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Old 03-20-2009, 08:26 PM   #211
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
If your looking for a good one with Jinx, or if your just wondering how I did get a crush on her.

Check out the episode "Lightspeed", one of the best episodes in the whole series if you ask me. Kid Flash was kick ass and it's thanks to him and this episode Jinx landed into my cartoon crush patch.
I just recently watched this episode on YouTube, and I did really enjoyed it (Billy Numerous was just ROFL!), and while Jinx has joined my list of favourites, I'm still curious as to how she got to be one of your favourites.
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Old 03-21-2009, 03:23 PM   #212
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Well I always liked Jinx, I loved her appearance and liked how her powers were unique and more diverse then the simplistic trappings of Gizmo and Mammoth being only bound by brains and brawn. I felt bad because they rarely showed the trio only Gizmo who appeared on his own a lot and so Jinx was barely ever seen.

However once we got to see her more, more of personality and attitude became more apparent and I was able to like her more. She became a favorite of mine after the "Lightspeed" episode because the whole deal with Kid Flash trying to turn her good and exploiting her personality issues made her appear more in depth and deeper as a character and her appeal for me increased.

Lately, I've been rewatching one of my older toon crushes, Kari kamiya from Digimon (season 2 version of course).
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Old 05-02-2009, 09:03 AM   #213
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My girlfriend used to have a huge crush on Minotoro from Mucha Lucha.
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Old 06-26-2009, 08:58 AM   #214
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-the Old Green Grasshopper, from "James and the Giant peach". I was about six, I think. I'm not that interested in him anymore, but when I was younger...

- Reverend Lovejoy ("the Simpsons). I loved this guy for most of my teen years. I'm not that interested in him anymore, though; probably because I've moved on to...

- Major Mint ("Barbie in the Nutcracker"). Yeah, I know; they're my guilty pleasure movies. And I just think Major Mint is a great character; and I don't think he's that bad-looking, to be honest. Here's a picture of him:
(I think my fondness for Mr Herriman may have something to do with this)

Other characters I've liked over the years include Manny ("A Bug's Life"), Mayor Turkey Lurkey ("Chicken Little") and Master Crane ("Kung Fu Panda"). I love them as characters, but I've never had crushes on them. Maybe it's because they're animals or something...
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Old 06-29-2009, 08:31 AM   #215
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My very first crush was on Optimus Prime back in the 80s. Even today, I still think of him as my first love. I still love him, really.

Other notable crushes, in no particular order:

Justin from Secret of Nimh. Wow, he was handsome, with that rakish grin of his. He made Mrs. Brisby almost forget she had been married, heh.

Megavolt from Darkwing Duck. Don't ask me why I fell for a dorky electric rodent-guy with the voice of Krusty the Klown.

Brooklyn from Gargoyles. He was complex and attractive, and kind of reserved. But he also had this fun, wild side. Plus, he wasn't a complete drag.

Adam from Beetlejuice (movie). Technically human, but dead now, so, like, a former-human. He was so cute in those glasses! Funny thing is, I don't crush on Baldwin anywhere else, except when he played Adam.

Nergal from Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy. Yeah, this dapper fellow was a monster with sharp teeth and tentacles, but he was lonely, and later showed himself to be a loving husband and father. Plus, I'm perverted.

Haku from Spirited Away. He takes the form of a young boy, but is actually a dragon/river spirit and possibly centuries old. Still kind of weird to me that I crush on him like that, but I can't help it!

Vivi from Final Fantasy IX. Purely platonic of course, since he's just a kid, so I call him a "Woobie crush", where I just love him to pieces, but it's not a romantic thing. He was so awesomely developed a character, full of pathos and maturity beyond his years.

And Mac, same as Vivi, due to his age. Mac has the dubious honor of being the only truly human guy here, with no wierdness whatsoever, haha. I would love a son like Mac, so smart and kind you just want to hug him and never let go! And, hey, if he were grown up, I wouldn't turn him down for a date.

And, Girl Crushes. I'm a straight gal, but these girls rocked my socks:

Flora from Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors. I started drawing by drawing her, I was obsessed with her. The fact that she was a plant in human form blew my little mind.

Cleo from Heathcliff. I wanted to be her so bad, because she wore legwarmers and could do the splits. This was during my kinda-wanna-be-a-cheerleader phase.

