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#1 |
Newly Abandoned
Dare to Dream of impossible things - They just might come true!
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: 1123 Wilson Way ;)
Posts: 49
![]() Here, I will post all my Foster's fan-fics for you all to enjoy.
![]() At long last I've finally finished my first fan-fic. ![]() This story is about an average day of Mac and Bloo at which I used to practice my characterization. Feel free to correct me if anything doesn't seem canon. I may add a title later. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “MAAACC!” The small blue blob’s yell resounded from a study room within the old Victorian mansion, which was home to many imaginary friends like him self. The blob lay on the floor sprawled out in utter boredom. “Mac! Hurry up already!” he yelled once more. Mac, the blob’s creator and best friend, who was trying hard to concentrate on the last of his English homework answered back in frustration. “Be QUIET Bloo! Your constant complaining is just going to make it take longer!” Bloo was clearly on Mac’s very last nerve as Bloo had been relentlessly aggravating him since he had begun his homework. “Uggg!” Bloo sighed and the room fell quiet except for the ticking of the clock on the wall. The monotonous ticking, or so it seemed, was mocking the little blob in his agonizing boredom. That ticking was like the many game shows that he flipped past all those hours in front of the television, where an uncertain, slow speaking, contestant seemed to take eons before answering a single question. These shows he would just flip past. How he wished he could flip Mac past his homework! Bloo could take the silence no more. “Mac! Just finish the paper for peat’s sake!” the blob shouted. SNAP! The sound was loud enough to startle the blob to a sort of “sitting’ position. He spun quickly around to see that his normally docile friend had broken the pencil he was using clean in half! “Shesh Mac! Calm down! Are you ok? I usually have to break a few things before you get THAT mad!” the blue blob said matter-o-factly yet quickly in his surprise. The boy sighed, “I just had a bad day Bloo. Terence was bugging me this morning, the teacher gave me a truckload of homework, and at lunch the only option was this mystery soup that reminded me of that IT thing that Madam Foster and Frankie made you that time, just to name a few.” Bloo stuck his tongue out in disgust, “I’m sure your school’s mystery soup wasn’t ANYWHERE near as bad as IT!” He shuttered at the thought of that stomach-churning green glop that Madam Foster, the elderly lady who opened her home to the imaginary friends, had forced him to eat. “My stomach hurts just thinking about it!” He slouched, feeling slightly queasy. Mac, now calm and finishing the last question with the led half of the pencil, quickly changed the subject said “I’m glad I get to eat dinner over here today. I can’t wait for some of Frankie’s cooking.” Bloo, now more his usual shade of blue than his previous sickly green, said, ”Yeah, Frankie’s spaghetti is pretty good.” “Yeah, can’t wait.” the boy repeated. “But I’VE been waiting! Are you done yet? The blob said exasperatedly. “There and….done!” Mac said finally much to Bloo’s relief. Bloo jumps to his “feet” with joy “Finally! Shesh! Your teachers must be crazy! Now since you started talking about spaghetti I’m stttaarrrvviiinnnggg” As if on cue, the intercom crackled with Mr. Herriman’s voice, “Everyone report to the dining hall, dinner will be served shortly.” A mischievous smile crept across Bloo’s face. “I bet I can beat you there!” The little blue blob shuffled quickly in the direction of the dining hall. “I wouldn’t be so sure!” Mac shouted, leaping out of his chair and taking off after his best friend after smartly shrugging off his backpack to lighten the load. “You’ll never beat me! Not in a gazillion years!” Bloo shouted back with a look of determination on his face as he sped up. With a clear advantage in actually having legs, with a little extra speed Mac found himself catching up to and surpassing Bloo. Mac began to give a joking laugh when he tripped over one of the many rugs in the house. Chuckling, Bloo said in his usual sarcastic tone, “Watch out for rugs Mac! They jump out of nowhere!” Mac quickly got back to his feet and resumed the race. “Yeah, very funny Bloo!” He knew he had to regain his lost ground. Thinking quickly, Mac jumped on the railing of one of the winding staircases and sliding down sideways. Shuffling down the stairs, a surprised Bloo called out, “Cheater cheater rug eater!” as Mac slid swiftly past him. When he reached the end of the railing Mac jumped off and hit the ground running. “No rugs, just spaghetti. I’ll make sure they save you some!” Mac called over his shoulder. This just made the little blob more determined to win as kicked it into high gear to a quick hop of sorts. The two continued to race through the many turning hallways and stairways of the immense labyrinth of a mansion until they finally reached the dining room. The two come bolting into the room, much to the startlement of the many imaginary friends taking their seats. “Watch it genius!” Bloo called over his shoulder to a friend he almost ran into. Bloo gasped as he noticed Mac nearly to his chair. “Oh no you don’t!” he panted. “Oh yes I did!” Mac said with confidence as he sat down in his dining chair, which at that moment felt like a throne. At that same moment Bloo touched his own seat with his stubby appendage of a “hand”. “I won!” he shouted proudly, though out of breath. “I won. I’m sitting, you’re not.” Mac stated. “But you cheated at the stairs!” Bloo objected loudly, jumping into his seat. “I’m sorry, but there is no need to fight.” Said a very tall red imaginary friend by the name of Wilt, as his equally large basketball sneakers squeaked as he ducked into the doorway and came to take his seat at the table. A