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Old 10-14-2007, 07:29 PM   #1
The Postmaster

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Default Sailor Moon

Originally Posted by Cassini90125 View Post
I'd start a Sailor Moon thread, but I think it would just be you, me, and an occasional post by a few other members.
Originally Posted by Mr. Marshmallow View Post
So? Support is support no matter how many or how few you have to back it up.
Good point.

So here's the long-overdue Sailor Moon thread. If I had to pick a favorite cartoon other than Foster's, this would be the one. It's well-written, with a good mix of drama, action, and more than a little comedy; the animation isn't half bad; the stories, be they single-episode tales or longer arcs, are engaging and sometimes thought-provoking; but the best part is, of course, the characters, who have real depth and dimension to them. They're a very likable group, very easy to get attached to. I first saw the show back in the 1990's, over ten years ago, but I've never forgotten it. As I've noted repeatedly in another thread, I've been watching it again on DVD. The first time around I only saw the first season and a few episodes from the second part of the second season, so a lot of this is new to me; I still have yet to meet any of the outer senshi and have only bits and pieces of info about the later stories. It's been tempting but I've avoided reading about it on Wikipedia; I assume there's some wonderful things coming up and I want to experience it all without any foreknowledge that might spoil the surprise.

Much has already been written about the Sailor Scouts themselves in the "Cartoon Crushes" thread, particularly about Sailor Jupiter, who is easily my favorite, although there's a special place in my heart for Sailor Mercury, too. As I said, they're a diverse, likable group, although I didn't get to know Sailor Venus very well before the show was yanked. Sailor Moon's constant crying often made me roll my eyes at first but eventually I came to know her as a very caring person who, like the title song says, would never turn her back on a friend. Sailor Mars' attitude perplexed me but it's just a part of her complex personality, as is her kinder, gentler side. Sailor Mercury, the brainy one, I liked her from the start; a little shy but very sweet, and very intelligent. Smart is a very attractive quality in my book. As for Sailor Jupiter, the word "wow" doesn't even begin to cover it. Frankie outshines her, but no one else does. And let's not forget Tuxedo Mask, the male lead, who has of late become something of a role-model for me, if only because I always wanted to be the dashing, romantic hero that makes everyone swoon. Don't we all? Of the villains the one I remember best is Nephrite, largely from his death scene, which I've already talked about elsewhere; it was a riveting moment, something you don't often see in cartoons (at least not American cartoons).

So anyway, yeah, I love this show and I am so enjoying seeing it again, and really looking forward to the episodes that I've never seen before. But I've rambled long enough here. How about the rest of you? What's your opinion of the show and it's characters? Who's your favorite Sailor Scout, and why? What was your favorite or least favorite episode? Tell us!

"Frankie! That weird kid is using a flower pot for a cup!"

Sailor Moon. Best Anime EVER.

Last edited by Cassini90125; 10-14-2007 at 07:29 PM. Reason: And that's #4000.
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