Lydia from Beetlejuice. She ignited that feminist spark in me that girls need not be portrayed as over-sexualized, shadows or copies of male characters, or slathered in pink. Plus, she was super cool.

Helen Parr from the Incredibles. I just watched it last night, and I just ADORE Helen! She's smart, strong, and everything a woman could want in a kickass super heroine! The fact that she's a stay-at-home mom in no way diminishes her coolness. Plus, the relationship between her and her husband is charged wih a maturity and sexuality (not in a dirty way, though) that an adult woman like myself can appreciate.
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Old 06-29-2009, 09:41 AM   #216
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Originally Posted by Imaginary Ninja View Post
Flora from Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors. I started drawing by drawing her, I was obsessed with her. The fact that she was a plant in human form blew my little mind.
I never had a crush on any of the characters from that show but it's so nice to know that I wasn't the only person who was watching it.

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Old 06-29-2009, 12:27 PM   #217
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Originally Posted by Imaginary Ninja View Post
And Mac, same as Vivi, due to his age. Mac has the dubious honor of being the only truly human guy here, with no wierdness whatsoever, haha. I would love a son like Mac, so smart and kind you just want to hug him and never let go! And, hey, if he were grown up, I wouldn't turn him down for a date.
I'm with you on that. I never thought of it as a "crush" per say, but I have some maternal feelings toward the little guy. And in turn developed "big-sisterly" feelings toward his voice actor. He's my favorite character.

Originally Posted by Imaginary Ninja View Post
Helen Parr from the Incredibles. I just watched it last night, and I just ADORE Helen! She's smart, strong, and everything a woman could want in a kickass super heroine! The fact that she's a stay-at-home mom in no way diminishes her coolness. Plus, the relationship between her and her husband is charged wih a maturity and sexuality (not in a dirty way, though) that an adult woman like myself can appreciate.
Ya know, I'll join you on that too. I loved Helen, she was my favorite character in that movie as well.
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Old 07-09-2009, 07:43 PM   #218
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
I'm with you on that. I never thought of it as a "crush" per say, but I have some maternal feelings toward the little guy. And in turn developed "big-sisterly" feelings toward his voice actor. He's my favorite character.
My Woobie Crushes a big fuzzy marshmallow. Like I just wanna squeeze Mac, he's so adorable. I love everything he says and does, he's so cuuute. Nothing romantic, not to worry. But I count them among "crushes" because aside from the romantic part, I feel just as strongly about them and "fangirly" if you will.

Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
I never had a crush on any of the characters from that show but it's so nice to know that I wasn't the only person who was watching it.
It was SO weird, for years and years I couldn't recall the name of that show and none of my family ever remembered it, even my brother, who would have. But I distinctly recalled vivid details from it, no one else did! I started to think that maybe I really did imagine it or something, until I found it completely by accident on a retro website. I was all YES! IT EXISTS! I'M NOT CRAZY.

Last edited by Imaginary Ninja; 07-09-2009 at 07:49 PM. Reason: added validation for my sanity ;)
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Old 07-25-2009, 08:43 PM   #219
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Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
Well I always liked Jinx, I loved her appearance and liked how her powers were unique and more diverse then the simplistic trappings of Gizmo and Mammoth being only bound by brains and brawn. I felt bad because they rarely showed the trio only Gizmo who appeared on his own a lot and so Jinx was barely ever seen.

However once we got to see her more, more of personality and attitude became more apparent and I was able to like her more. She became a favorite of mine after the "Lightspeed" episode because the whole deal with Kid Flash trying to turn her good and exploiting her personality issues made her appear more in depth and deeper as a character and her appeal for me increased.
She is cute looking, I have to say. During the episode, it made me wonder how she'd ever put up with how DUMB Gizmo, Mammoth, Eye-Sore and Billy Numerous (in particular) can be. Although, I gotta laugh at Jinx's expression after she 'accidentally' destroyed her room while chasing Kid Flash.

Having just recently watched Season 1 of Avatar: The Last Airbender, I can now add Katara to my list of favourites. She's SUCH a caring girl. She's also smart and just a great sight to look at. I also love just how much she really cares for Aang. She's a really lovely girl, who's not afraid to fight.
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Old 07-28-2009, 08:19 AM   #220
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You know who I would say, Frankie. I love Frankie the same as Cass does. Together, we can share our love with Frankie and make us EXCITED.
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