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Old 05-13-2009, 05:42 PM   #31
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wow. I don't know if I can list the original, though.
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Old 05-16-2009, 11:01 AM   #32
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Hey I was wondering if Bloo's 'Bear Arm' technique was a reference to Goku's 'Dragon Fist' technique (from Dragon Ball Z) because the way it was initiated, it looked very similar to Dragon Fist.

Here is a video of Goku's Dragon Fist

The Dragon Fist technique was at 00:44 seconds into the video.

I'mm sure all of you know how Bloo's Bear Arm looked, and if you didn't you probably know how to download the episode on the site.
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Cheese: Garbage can.

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Old 07-27-2009, 10:21 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Keij View Post
Well it's already aired in England, I've already seen it, capped it, etc.

No idea when it will air in the US. Wikipedia says 2009, but you know how reliable that can be.
Foster's airs up to season 3 in england. I voted F beacause the evil version of frankie was just so embarrasing.

Last edited by PeterFoster111; 07-27-2009 at 10:23 AM.
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Old 07-27-2009, 12:20 PM   #34
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Originally Posted by PeterFoster111 View Post
Foster's airs up to season 3 in england. I voted F beacause the evil version of frankie was just so embarrasing.
On terrestrial TV maybe. It airs all the way up to Season Six on Cartoon Network's channel in the UK.

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Last edited by jekylljuice; 07-27-2009 at 12:30 PM.
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Old 08-03-2009, 02:32 PM   #35
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Having experienced myself bizarre delusions when bedridden with fevers, I not only felt great sympathy with Bloo's (and of course in the delicious punchline, Frankie's) plight in this episode but also a great kinship with them given that much of their delirious imagry was composed from movie sources that have made me all hot and confused at some point in the past. Could anyone tell me what Ed had turned into in Bloo's head? A sort of horned, quadrapedal ape I seem to recall but I may be wrong. Was there one of these in Samurai Jack or something? Somebody knows.

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Old 10-22-2009, 08:35 AM   #36
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I've just watched this one- and I'm a little confused.

I didn't rally enjoy it that much, to be honest. It was okay-ish. Way too Bloo-centric, which also puts me off some other episodes. It bored me a little. It didn't feel like Fosters. I've properly missed out on all the in-jokes/haven't realised what it was meant to parody.

I didn't quite understand the ending- Bloo made a mess at the party and made everyone ill- he gave Mac his birthday present (two IOUs), but Mac uses them to make Bloo fix the party? Have I missed anything?

Also, do we consider there to be no aging Fosters universe? Is Mac nine, or still eight?
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Old 10-22-2009, 07:52 PM   #37
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Have you seen "The Bloo Superdude and the Magic Potato of Power" yet? It basically was the prequel to this episode, so having seen it may help one understand this one a bit better. The episode discussion for it is here. In both "Bloo Superdude" episodes Bloo makes up a story. And knowing how egotistic he is, he is of course the "Superdude". The difference is, in the first episode ("Potato of Power"), he comes up with a crazy and exciting story as a way of telling Mac he destroyed his hand held computer game. In the second episode ("Celebration that he's not Invited to"), he's delirious with a fever, and this is what he's hallucinating as he's trying to get to Mac's party (even though he's suppose to be confined to his room since he's sick). Basically, they aren't really suppose to make sense, they're just suppose to be bizarre and funny. Because, of course, it's Bloo who is telling the story. True, neither are in the traditional style, but a lot of us did like the change of pace. I personally still liked the first "Superdude" episode better. You should try to get to see it if you haven't already.

As for Bloo giving Mac IOUs for a gift, and Mac redeeming them to fix his party, it does kind of refer to another episode- "I only have Surprise for You". Bloo has ruined virtually every birthday party Mac has had since he created him (and embarrassed him). For once, with Bloo sick and "confined" to his room, Mac's hoping for the perfect party for once. When Bloo ends up ruining it too, it makes sense that Mac will put down the iron fist and make Bloo fix it.

And as for Mac's age, I think most of us are decided he's now nine. I don't remember any reference to him being "eight" again after that episode aired.

Last edited by Lynnie; 10-22-2009 at 08:13 PM. Reason: where'd the letter "t" come from? I need to proof read better =p
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Old 10-22-2009, 08:07 PM   #38
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Originally Posted by Another Castle View Post
I've just watched this one- and I'm a little confused.

I didn't rally enjoy it that much, to be honest. It was okay-ish. Way too Bloo-centric, which also puts me off some other episodes. It bored me a little. It didn't feel like Fosters. I've properly missed out on all the in-jokes/haven't realised what it was meant to parody.

I didn't quite understand the ending- Bloo made a mess at the party and made everyone ill- he gave Mac his birthday present (two IOUs), but Mac uses them to make Bloo fix the party? Have I missed anything?

Also, do we consider there to be no aging Fosters universe? Is Mac nine, or still eight?
This episode and it's predecessor (Season 5's Bloo Superdude/Potato of Power) are gag driven affairs, where the story plays second fiddle to the heaping amounts of pop culture references crammed into the 22 minuet running time. So it's understandable how something can like that can be a little off putting to some viewers. Especially when one doesn't get the references, I mean they did a reference to a semi obscure 70's sci-fi movie* that I only and maybe a select few on this board have ever heard let alone seen.

The ending fits with in Mac's character, he's showing his selfless side by essentially sharing his present with the laid up friends in the household, while at the same time showing his firm side by having Bloo taking care of said sick friends, thus essentially punishing Bloo for causing the mess in first place. (And after all Bloo did owe Mac something, it didn't have to be anything tangible.)

As for the aging question, the Foster's universe was in a state of "Prepetual Now" where no one really aged significantlly throughout the course of the show, so it's safe to assume had the show continued on then Mac would most likely still be 8 in any future episodes.

(*The scene with Mac appearing as a large stone head, is a reference to the movie Zardoz, look it up if you want to see Sean Connery as you've never seen him before.)
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Old 10-23-2009, 02:24 AM   #39
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Perhaps that would make more sense to watch the first one. I could tell it was made from Bloo's hyperactive imagination, and how he see's the world.

I don't think I'd go out of my way to watch this one again tho.

'I Only Have Suprise For You' is one of my least favorite episodes (it was way too harsh on Mac), so I consider it non-canon (I just try to forget about it)

Gosh, I sound hard to please today!

Not to go off topic, but do we all universally agree (how shall I explain this) that all the episodes 'happen' in the order they were aired?

Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
And as for Mac's age, I think most of us are decided he's now nine. I don't remember any reference to him being "eight" again after that episode aired.
Do you mean he is nine years old in episode after 'IOHSFY'? So would he be ten in this episode (and the final four after that?)

Last edited by taranchula; 10-23-2009 at 06:14 AM. Reason: Sorry, back to back posting is not allowed. So posts have been merged.
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Old 10-23-2009, 08:45 PM   #40
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Originally Posted by Another Castle View Post
Do you mean he is nine years old in episode after 'IOHSFY'? So would he be ten in this episode (and the final four after that?)
Well, not necessarily. Mac said Bloo never throws him a surprise birthday party on his birthday because then it wouldn't be a surprise. So, I think the birthday they're celebrating in "IOHSFY" could still be his eighth. Although, come to think of it, I don't remember a reference to Mac being eight after "Surprise" too, so I guess it's up for speculation.
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