyball in P.E., practiced drawing skulls in art class, and worked on worksheets in Environmental science.
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Old 02-06-2007, 02:35 PM   #307
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lets see..

3 tests in algebra, some kind of drama thing i guess, and Social studies. other than that, not much.

OH YEAH, JUST REMEMBERED. we played dodgeball in gym today, and i got hit uh.... well.. i guess right where it hurts. but other than that it was good.
I just became a member of a club known as the bumbling fools
Botching the game and the best things in life is the motto and the rule

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Old 02-06-2007, 05:49 PM   #308
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hehehe...don't listen to the stiffs, Vanny.

Anyone ever see "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"? I'm going to order a pizza a la Sean Penn's character nearer to June. Fun times. Last year i hit the pizza place and drove back to the parking lot after our last regents in june. Grabbed the folding lawnchairs i stuffed in the back, rolled down the windows, popped in some Zeppelin, and we had a pizza party in the parking lot. Stinkin' commie VP shut our fiesta down, though.
Think you used enough dynamite there, Butch?
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Old 02-13-2007, 05:01 PM   #309
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About a week or so ago in Homeroom, our seats got reassinged and now...I get to sit by Zack! He sits one seat up next to me. I am so happy! And guess who I'm fortunate enough to have sit behind me.... SHINKY. That horrible, annoying, abstruse, "gangsta" wanna-be. He has a brush and says he's gonna comb my hair with it. Now, if he ever, EVER touches my hair.....
Anyway, few days ago a girl, she's one of my friends who sits a seat up from me on my other side, she looks over and says with a grin "Zack, don't you like Tonya!"
Zack looks down and gives that smile, that sweet little embarassed "Yeah...!" kind of a smile. Then another girl turns around who sits a few seats up from me and says "I think Zack likes you!".
I say "How do you know?"
She says "He keeps staring at you."
I smirk and say something like "Riiiight, me and all his other allegid women."
Then a little while after that somebody mentions something about me singing "What I like about you" to him, and then all the other girls pitch in and tell me to sing it. I shake my head, smile and say "Naww, I'm not gonna sing to him..."
Zack looks over at me with a grin and says "I just love you!".
I grin and shake my head a little and say "You're being sarcastic." About 3 or 4 girls in the class say he's not being sarcastic and after them he tells me "I'm not being sarcastic"
.....I still don't know what to think of it......I will ONLY believe that he likes me when I hear it from HIM and HIM ONLY. Untill then, it's a guessing game.
My babies -- (well he is number 1, dang it!).
He's cool, I mean c'moooooooooooooooon?
We ammigo!
The every kid.
Best female cartoon ever. There should be more of these ladies.
Don't underestimate the power of wuv.
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Old 02-14-2007, 06:39 AM   #310
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What a sad story. I sincerely hope everything works out for both of you. Keep us updated, okay?

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 02-14-2007 at 06:40 AM.
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