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Imaginary Friends Discuss the main imaginary characters: Bloo, Wilt, Eduardo, Coco, Mr. Herriman, Duchess, and Cheese.

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Old 12-16-2006, 04:28 PM   #591
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
*pokes thread with a stick* I think it died.
Gasp! Oh, no! We gotta keep this thread alive! Help us save the "Wilt" thread! Just send in some posts about him and the thread will still be alive! So please, help us!
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Old 12-16-2006, 04:29 PM   #592
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I know! He es RED!
Citizens of Never Forgotten, I stand before you, because if I was behind you, you couldn't see me.
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Old 12-16-2006, 04:40 PM   #593
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he'd look hotter with some tattoos.
>> he'd be SO metal!
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Old 12-16-2006, 04:44 PM   #594
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then how would anyone be able to hug him? he would be all cold...and stiff if her where metal....
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Old 12-16-2006, 04:49 PM   #595
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tis be a figure of speech,
sweet child!
now I'm off!
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Old 12-16-2006, 04:56 PM   #596
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
*pokes thread with a stick* I think it died.
*Thread wakes up, turns around and hisses*

Guess it was just sleeping, after all!

Anyway, just pondering on the topic of WHERE Wilt(and Jordan)is originally from. There were no obvious clues in GWH as to the exact location of the city to which Wilt journeys for his final show-down with Foul Larry; it could have been any city which had an older part of town and a relatively large African-American population. I DID see some of the wrought-iron railings that are so prevalent in N'awlins, but you can see that same style of architecture in many old US cities, especially in the South.

In the recently-updated Wikipedia article(take THAT for whatever it's worth), it's stated that the map showing Wilt's destination resembles Nevada, but I honestly could not make out ANY landmarks, states' outlines, notable highways, etc. from that map. Some of the areas he passes through on the lawnmower do resemble Western states, like Texas, although the old farmer he helps has a very distinctive New England accent, the sort typical of Maine, which I'd hardly expect to hear in a semi-desert Western town! The Wikipedia article, however, contradicts Lauren Faust's own statement as to location of Foster's Home by claiming it's in New England or upstate New York(Lauren said it was somewhere in the Pacific Northwest), so that would indeed mean that Wilt would have to travel "all the way across the country", as Frankie pointed out, to reach Nevada. The article claims that a sign for New Hampshire was seen in the episode, "Bus The Two of Us", to back up the claim for Foster's being located in New England, and of course, both New England AND the Pacific Northwest would be in relatively close proximity to Canada, as per that episode that so many Frankie fans take exception to. I'm gonna have to go with Lauren's statement, though, since she writes for the show, and put Foster's in the Pacific Northwest. That would mean that Wilt's destination was VERY unlikely to have been Nevada, since that would certainly NOT be "all the way across the country" from his current home, but just a couple(at the most)of states away.

That would mean, then, that Wilt's destination was on the east coast of the US. Now, since we know that Jordan Michaels IS based on Michael Jordan, would it be unreasonable to assume that Jordan, and therefore Wilt, would be from either the same locale, or a close one, as Jordan's real-life model? Michael Jordan is from Wilmington, North Carolina, about 3-4 hours "up the road" from where I live. Then, though, there is the issue of Wilt's accent, which is noticeably stronger than that of his creator(though I would assume that Jordan has been through a university education and probably worked to speak without a distinct regional or ethnic accent). I've stated before that at times, Wilt sounds like he's either a New Orleans "Yat" or a South Carolina "Geechee",(from our "Low Country", the coastal region encompassing Charleston and vicinity, and southwards into Savannah, GA)and Larry's accent is even stronger than Wilt's, since unlike Wilt, Larry has not been away from that city for 30 years. Charleston, SC(or "The Holy City", as we call it)does have not only a large African-American population, but it's a very old city, one of the oldest in the US, and it does have areas with that same architechtural style seen in the movie. It also has the distinction of being named "Most Polite City in America" more often than any other city in the US, which might help account for Wilt's and Jordan's politeness. A locale in the Carolinas, either North or South, WOULD be "all the way across the country" from Foster's, if it is indeed in the Pacific Northwest, whereas New Orleans would only be half-way, more or less.

Any thoughts on this?

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Old 12-16-2006, 05:11 PM   #597
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I was thinking.....
well, they're on the EAST coast,
so I figured "all the way across the country" would be on the WEST coast,
so I thought he was somewhere in california.
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Old 12-16-2006, 05:23 PM   #598
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Originally Posted by x_dummkoff_x View Post
I was thinking.....
well, they're on the EAST coast,
so I figured "all the way across the country" would be on the WEST coast,
so I thought he was somewhere in california.

Lauren Faust herself has stated that Foster's Home is located "somewhere in the Pacific NorthWEST"(emphasis on "West" mine), which would mean anywhere from northern California to upper Washington State, so if Wilt traveled "all the way across the country" from where Foster's is located, then he'd have to be traveling EAST, since if he traveled west, he'd soon wind up in the Pacific Ocean! Since Lauren Faust does write for the show, I'd have to take her word over something on as "canon", insofar as locales go. Whether or not the show's writers have placed Jordan's hometown as the same as that of his namesake's, is not clear.

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Old 12-16-2006, 08:39 PM   #599
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Yes, I always thought that "All the way across the country" was going (possibly) to the original 13 states.
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Old 12-17-2006, 04:42 AM   #600
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Originally Posted by antgirl1 View Post
Yes, I always thought that "All the way across the country" was going (possibly) to the original 13 states.

I doubt he'd have traveled through ALL of the 13 original states/colonies, since that would have been a north-south(or vice versa)trip, and not across the country. It's likely, though, that Wilt's destination was in ONE of those original states, since they're all located along the Eastern seaboard of the US.

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