large purple monster-like imaginary friend by the name of Eduardo trailed behind him with thudding steps, along with a bird like imaginary friend by the name of Coco who was an odd combination of a palm tree and plane. “Hola Mac. Hola Azul.” Eduardo said cheerfully in his usual Spanglish accent. “Cococo Co Coco” was Coco’s usual greeting. “Hi guys.” Mac answered while Bloo sat pouting in his chair. Just then, Frankie came in from the kitchen wheeling in a large tediously stacked cart that held the meals for the friends. The delicious smell of Frankie’s spaghetti wafted through the room, causing several friends’ mouths to water. Once Frankie worked her way down the lengthy dining table to the area where the five were seated, she greeted Mac warmly as the handed out the meals and glasses of milk to the friends. “Oh Hi Mac! I’m glad you could have dinner with us.” “Hi Frankie. Yeah, My mom isn’t coming home ‘till about ten tonight for some meeting, so I decided to stay longer and hang out with Bloo.” The thought of having his friend over longer cheered the little blob up at once. “Yeah! Its gonna be aaaawwesome! We would have started sooner if Mister Over Achiever didn’t have to finish his homework first!” “Now Bloo, you should be proud that Mac wants to do good in school otherwise his mom might ground him from going anywhere, which means he can’t come and see you.” Frankie added. “You two can go have fun once you are finished with dinner.” She then turned back toward the kitchen with the cart in tow to get more food for those waiting the next half of the table. “Mama mia! That’s-a good-a looking spaghetti!” Bloo said in his best Italian accent. Suddenly the wide mischievous smile appeared once again across the blue blob’s face. “I bet I can beat you in an eating contest!”, the Bloo challenged his best friend. “I bet you can’t!” Mac answered back confidently as he picked up his fork. “I’m sorry, but it wouldn’t be a good idea too…”Wilt’s voice was drowned out by the cheering imaginary friends who were obviously looking for some excitement. “I wouldn’t be so sure if I were you.” The blob giggled as he picked up his own fork. “Go!” The surrounding imaginary friends began to cheer and chant louder except for Wilt, was on the lookout for Mr. Herriman, incase he comes to quiet what he would call a “Disorderly upheaval”, or the return of Frankie who would most likely not mind as long as there wasn’t a mess afterwards. As Mac began shoveling in forks of spaghetti, Bloo just sat there with a confident smile. Mac swallowed his mouthful of spaghetti uncertainly, with that grin he knew his friend was up to something. “Ok, what did you put in the food?” “Nothing.” He giggled, “It’s just I’m gonna win, by a humongous landslide!” With that, Bloo widened his mouth to nearly his full body length and shoved half the meal in, all while maintaining a goofy grin. At once Mac continued the race, had he remembered in his very hasty decision that his friend could do that he wouldn’t have agreed. By the time Bloo was done with the entire plate, Mac was little more than halfway finished. “Give up yet?” Bloo asked tauntingly between gulps of milk. “Never!” responded Mac swallowing a mouthful. Although he knew he was bound to loose, he wasn’t going to give up. Moments later, Bloo proved victorious. A proud look spread over his face as he rose his arms in victory and the crowed cheered. “I am the chaaaaampion!” he sang. Mac just smiled and rolled his eyes. His friend was acting like he won some prestigious award when all he truly did was prove that he indeed had the biggest mouth! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hope you enjoyed it! ![]()
Come with me,
and again you shall see, the Home of pure Imagination. ![]() Their story is not yet over... 5/20/13- Planning on improving my cartooning and scriptwriting skills this summer... Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Reimagined Status: 45 episode ideas, two partially written. Last edited by Imaginary Dream; 12-21-2012 at 04:39 AM. |
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#2 |
Newly Abandoned
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: my house
Posts: 40
![]() Hahahahaha I love it! especially that last part, Bloo certianly does have a big mouth!
Fav lines EVA:
"You heartless jerk! I'm sorry, wait, NO I'M NOT ! Is that ok? that I'm not sorry?" -Wilt "Hows the weather up there? WELL HOWS THE WEATHER DOWN THERE!? " - Wilt "This place is crazy its crazy! I'm so hungry I'm crazy! I'm crazy! DO DO DA DO!" - Bloo "Boogie down!" -Wilt "Wait stop! I just wanna punch you!" -Terrence/Bloo |
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#3 |
Newly Abandoned
Dare to Dream of impossible things - They just might come true!
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: 1123 Wilson Way ;)
Posts: 49
![]() Thanks for your input! It was fun to write as well.
Come with me,
and again you shall see, the Home of pure Imagination. ![]() Their story is not yet over... 5/20/13- Planning on improving my cartooning and scriptwriting skills this summer... Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends: Reimagined Status: 45 episode ideas, two partially written. |
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#4 |
Newly Abandoned
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: my house
Posts: 40
![]() yor welcome!
Fav lines EVA:
"You heartless jerk! I'm sorry, wait, NO I'M NOT ! Is that ok? that I'm not sorry?" -Wilt "Hows the weather up there? WELL HOWS THE WEATHER DOWN THERE!? " - Wilt "This place is crazy its crazy! I'm so hungry I'm crazy! I'm crazy! DO DO DA DO!" - Bloo "Boogie down!" -Wilt "Wait stop! I just wanna punch you!" -Terrence/Bloo |
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#5 |
Foster's Legend
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: 1123 Wilson Way
Posts: 1,083
![]() Great read.
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