Hi there, my wonderful fellow friends of Foster's!
I've been a "lurker" for a while (sorry, is that ok?), loved what I was reading, and finally registered two days ago. You may have seen some of my posts already. I'm a
huge fan of Foster's, as well as many other cartoons. I'll be 30 this summer, but refuse to grow up. Mature....maybe. But grow up? Nope, no way, not gonna' happen!
I'm in the States, Seattle area, although I've lived all over the country. I love animals, and I own an 8 year old grey tabby cat named Joey, and a rare white betta fish I haven't officially named yet, but I call him "Fishy" for now. My other interests are history, particularly the Middle Ages, Victorian and Edwardian times. I also love costuming, and have many, many costumes for Halloween or other dress-up events, and Renaissance Faires. I also like ballet. I've written and illustrated two books (haven't tried publisheing them yet, and frankly, don't know if I want to). I also like dolls, and collecting cute miniature things for them and sewing clothes for them, especially Edwardian era. Yeah, I'm pretty much a girly girl.
Anyhoosen.... Thanks for letting me join! I'm sure I'm going to love it here, and will probably be staying for a while!