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Old 11-17-2006, 09:43 AM   #1
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Default Arachnophobia anyone?

For the spiderphobic people, tell all about your encounters with spiders. And yes, the thread is even for the spider lovers as well.

Now, little spiders don't freak me out, but the REALLY BIG ones!.....
I remember one time there was a huge spider in the house that covered the hinge of the door, which covered nearly 5 inches!
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Old 11-17-2006, 11:38 AM   #2
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I'm not afraid of spiders but the BIG ones unnerve me. My dad has started to grow a fear of spiders in his old age. I remember a few summers ago whene I was helping to paint the house, there was this spider looking right at my dad and my dad yelled "How many people did you eat?!". He had to have me clear away all the spiders just so we could get close to the house.
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Old 11-17-2006, 01:45 PM   #3
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I am, of course, absolutely UNafraid of spiders; in fact, I love the darn things, the bigger and hairier, the better! So many tarantulas out there, and so little money in my bank account!

I used to be one of those silly people who was afraid of spiders, not really phobic, but they used to give me the heebie-jeebies. Then, I grew some additional brain cells and realized how hypocritical it was of me to fear spiders out of the same reason so many people fear snakes, ignorance, when I had spent much of my life, as a child and an adult, trying to educate people that snakes were not the slimy, nasty, evil, mean, and by-default deadly creatures that most people believed them to be. I began to educate myself about spiders and to dispel my own needless fears. When a kindergarten teacher offered to give me her son's Chilean Rosehaired tarantula, which he'd left at home with his none-too-happy mom when he got married, I accepted it, as a way of defeating my fear face-to-fang, so to speak. That one spider turned out to be something of a "gateway drug", since I have now expanded my tarantula collection(and this does not include "true" spiders that I keep, as well)has grown to close to 50 animals! Since taking up the additional hobby of macro digital photography, my interest in spiders has really picked up, since being able to photograph them and see them in details not visable with the naked eye has really shown me how fascinating they are. Their colors and patterns never cease to amaze me, and their behavior can be just as remarkable as that of "complex" animals. Quite honestly, right now, I'd happily trade every single dog I have(well, maybe not two of them)for additional tarantula species, since the spiders are so much less trouble to care for.

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Old 11-17-2006, 01:55 PM   #4
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Just watch out for contaminated foodstuffs that you give you're spiders, Pitbullady or Eight Legged Freaks could start all over again.
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Old 11-17-2006, 03:36 PM   #5
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I have no negative experiences/encounters with spiders - well I mean, none involving me being afraid or whatever. I have experiences witnessing people who horribly tortured/killed spiders for no good reason, or even asked ME to do it FOR them! Those are negative, but too sad to tell I think. I guess I have nothing for this thread.
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Old 11-18-2006, 08:14 AM   #6
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I live in AZ - "Black Widows, Brown Widows, Scorpions, and Recluse - OH MY!"
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Old 11-18-2006, 12:43 PM   #7
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I would absolutely LOVE to go to Arizona to collect spiders and scorpions, especially since you have some really nice tarantula species there, including one of my favorites, the "Flagstaff Orange", Aphonopelma chalcodes.

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Old 11-18-2006, 02:07 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
I would absolutely LOVE to go to Arizona to collect spiders and scorpions, especially since you have some really nice tarantula species there, including one of my favorites, the "Flagstaff Orange", Aphonopelma chalcodes.

Even though I'm not at this time planning to get another T, if I found a female Flagstaff Orange I'd snatch it up! COOLEST LEGS EVER.
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Old 11-18-2006, 02:17 PM   #9
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I'm not afraid of spiders...

Really, I'm not...

I mean, I don't have any pet spiders, but that doesn't mean I hate them.

I'm indifferent to them... I think they are cool. I'm not obsessed; I just think they are cool.

Snakes can freak me out occasionally, only when I know it's a species that could potentially hurt me...

I have no issue with mice, either...

Stuff like that doesn't freak me out.

There are so many girls at school who go wild if they see so much as a fire ant near them, and that bugs me (no pun intended). Hey, they don't hurt me.

Which is why I always take the spider outside instead of squishing it when I find one in the house. It just wanted to explore a bit; no reason to end an innocent life.

I feel like a total nerd... In a good way.
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Old 11-18-2006, 02:19 PM   #10
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I think they're great to look at, though I'm not very fond of the ones that carry the venom. Had a friend over the summer that got bitten by a black widow. When he went to the hospital, they said he didn't need any medication, and the he wasn't going to die. I guess he had a dry bite or something, but he did swell up pretty big.

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