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Old 10-29-2009, 10:39 PM   #1
Lady of Brightwood
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Smile Animation Exhibit in Seattle

Sometime around the beginning of the month I saw an ad on TV (NOT CN btw) about an animation exhibit at the Pacific Science Center in downtown Seattle. Right next door to the Space Needle, as a matter of fact. And it features CN! That is, the old CN that we all use to love and now miss so much.

Well, Iceberg and I are going tomorrow (Friday, Oct. 30), yay! I don't know if they'll allow cameras inside, but I'll surely take pictures if I can. Because I know there are some Foster's stuff there too. Pardon the low quality since they're just pictures of my TV screen as I paused my DVR while the ad was on. But here's some shots of Foster's in the ad-

Here you can clearly see Blooregard, smirking in his usual and impish way.

Here we see Ed, the Foster's logo, and Blooregard again!

And here we see, well, the house and the "Foster's Five" from what I can see.

In the ad I also caught a number of shots of characters from Camp Lazlo, PPGs, Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi, Scooby Doo, KND, Dexter's Laboratory, and others I'm not remembering right now.

More info about the exhibit is at the Pacific Science Center's webpage here. Watch the 1:19 YouTube vid on the bottom to catch another glimpse of the exhibit, including Mac.

Anyway, I'll share how it went tomorrow, and hopefully post more pictures. If I'm lucky, I'll also be able to buy something cool.
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Old 10-29-2009, 10:44 PM   #2
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The pics fron the TV doo look interesting; I look forward to hearing about the trip!

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Old 10-30-2009, 08:00 AM   #3
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Ooh, nice! Hope you guys have a good time.
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Old 10-30-2009, 08:59 AM   #4
Another Castle
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Looks fun!

This look suitable since we have pretty much agreed that Fosters is set in the state Seattle is in.
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Old 10-30-2009, 11:51 AM   #5
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Looks like loads of fun!

...Sad to say, but I have never been to the "PSC".
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Old 10-31-2009, 12:29 AM   #6
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Default Welcome to Seattle!!

Ok, picture time. Sorry it's taken so long, I kept trying to upload the pics to Photobucket, and after uploading two or three, my web browser would crash. Dumb internet connection. So I finally uploaded them to an email and emailed them to Photobucket. Finally, there they all are!

Anyway, Welcome to Seattle!

And the Seattle Center, a part of which is the Pacific Science Center. And the Space Needle.

The giant poster advertising the exhibit outside the building. See Bloo?

This is what was just inside the entryway. There was a lot of PPG stuff there. Ya know, I think PPG, Foster's, Dexter's and KND were the four most prominent cartoons featured there. Three of which Craig had a big hand in! =D

And the Eduardo, Mac and Bloo statuette.

The station where you can learn to draw the characters, and it featured Foster's. The guy demonstrating drawing on the video screen drew Mac's pants and shoes to look like pirate boots, I thought it was funny. To the left are some drawings other visitors had done. There were magnets provided to post your own artwork. We didn't do much here other than watch the video.

Coco and Mr. H must have been very bad and have been forced to face the wall behind the video machines. Hehe, actually, I'm wondering if it was due to lack of room, or maybe they had been damaged and didn't want them to be a safety hazard, so they tucked them out of the way.

Ah, our pride and joy! In the little area behind this was a table and chairs with some other drawing utensils.

Frankie off to the side of where the above picture was taken.

This is what was in the ad in my first post. It was a station where you could time your own motions to create a stop-motion animation of yourself. There was one group of people (adults) who created a pretty cool animation of them mysteriously moving around on the set and then disappearing, while one lady stood in one place basically the entire time. We watched a few people play with it, but didn't do it ourselves.

This was just opposite the above picture, I felt like I was actually in the house! =D It was so cool!

(To be continued...)
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Old 10-31-2009, 12:40 AM   #7
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Oh my stars, I really, really wish I could have gone with you. It looks like so much fun, and there's more Foster's stuff to see than I ever saw at Comic-Con. I'd kill to get ahold of those Frankie cutouts. Excellent pics, and I'm glad you and Iceberg had a great time!

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

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Old 10-31-2009, 12:51 AM   #8
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(Continued from above due to the 10 images per post rule)

Lauren!! =D She had a video console all her own. It was more like a slide show as there was no sound or motion other than the pictures changing. She just explained what it's like writing for Foster's. =)

Another shot of Lauren's video console, where there's a shot of her talking to Craig! =)

Do these little guys look familiar? They're the little figures used for the Red, White and Bloo promos a few years ago. I wonder if they're really the very same ones.

Madame F standing next to a station where we could change slides around Billy (from Billy and Mandy) to make him appear to be doing different things.

Candi Milo! This was actually at a station showing the steps of crating a cartoon, and I recognized her right away even though it didn't give her name right away. We later found another video console where she was featured, talking about voice acting. =)

The same station showing the steps of making a cartoon showed a few clips of Lauren again, too.

The moon was with us. I'm not sure why... Eh, it was either a permanent fixture in the exhibit hall or a part of an earlier exhibit and left in the hall for some reason or other. It was cool to see, though.

Blooregard making a mess, and somehow being cute while doing so. Because, well, he's so good at that.

Coco's relaxing with Kookie, Nigel and Jonny (from EE&E) ready to screen some cartoon clips with us.

The other side of the screening room where Frankie makes sure we all behave and Bloo mischievously peeks in through the window.

(To be continued...)
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Old 10-31-2009, 12:54 AM   #9
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Bloo playing in the trash.

As I said before, great pics; looking forward to the next set.

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.
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Old 10-31-2009, 01:13 AM   #10
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(Continued from above)

In the screening room, where five minute clips of Foster's, PPG, and Dexter's were shown, and interesting tidbits about the scene or the show would pop up on the screen while you watched. The clip of Foster's was from... (aw, come on, you guys recognize this scene, don't you?) "Busted". I tried to get a pic of the look on Frankie's face when Mr. H sticks his hand into the hot water, but it looks like I was a millisecond too late. =p

A shot of the clip from PPG in the screening room

Frankie on one of the many banners hanging from the ceiling

Wally rescuing Kookie from The Common Cold (I loved KND too. =( I miss it)

Wilt on one of the banners hanging from the ceiling

Uh oh, Deedee has stolen Dexter's remote again!

Blooregard on a banner

Wally since my sister just loves him. Ok, so do I.

Dear sweet little Mac on a banner

Mandy, Dexter and Juniper Lee

(To be continued...)
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