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Old 09-07-2008, 03:28 PM   #71
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I figure this is more showing of Wilt's sense of practical humour; like we saw on Nightmare On Wilson Way, with the whole arm-gag thing. Just because Wilt is a nice guy, doesn't mean he's incapable of pulling something like this off.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:08 PM   #72
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Coco, yes. She'd totally do that. After all, she has suggested both killing Peanut Butter in "Room With a Feud" and beating Mr. Herriman with a baseball bat in "Let Your Hare Down", so it's been established that Coco has a "dark side".
But the thing is, neither Peanut Butter or Mr. H were exactly "innocent" in those instances, and they were irritating everyone. And Coco realized that. She does have a dark side, but I still can't see her wanting to tie up two innocent imaginary friends whom she hadn't even related with yet (or at least, not that the viewers saw).

As for Wilt, we can see he's clearly come up with a fun sense of humor and "fooling" people, as both episodes mentioned involve him pulling pranks on others. But again, tying up innocent imaginary friends, whom we don't even ever see him relate with beforehand, gagging them, making them stand there for however long it was... it's way too mean for something Wilt would do. He was pulling a prank on Bloo, but using and especially "abusing" innocent friends to do so is far from who he is.

I could see Bloo doing that to them, in his typical yet lovable self involvement. But knowing Wilt, Coco and Ed are the ones who did that still feels very out of character to me.
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Old 09-09-2008, 06:33 PM   #73
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Agreed. It didn't follow that way.

I also thought Herriman was a jerk to lock up Bloo, especially since he'd called it wrong there. Herriman himself deserved to be locked up.
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Old 09-10-2008, 02:11 AM   #74
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Originally Posted by Lynnie View Post
But the thing is, neither Peanut Butter or Mr. H were exactly "innocent" in those instances, and they were irritating everyone. And Coco realized that. She does have a dark side, but I still can't see her wanting to tie up two innocent imaginary friends whom she hadn't even related with yet (or at least, not that the viewers saw).

As for Wilt, we can see he's clearly come up with a fun sense of humor and "fooling" people, as both episodes mentioned involve him pulling pranks on others. But again, tying up innocent imaginary friends, whom we don't even ever see him relate with beforehand, gagging them, making them stand there for however long it was... it's way too mean for something Wilt would do. He was pulling a prank on Bloo, but using and especially "abusing" innocent friends to do so is far from who he is.

I could see Bloo doing that to them, in his typical yet lovable self involvement. But knowing Wilt, Coco and Ed are the ones who did that still feels very out of character to me.
Being irritating isn't exactly just cause to kill them, is it? Frit and Frat were also very irritating, so if being annoying were just cause to kill someone, then surely it justified at least tying someone up! Keep in mind that in "Eddie Monster", Wilt backhanded Bloo upside his head, and he actually tried to smack him in "PFN", but Bloo was so hyped up on coffee that he avoided it, so tying up Bloo's accomplices in order to get back at Bloo isn't outside of Wilt's established behavior. Given how stupid Frit and Frat were, Wilt probably was able to easily trick them into going along with that part of the plan, and they DID think it was fun, so it's not like he had to rough them up and do that against their will.

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Old 02-02-2009, 02:55 AM   #75
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Originally Posted by pitbulllady View Post
Being irritating isn't exactly just cause to kill them, is it? Frit and Frat were also very irritating, so if being annoying were just cause to kill someone, then surely it justified at least tying someone up! Keep in mind that in "Eddie Monster", Wilt backhanded Bloo upside his head, and he actually tried to smack him in "PFN", but Bloo was so hyped up on coffee that he avoided it, so tying up Bloo's accomplices in order to get back at Bloo isn't outside of Wilt's established behavior. Given how stupid Frit and Frat were, Wilt probably was able to easily trick them into going along with that part of the plan, and they DID think it was fun, so it's not like he had to rough them up and do that against their will.

I know this is a late response, but irritance is no excuse to justify tying someone up or hitting when they don't know any better, as was the case with Frit and Frat.
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Old 10-24-2009, 07:51 AM   #76
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I just saw this one- I enjoyed it. It wasn't the best episode I have ever seen-some distance from that- but it perhaps lacked something.

Mac is my favorite character, and whist I missed him a bit (and he only had a brief appearance in Mondo-Coco) I didn't mind him missing this one out. He has a much bigger role in the next two episodes (Bloo Tube and Race for Your Life) and they are full of classic Mac moments (and he's seen wearing different clothes, which his fans always like to see).

As everyone said, it would have been to hard to fit him into this story- do you some people think that the episode suffered without him? If he was in it, I'd imagine he would try to stop Bloo, but then his naughtier side would appear and he would join him in the pranking. But if that happened, I still don't think he would be necessary.

It is said that without Mac, Bloo would properly end up destroying the world. But here, everything he tried failed, so perhaps in this case the world was against him (if you know what I mean). I was predicting (and I don't mean wanting) a major mischief war, and the hotel would be in ruins. What actually happened was the exact opposite! Most real chaos was kept under control, and Bloo actually improved the hotel!

No sign of Madame Foster, maybe she was just hidden amongst the crowd on the bus.

I especially liked were Bloo accidentally made a replica of Coco during his tantrum in the cleaning cupboard. I also liked when he was explaining his plans to Frit and Frat. They were represented by two light bulbs and a deo- Wilt, Eduardo and Coco were a razor, a perfume bottle and a toilet brush!
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Old 07-30-2011, 07:18 PM   #77
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This episode was pretty funny. I liked Frit and Frat, since I have these two cats who remind me of them (my little brother LOVES these guys).

As for the ending...

Sad to see my poor boy was absent . Though my theory to why he wasn't in this episode was not just because they wouldn't be in town (I think), but also because he was sick (and couldn't come to the home by default).

Man, it's been ages since I last saw this episode. Last time was during the middle school in 2008, which was a really dark time of my life. . I do know, for a fact, that I recorded this episode on it's original airdate (and it works, I checked the tape right after I was done recording), so I should re-watch it.

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Old 12-04-2016, 11:52 PM   #78
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I really enjoyed this episode! I like the later half season episodes.
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